Salt-free neutralization with Amberlite Ion Exchange Resins - C&EN

Nov 5, 2010 - Salt-free neutralization with Amberlite Ion Exchange Resins. Chem. ... Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a co...
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Salt-free neutralization with Amberlite Ion Exchange Resins A major problem in the neutralization of very dilute acid contaminants (up to 2,000 ppm) by ordinaiy methods is the formation of equally objectionable salts. However, complete and rapid removal of unwanted acids can be effected, in many cases, by passing the acidic material through a bed of the anion exchange resin, AMBERLITE IR-4B. Simplicity and effectiveness of AMBERLITE IR-4B in deacidification suggest its consideration in treatment of organic solvents, removal of contaminants from foodstuffs and pharmaceuticals, adsorption of acids which inhibit polymerization, and removal of acid catalysts from reaction mixtures. For special chemical processes . . . for softening or complete deionization of water... investigate the AMBERLITES. Our staff will be glad to discuss possible uses.

A Starting point for your Amberlite thinking Our"Laboratory Manual on the AMBERLITES" will suggest to yon many interesting applications of these Ion Exchange Resins in your industry. For your copy of this manual, address The Resinous Products & Chemical Co., Dept. CE-6, Washington Sq.9 Philadelphia 5 , Pa.

AMBERLITE is a trade-mark, Reg. U.S. Pat.
