S. \V. PARR. - ACS Publications

is a reprint of Dr. -Angus Smith's report on the Incrustation in Eoilers near Manchester, England, first printed in 1839 and repeated here \\.it11 the...
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is a reprint of Dr. -Angus Smith‘s report on the Incrustation in Eoilers near Manchester, England, first printed i n 1839 and repeated here \\.it11 the chemical nomenclature in the old st!,le. S e a r l y one-half of the book is talieii up bvith a description of condensers. feed heaters and feed pumps, pp. 149-288. Fifty pages are devoted to a description of water softening apparatus common to England and the Continent. S o rimerican types are referred to. T h e book may iiot he \vithout interest to the engineer, but has little of value for the chemist.






Pittsburgh Filter Mfg. Co., 1906.

I n the preface, the author states that “the writer‘s principal desire is to present to others the ideas which make water purification more coniprehensible and simple to him.” Tt is possibly comprehensible that one ma!‘ dwell so persistently among the ions as to be able to make trutliidl!. such a statement as the one quoted, but to the ordinary individual. the descriptive matter of this little treatise \vi11 seem to give the rather simple problems of water purification a most terrific twist to bring them into the “scientific aspect” of the author. One example may be cited as illustrative of the general plan of “simplification.” T h e faiiiiliar reactioii of Prof. Clark for the softening of \ v a t u is put t h u s : “If an increase of a solid phase in contact with the system resulted in the increase in concentration of one of the ions, when the system \vas already saturated \vith respect to that ion, there would be a change. T h e point of saturatioii \\,auld be reached and the solid phase of the least soluble of the coniponents tvould separate out. This is \\-hat happens when lime is added to ;L. s!.stem containing the ions, carbanion (CO;;’’) , hydro-carbanion (HCO,’ ) and the calcion iCa”) and magnesium (Mg”j.” T h e author states that “all the salts are in a state of electrolytic dissociation . . . each chemical or group of elements exists as ions o r atoms with charges of either positive o r negative electricit!. he discusses as illustrations, hydrion, tliferrion, triferrion. etc., but does iiot say anything about silicon. ~Zllytliscussion of quantivalent reactions seems to be avoided. This would require distribution of ions in conformity with the every day conceptions of the compounds involved. T h e nearest approach is in the following paragraph taken from page 32. “Sulphanion can be almost completely reinoved by supplying barion . . . It is rendered non-scale forming hy supplying it with sodium o r potassium, but the resulting sulphates of sodium and potassium causes foaming.” It is difficult to determine \i.hether the last clause is a lapse o r a concession. I n general here is another illustration of a. fine system put to bad service. If the work is intended as a dissertation on physical chemistr)-. it lvould seem that an un-



fortunate topic illustrative of that subject had heen chosen. It can hardly be taken seriously as an elucidation of the facts pertaining to water softening, except in those parts where elaborate quotations (Thirteen pages) are made from Hand\-> Cairns, Fresenius, liennicott. Campbell, etc.

S.I\’’.PARR. FILTRATIOX AND ITS KEI,.4TION TO > I C S I C I l ’ A L HEALTH AND F. B. LEOPOI,D. 29 pp. Pittsburgli Filter Mfg. Co.



?’his pamphlet well illustrates the quotation made in the iiitroductioil that “It is better to fence the precipice at the top than wait with an ainbulance at the bottoin.” X brief review of the principal typhoid epidemics is given. Plyiiiouth. Pa., Graiid Forks, S.D., Ithaca, N.Y., Eutler, Pa., atid Columbus, 0.. together with very convincing evidence as to the efficiency of properly devised and conducted filtration plants. T h e increasing necessity for safe-guarding water supplies makes this brief disciission timely and valuable. s. M‘. P A R R . RECENT PUBLICATIONS. OF CHEMISTRY, being Lectures delivered at t h e ARRHEKIUS, SVANTE.THEORIES r n i w r s i t y of California, Edited hy T. Slater Price, Lonrlon : Longmans, Green 8r Co. 1907. 203 p. Svo. 5s.6tl. BERSCH, J. DIE ESSIGF.~DRIK.ATIOS. 5 , erweit. Xuflage. IT-ein ; 1907. gr. S 227 ss. 31. 3. B U T r E R F I E L D , \V. J . .A. CHE:1\IISTKY O F GAS h‘IAXUF.4CTvRE. 24th edition. YO]. I. London; 1907. Svo. 27s p. Ss. CORBIN, H. E. ASD STEWART, A. JI. HANDBOOK O F PHYSICS ASD CHE31ISTRY. 3rd edition. London ; 1907. 7s. FRITSCH. J . FARRICATIOS DES COLLESET GKLATINES. P a r i s ; 1907. h l . 3. GEORGIEVICS, G. V. L E H R B ~ CDER H F A R B E X C H E M I E j, -1uflage. \Vein ; 1907. gr. S. 4 1 4 ss. M. IO. HEKRICK, K. F. DESATUREDO R IXDUSTRIAL ALCOHOL. S e w York ; J. Wi!ey & Son. 1907. Svo. 512 p. $4.00. How-:, Jas. LXWIS. INORGASXC CHEMISTRY FOR SCHOOLS A X D COLLEGES. A second edition of “Inorganic Chemistry According to the Periodic Law,” by F. P. Venable and J . L. Howe. Easton, Pa. ; The Chemical Publishing Co., 1907. Sro. 309 p. $;,oo, KAI:FI.’MAS?(,H. ANOXGAKISCHE CHEXIE. Volkshochschulvortrage. Stuttgart : 1907. gr. S. 179 ss. M. 3,60. K O T H K E R , P. Atis D E R CHEMIE DHS C S G R E I F B A K E N . Ein Blick in die Werkstatten moderner Forschung. Osterwieck ; 190;. gr. 8 . 145 ss. hI. 2 . KRATZER,H. \ ~ . ~ S S E K G L A US N D IXFUSORIENERDE. deren Natur und Bedeutung f u r Industrie, Technik, und Gewerbe. 2, Auflage, neubearbeitet von I,.E. Andes. Wein ; 1907. gr. 8. 215 ss. hf. 3. LADESBCRG, . I . VORTRAGE CBER D I E ENTWICKLUSGSGESCHICHTE D E R CHEMIE V o x LAVOISIER BIS ZUR GEGENWART. 4 , vermehrte .4uflage. Braunschweig ; 1907. gr. S. 417 ss. Jf. 12. MEYER, T. DIE F A B R l n a T I o N vox S U L F A T U S D SALZSAURE. Halle ; 1907. gr. 8. 31. 3%40.