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Nov 5, 2010 - Fire Protection, Engineering Scholarships Awarded Sixteen four-year scholarships in fire protection engineering at Illinois Institute of...
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S A F E T Ï FORUM Fire Protection, Engineering Scholarships A w a r d e d Sixteen four-year scholarships in fire protection engineering at Illinois Institute of Technology- have been awarded by the Stock Fire Insurance companies through the Western Actuarial Bureau. Winners were selected on the basis or' competitive examinations,, high school record, per­ sonality, and character of t h e applicant. Each award provides payment of tui­ tion and other fees for t h e regular fouryear course at Illinois Tech, believed to be the only college o r university in the coun­ try offering a degree in fire protection and safety engineering. Dttring t h e summer vacations, the ac­ tuarial b u r e a u assigns each scholarship student t o a position with one of its mid­ west inspection bureaus. After graduation, the student goes on the full-time payroll with the same sponsoring firm. Those awarded scholarships a r e : j . E. Barman, j r . , St. Louis; \V. E. Hall, Chie-ago: \V. R. Johnson, Port Clinton, Ohio. J. H. Knight, Paducah, Ky.; J. A. Lagernaru Quincy. 111.; M. M. Mattern, Chicrago; V. J. Miles, Cincinnati; T. F. Momssey. Chicago; C. A. Munson, Minne­ apolis. j . R. O'Neill, Elmhurst, 111.; R. E. Schonennan, Chicago; Albert Smith, Lom­ bard. III.; K. IL Solomon, Bloomington, HL; R. \ V . Valovic. Chicago; C. B. Wright, Dayton, Ohio; a n d C. J. Zink, Ada, Ohio. D a t a O R S a f e t y Equipment T h e 1950 issue of "Everything in Safety." a catalog of personal protective equipment a n d industrial safety devices, has been released by the General Scientific EtfCEÊpEiient C o .

This n e w catalog covers respiratory devices, e y e protection, hats, gloves, carboy pumps, d r a m p u m p s , a n d miscellaneous indtistrial safety equipment for use in industries, mines, utilities, and farms. It is 46 pages T folly illustrated, and includes a price list. A copy will be sent free on reefuest to the company at 2700 Huntingdon St.. Philadelphia 3 2 , ' P a . Explosion H a z a r d Told A Chicago laboratory experienced a serioos explosion while engaged in the preparation of 2,4-dinitrofIuorobenzene fronrs 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene. Β . D. H a l p e m writes to warn of the hazard. T h e explosion, h e states, occurred dining t h e distillation of t h e 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzerie residue at 1-mm. pressure. Eye S a f e t y A revised issue of the " A O Eye Safety Guide" listing eye-hazardous occupations and the recommended e y e protection for specific industrial eye hazards has been CHEMICAL

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prepared by American Optical Co., Southbridge, Mass. Completely illustrated, the guide con­ tains a summary of recommendations made by the safety engineering service bureau of AO for eye-hazardous jobs throughout many industries. It indicates where eye hazards are most common and t h e types of protective devices necessary. Free copies may be obtained from American Optical Co. branches. Dry Chemical Extinguisher A four-pound dry chemical fire extin­ guisher with a rubber hose is n o w on the market. It was introduced b y Ansul Chemical Co., w h o claim ease of opera­ tion, flexibility in fighting overhead and ground-level fires, and maximum ex­ tinguishing effectiveness for inexperienced operators. Discharge time has been increased on this model, to give untrained personnel more time to extinguish t h e fire. Operating range of the extinguisher is 12 to 15 feet. It has received a B2, C2 rating from Underwriters' Laboratories. Dry chemical is ejected through a selfclosing nozzle which produces the fanshaped stream pattern characteristic of Ansul hand extinguishers. T h e extin­ guisher is pressurized by a 1.5-ounce car­ bon dioxide cylinder in t h e dry chemical chamber. Addition of t h e self-closing nozzle makes the n e w unit weathertight. Capacity is four pounds of dry chemi­ cal. When fully charged, t h e unit weighs 10.5 pounds. Bracket and shipping con­ tainer increase t h e weight to 13.5 pounds. Each unit is subjected to 600 p.s.i. hydro­ static test. S 1 Interlock Receptacle w i t h Automatic C i r c u i t Breaker An interlock receptacle for hazardous locations has been developed b y Panellit, Inc., with many safety features until n o w available only in explosionproof equip­ ment. The new receptacle incorporates a posi­ tive safety c a m lever which locks cord caps securely in t h e receptacle. This makes it impossible to remove t h e cord while current is on. A flip of t h e lever breaks the circuit while allowing plugs to b e removed from the sockets. Standard flush type single or duplex receptacles, fitting any conventional cord cap, are used. T h e unit is designed to allow flexi­ bility of cord extensions. T h e receptacle is available in capacities u p to 20 am­ peres. S 2 AND