Sample PPG's Hi-Sil®T-600. It could reduce your thickening costs up

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Sample PPG s Hi-Sil®T-600. It could reduce your thickening costs up to 75%. One test sample will s h o w if y o u can t u r e , o r call ( 4 1 2 ) 4 3 4 - 3 9 6 4 . Chemicals G r o u p , One Gateway save by s w i t c h i n g t o Hi- SiP T - 6 0 0 , Hi-Sil T - 6 0 0 : The stiff c o m p e t i t i o n Center, Pittsburgh, PA 1 5 2 2 2 . PPG's thickening and thixotropic in thickeners. PPG Industries, Inc., PPG: a Concern for the Future agent. The savings can be significant. Hi-Sil T - 6 0 0 , an a m o r p h o u s synthetic • Send me the free sample. silica p r o d u c e d f r o m s o d i u m silicate, Π Have a representative deliver my free sample. costs about one-fourth as m u c h as f u m e d silicas. A n d while efficiency can My application is (check one): vary widely depending o n t h e c o m p o ­ Π Paint Π Resin Π Lubricant sition t o be thickened, y o u may be one Π Adhesive Π Cosmetic Π Caulk of the m a n y that can save—even if Π Plastisol Π Ink Π Other (specify) _ y o u have t o use m o r e thickener. Try it and see. Hi-Sil T - 6 0 0 c o u l d be Name. a cost-effective replacement in y o u r Title _ applications. Use it in paints, inks, Company cosmetics, adhesives, caulks, plastiStreet sols, lubricants or resins. You c o n t r o l (No delivery to P.O. Box numbers) viscosity and get excellent thixotropic, City_ antisag and antisettling properties. State. Zip A n d y o u m i g h t reduce costs at t h e Chemicals S PPG Industries, Inc. same time. Fill o u t the c o u p o n n o w . Chemicals Group We'll rush y o u the Hi-Sil T - 6 0 0 One Gateway Center sample, price information and litera­ Pittsburgh, PA 15222 INDUSTRIES

Free Hi-Sil T-600 test sample.