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S A F E T Ï FORUM Fire Protection, Engineering Scholarships A w a r d e d Sixteen four-year scholarships in fire protection engineering at Illinois Institute of Technology- have been awarded by the Stock Fire Insurance companies through the Western Actuarial Bureau. Winners were selected on the basis or' competitive examinations,, high school record, per sonality, and character of t h e applicant. Each award provides payment of tui tion and other fees for t h e regular fouryear course at Illinois Tech, believed to be the only college o r university in the coun try offering a degree in fire protection and safety engineering. Dttring t h e summer vacations, the ac tuarial b u r e a u assigns each scholarship student t o a position with one of its mid west inspection bureaus. After graduation, the student goes on the full-time payroll with the same sponsoring firm. Those awarded scholarships a r e : j . E. Barman, j r . , St. Louis; \V. E. Hall, Chie-ago: \V. R. Johnson, Port Clinton, Ohio. J. H. Knight, Paducah, Ky.; J. A. Lagernaru Quincy. 111.; M. M. Mattern, Chicrago; V. J. Miles, Cincinnati; T. F. Momssey. Chicago; C. A. Munson, Minne apolis. j . R. O'Neill, Elmhurst, 111.; R. E. Schonennan, Chicago; Albert Smith, Lom bard. III.; K. IL Solomon, Bloomington, HL; R. \ V . Valovic. Chicago; C. B. Wright, Dayton, Ohio; a n d C. J. Zink, Ada, Ohio. D a t a O R S a f e t y Equipment T h e 1950 issue of "Everything in Safety." a catalog of personal protective equipment a n d industrial safety devices, has been released by the General Scientific EtfCEÊpEiient C o .
This n e w catalog covers respiratory devices, e y e protection, hats, gloves, carboy pumps, d r a m p u m p s , a n d miscellaneous indtistrial safety equipment for use in industries, mines, utilities, and farms. It is 46 pages T folly illustrated, and includes a price list. A copy will be sent free on reefuest to the company at 2700 Huntingdon St.. Philadelphia 3 2 , ' P a . Explosion H a z a r d Told A Chicago laboratory experienced a serioos explosion while engaged in the preparation of 2,4-dinitrofIuorobenzene fronrs 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene. Β . D. H a l p e m writes to warn of the hazard. T h e explosion, h e states, occurred dining t h e distillation of t h e 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzerie residue at 1-mm. pressure. Eye S a f e t y A revised issue of the " A O Eye Safety Guide" listing eye-hazardous occupations and the recommended e y e protection for specific industrial eye hazards has been CHEMICAL
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prepared by American Optical Co., Southbridge, Mass. Completely illustrated, the guide con tains a summary of recommendations made by the safety engineering service bureau of AO for eye-hazardous jobs throughout many industries. It indicates where eye hazards are most common and t h e types of protective devices necessary. Free copies may be obtained from American Optical Co. branches. Dry Chemical Extinguisher A four-pound dry chemical fire extin guisher with a rubber hose is n o w on the market. It was introduced b y Ansul Chemical Co., w h o claim ease of opera tion, flexibility in fighting overhead and ground-level fires, and maximum ex tinguishing effectiveness for inexperienced operators. Discharge time has been increased on this model, to give untrained personnel more time to extinguish t h e fire. Operating range of the extinguisher is 12 to 15 feet. It has received a B2, C2 rating from Underwriters' Laboratories. Dry chemical is ejected through a selfclosing nozzle which produces the fanshaped stream pattern characteristic of Ansul hand extinguishers. T h e extin guisher is pressurized by a 1.5-ounce car bon dioxide cylinder in t h e dry chemical chamber. Addition of t h e self-closing nozzle makes the n e w unit weathertight. Capacity is four pounds of dry chemi cal. When fully charged, t h e unit weighs 10.5 pounds. Bracket and shipping con tainer increase t h e weight to 13.5 pounds. Each unit is subjected to 600 p.s.i. hydro static test. S 1 Interlock Receptacle w i t h Automatic C i r c u i t Breaker An interlock receptacle for hazardous locations has been developed b y Panellit, Inc., with many safety features until n o w available only in explosionproof equip ment. The new receptacle incorporates a posi tive safety c a m lever which locks cord caps securely in t h e receptacle. This makes it impossible to remove t h e cord while current is on. A flip of t h e lever breaks the circuit while allowing plugs to b e removed from the sockets. Standard flush type single or duplex receptacles, fitting any conventional cord cap, are used. T h e unit is designed to allow flexi bility of cord extensions. T h e receptacle is available in capacities u p to 20 am peres. S 2 AND