Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc

Training Program in Basic Gas Chro- matography and Basic Infrared Spec- ... 5 Spring Garden Street/ Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. Area Code: 215/382-7800...
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New Books Four-Language Technical Dictionary of Chromatography. Hans-Peter Angele, Editor. Pergamon Press, inc.. Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, Ν. Υ. 10523. 1970. $13.50

This multilingual dictionary of chro­ matography serves as an essential sup­ plement to the technical dictionaries and reference works already in exis­ tence. I t contains some 3000 specialist terms in English, German, French, and Russian.

Perspectives in Structural Chemistry, Vol. 3. J . D. Dunitz and J . A. Ibers, Editors, ix + 259 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York, Ν. Υ. 10016. 1970. $14.95

Nearly all chemistry is in a sense structural chemistry, but the authors in this series have taken a more restrictive point of view and rather arbitrarily de­ fined structural chemistry as that part of chemistry which deals with the met­ ric aspects of structure. The articles presented in this volume include: "Crystallographic Shear and the Nio­ bium Oxides and Oxide Fluorides in the Composition Region M X „ 2.4 < χ < 2.7," by A. D. Wadsley and Sten An­ derson; "Molecular Crystals: Intermolecular Potentials and Equilibrium Structures," by R. Mason; "Structural Studies on Transition-Metal Complexes Containing σ-Bonded Carbon Atoms," by Melvyn R. Churchill; and "Stereo­ chemical Aspects of Organophosphorus Compounds," by J. J. Daly. This vol­ ume also contains an author index, as well as a cumulative subject index for Volumes I, II, and I I I . Dictionary of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. German/English. Vol. 1. Louis De Vries and Helga Kelb. vii + 708 pages. Verlag Chemie, GmBH, D-6940 Weinheim/Bergstr., Postfach 1 2 9 / 1 4 9 , Germany. 1970. DM 135

This German/English technical dic­ tionary has a comprehensive vocabulary of chemical and technical terms suitable for students of science, practicing sci­ entists, particularly chemists, and for engineers and technical translators. The areas of inorganic, organic, physi­ cal, pharmaceutical, and electrochem­ istry have been dealt with thoroughly, and many new terms have been listed. An alphabetical list of the chemical ele­ ments, a tabulation of German weights and measures, as well as a table and rules for temperature conversion and calculation, are given in the Appendix.

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SADTLER STAND­ ARD SPECTRA . . . Our origi­ nal problem-solver, the largest, most authoritative reference col­ lection available, complete with easy-to-use indices. And IRIS, a new IR information system for fast, economical computer search. AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS . .. New Training Program in Basic Gas Chro­ matography and Basic Infrared Spec­ troscopy. Technically validated, imme­ diately usable for classroom, lab or home study. ANALYTICAL SERVICES . . . Ex­ panded capabilities, standard techniques plus IR analysis by Fourier transform spectros­ copy and 24-hour NMR service. EDUCATION DIVISION . . . New series of practical lecture and lab courses in all phases of analytical and instrumental chemistry. The new Sadtler can be your most important scientific service. We'd like to tell you more. Call or write:


Research Laboratories, Inc.

Subsidiary of Block Engineering, Inc. 3316 Spring Garden Street/Philadelphia, Area Code: 215/382-7800

Pa. 19104