Sample Application

Love Canal, but this was confined to. Laboratory A. Laboratory B. Figure 1. Statistical control charts show recovery of surrogate fluorobenzene by lab...
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Focus tract laboratories hired to perform the analyses complicated the problem, ac­ cording to Budde, "because we had to maintain some standards of precision, accuracy, and detection limits, not just from one laboratory but from sev­ eral." The contractor laboratories se­ lected had all done well in analyses of performance samples supplied by EPA. Study Conclusions The EPA study concluded that there was a consistent pattern of con­

tamination in the area immediately adjacent to the canal. This was hardly a big surprise: "Everybody knew that was going to be the case," said Budde. The remedial measures taken by EPA and New York State were effective in confining contaminants to the canal area, EPA concluded, and the envi­ ronmental quality of the declaration area was comparable to other cities in the U.S. and control sites in Niagara Falls. There was some contamination of the declaration area attributable to Love Canal, but this was confined to

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Figure 1. Statistical control charts show recovery of surrogate fluorobenzene by laboratories A and Β Each point represents a sample analysis. The line in each chart at ~ 1 0 0 % recovery represents the mean; dashed and solid lines above and below the mean are two different statistical control limits. Days are unevenly spaced since the number of samples measured on a particular day varied

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