SAB to include "lookout panel" in risk redux - Environmental Science

May 30, 2012 - SAB to include "lookout panel" in risk redux. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1995, 29 (10), pp 447A–447A. DOI: 10.1021/es00010a731. Publica...
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shouldn't be limited to one program office," said Robert Bullard, chairman of the Environmental Justice Resource Center at Clark Atlanta University. OECA offers access to all program areas that would be required in a true environmental justice effort, he said. The only drawback is funding, Bullard pointed out. The House budget cut 51% of enforcement funding, and even if the Senate puts some back, it is unlikely that the funding will be adequate. The shift must be completed by Sept. 30, the deadline for all EPA reorganizations as set by Deputy Administrator Fred Hansen.

SAB to include "lookout panel" in risk redux To comply with a request from EPA Deputy Administrator Fred Hansen, the Science Advisory Board (SAB) Executive Committee will take another stab at risk rankings and establishing criteria to assess future risks. In updating its 1990 "Reducing Risk" report, SAB will try to develop a means of looking at risk criteria, not only to rank them but also to determine when current risks are no longer a priority, according to Ed Bender, an SAB staff member who is leading the effort. In this review, SAB also will be concerned with questions such as the role of economics in risk decision and valuations of ecosystems protection and improvements to human welfare. "We're trying to figure out how to place a monetary value on these things," Bender said. SAB began working on the project in mid-August, shortly after the July 25 executive committee meeting when the request was made. Bender emphasized, however, that SAB is only in the startup phase. At the same meeting, Hansen also asked SAB to act as a "lookout panel" to assist EPA in addressing future risks before they become crises. Bender is soliciting ideas on how to accomplish this, he said, and SAB may dedicate discussions on possible future risks at perhaps two executive committee meetings per year. Bender has discussed with Genevieve Matanoski, SAB executive committee chair, the possibility of merging the projects. "She is interested in putting the futures together with Fred Hansen's request to redo the risk project," he said.



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