SANS Investigation of Global and Segmental Structures of Hyperbranched Aliphatic−Aromatic Polyesters W. Burchard,*,† A. Khalyavina,‡ P. Lindner,§ R. Schweins,§ P. Friedel,‡ M. Wiemann,⊥ and A. Lederer*,‡ †
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, University of Freiburg, Stefan-Meier-Strasse 31a, 79104 Freiburg, Germany Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research, Hohe Strasse 6, D-1069 Dresden, Germany § Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), 6 rue Jules Horowitz, F-38042 Grenoble, France ⊥ Insitute of Physical Chemistry, University of Freiburg, Stefan-Meier-Strasse 31a, 70104 Freiburg. Germany ‡
ABSTRACT: SANS measurements in THF-d6 were carried out at the D11 instrument at ILL, Grenoble with two aliphatic aromatic hyper-branched (hb) samples with nearly the same degree of polymerization (DP ≈ 90), containing hydroxyl (OH) and silyl-ether (SY) terminal groups. The choice of a large region of momentum transfer q permitted probing the global shape and the local structure. The scattering of both samples showed pronounced concentration dependence. Using Zimm’s well-known scattering equation the true size and shape of the macromolecules at finite concentration were derived. Agreement of the data and curves at finite concentration with those at c = 0 was obtained. The scattering curves were analyzed on the basis of the Sinha et al.’s refinement of fractals. Complete agreement with the experimental scattering curves was achieved. The apparent anomalous behavior at very large qvalues was shown to arise from the monomer and segmental contributions. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of an uniform hb sample (DP 35) revealed the monomer contribution in agreement with the experiment. The discrepancy of the experimental curve at small q-values is shown to arise from the broad molar mass distribution. When Flory’s molar mass distribution was combined with the MD simulation data, the experimental results were described well.
INTRODUCTION Hyperbranched (hb) polymers are nowadays not only of academic interest but are rapidly being commercialized especially as additives. They possess dendritic structures leading to special features as for instance globular shape and extremely large number of end-functionalities.1 Still, improvement of the properties by change in the reaction mechanism would be a welcomed feature. In order to establish a reliable correlation between the chemical structure and the bulk properties, a detailed knowledge of the internal molecular parameters is imperative. Determination of size and shape of these molecules will give valuable insight into the molecular geometry and segmental order. Such a study will be a first step to the understanding of the material properties, and it will give rise to new ideas for tuning the properties by molecular design. A straightforward procedure has been very successful in the field of dendrimers, where stepwise controlled synthesis led to uniform macromolecules, identical in size and a well-defined branching topology for every single molecule. In contrast, hb polymers are fairly easily synthesized, but they are challenging when it comes to their specific characterization. Difficulties arise from the statistical nature of this poly-reaction, which is not fully random but follows a stringent chemical constraint due to the existence of the focal end group A, which can only react with one of the (two or f ≥ 2) counter-functional groups B, but not with itself. In Flory’s nomenclature,2 the hb samples are denoted as ABf polymers.3 © 2012 American Chemical Society
An essential feature of random statistics in polymer reactions is the formation of a broad molar mass distribution which is significantly reduced by the mentioned constraint of hyperbranching reaction.2 It is still too broad in view of industrial application. Furthermore, the statistical nature includes a not yet fully explored isomer distribution, i.e. samples of the same molar mass still vary in their degree of branching and the sequence of linear and dendritic repeat units, and in the amount of terminal groups. The, perhaps unrealistic, desire is the preparation of homogeneously branched species with a narrow isomer distribution, i.e., the different molecules in the ensemble should be very similar in the sequence of linear and dendritic repeat units. The present contribution is part of a comprehensive project in which new techniques are developed to find the requirements for the desired efficiency of suitable utility. A first approach was already achieved by increasing the amount of linear elements, still keeping the hb-structural characteristics. It was possible to prepare hb samples with degree of branching (DB) varied between 0% and 50%.4 A detailed characterization of the macromolecules was already made by static and dynamic light scattering (SLS and DLS) and viscosity measurements and by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) in combination with a multiangle laser light scattering (MALLS) and an online Received: January 5, 2012 Revised: March 6, 2012 Published: March 20, 2012 3177 | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 3177−3187
detection of SANS intensities offering improved new possibilities of very accurate detection over the large q region.20 Another aspect may be worth mentioning. Dendrimers were found to develop a marked structure factor S(q) at moderately concentrated solutions, similar to hard sphere behavior as it was detected by Prosa et al.21 This observation gives rise to the question whether similar colloidal properties, though weaker, may be obtained with hyperbranched samples of high segment density. This point appears of interest in the application of hb polymers, since the high amount of terminal functional groups may have a favored influence on significant properties, i.e., on film formation. In this study, we focused our investigations onto welldefined, statistically branched aromatic−aliphatic polyesters (Scheme 1).4
viscosity detection. However, the radius of gyration could not be measured, since the size of the particles was below the detection limit of SLS, namely a particle diameter smaller than λ/20. Therefore, small angle neutron scattering (SANS) was chosen as the suitable method to close the gap of information. The wavelength of cold neutrons in SANS provides us with the valuable additional information on the shape of the macromolecules, and it will give us insight into the segmental arrangement. In contrast to microscopy the shape of the particles is not directly seen but appears in a Fourier-transformed reciprocal space. The development of theories with special model structures proved to be considerably simpler than in the Euclidean space. Finally, inversed Fourier transformation leads back to real space, and a radial distance distribution between the various scattering centers in the particles is obtained, a result that cannot be obtained by microscopy. Pioneering work on hb-macromolecules was made by Flory in 1952,3 who, on the basis of probability theory, derived the molar mass distribution w(x), the number and weight averages of the molar mass (Mn and Mw) and the corresponding polydispersity index PDI = Mw/Mn. His motivation was to develop an appropriate theory for the Meyer model5 for branched amylopectin. This natural polymer, indeed, is a hyperbranched polymer with a degree of branching (DB) of about 4−5% but extremely high molar mass. More recent research realized that the enzymatic synthesis led to a far more complex structure6 and Flory’s results remained disregarded for a longer period of time. In the past 15 years several hb samples could now be synthesized corresponding to the Flory’s model.3,7−11 Then, 20 years after Flory’s work, the theory on hb polymers was extended to the calculation of the static12 and dynamic light scattering13 by using a new technique that was introduced by Gordon14 in 1962 to polymer science. The corresponding model described the unperturbed conformations (i.e., by Gaussian statistics) and was not accepted as a realistic description.15 Further development was made 1984 by Sinha et al,16 who included the excluded volume effect of the segments, and via the conception of fractals he succeeded to describe the corresponding angular dependence of randomly branched samples. The same method can be applied to the hb polymers, but now the knowledge of the unperturbed scattering behavior is required as a basis for this treatment. This will be demonstrated in the course of this paper. SANS and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) were applied earlier to a few types of hb polymers. Analysis of different molar masses of hb polyesters was made by De Luca et al.,17 with polyglycerols by Garamus et al.18 and polyester amides by Geladé et al.19 All these studies revealed similar behavior and gave the desired information on the dimensions of the radius of gyration for the hb structures, but the analysis was limited to relatively small values of the momentum transfer q= (4π/ λ)sin(θ/2). The authors failed to give a satisfying description of the experimental curve since it was based on unperturbed conformations. The present study is a successful attempt to quantitatively describe the scattering curve in the full q-range, up to q = 0.5 Å−1. This includes the scattering from the local structure, which concerns mainly the monomer repeat unit. This local structure was found to have a pronounced influence on the scattering behavior of small hb polymers, which has been much underestimated in the literature. Our analysis led to a better outcome due to the significant improvement in the
Scheme 1. Chemical Structure of the Hyperbranched Polymers with Different End Functionalities
These hyperbranched polymers were synthesized by polycondensation in solution leading to a significantly reduced polydispersity in comparison to their synthesis in melt.22 A degree of branching of 50%, according to the definition of Frey,23 was confirmed for the two investigated samples.
THEORY In the present project on hyperbranched samples the results from static light scattering (SLS) and small angle neutron scattering (SANS) are combined.24 The evaluation of data is largely the same in both techniques. A detailed comparison of these two different techniques is given in ref 25. Nonetheless, the outline of a few corresponding features may be helpful, and they are recalled here. Some Basic Comments on the Scattering Equation. In both methods intensities are recorded, in SLS these intensities are related to visible light or number of photons, in SANS it is the number of neutrons. In light scattering, the intensity can be expressed by the Rayleigh ratio Rθ =
I(q) 2 r I0
where θ is the scattering angle and r is the distance of the detector from the scattering samples, I(q) is the scattering intensity in arbitrary units which is compared to the scattering intensity I0 of the primary beam of light or neutrons. The qparameter depends on the scattering angle θ and is defined as q= 3178
⎛ 4πn0 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ sin(θ /2) ⎝ λ ⎠
(2) | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 3177−3187
dependent factor P(q,c), also called formfactor, is the scattering intensity normalized at the angle θ = 0 (or q = 0).
and is denoted as the magnitude of the scattering vector, but in SANS it is more frequently called the momentum transfer of the neutrons caused by the scattering. λ is the wavelength of visible light or that of neutrons. n0 is the refractive index of the solvent used, which in neutron scattering is unity. The scattering intensity from samples dissolved in a solvent is related to the particle volume or, equivalently, to the molar mass of the particle. The former result is obtained if the volume fraction of the dissolved sample is used, and the molar mass is obtained if the weight concentration c in mg/mL is used. Using the weight concentration c, the scattering intensity can be expressed by the Debye equation ⎛ ∂c ⎞ Rθ = RT ⎜ ⎟ P(q , c) ⎝ ∂π ⎠ p , T Kc
1 ⎛⎜ ∂π ⎞⎟ Kc = ⎝ ⎠ RT ∂c p , T R θ= 0(c) 1 + 2A2c + 3A3c 2 + ... Mw 1 ≡ Mapp(c) =
Mw = (1 + 2A2Mw + 3A3Mw c 2 + ...) Mapp(c)
Mw ⎛ ∂π ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ RT ⎝ ∂c ⎠ p , T
includes all types of interparticle interactions though the analytic function is mostly not known. We wish to call attention to the notations Mw =Mapp(c = 0), and Mapp(c) is a measurable quantity (see eq 3a). Correlation between the Particle Scattering Factor P(q), the Radial Distance Distribution, and Fractal Behavior. The particle scattering factor is a function of q which has a dimension of 1/length. A return to r in space is achieved by the Fourier transform
∑ bi i
which also defines the apparent molar mass Mapp(c) at finite concentration c. Thus
and requires separate measurement of the refractive index increment ∂n/∂c, NA is Avogadro’s number. In SANS the scattering intensity is governed by the scattering length density which have distinct values for each atomic species. The corresponding equation for the contrast factor is given by King26 and by Higgins and Benoit25 and is defined by the equations (Δρ)2 = (ρpol − ρsol)2
It always approaches the value 1 at the forward scattering direction, i.e., at θ = 0. The particle scattering factor is not solely an angular dependent function but also depends on the concentration. In two consecutive subsections, we will separately consider the thermodynamic contribution and the structure dependent angular distribution of the scattered light. Molar Mass and Interparticle Interactions. Equation 3 requires the knowledge of the osmotic compressibility which is known in theory only for some special examples, e.g., hard spheres and to some extent also for cylindrical structures and now flexible coils in a good solvent.28−30 However, in most cases, an analytical expression of concentration dependence is not required since only fairly diluted concentrations are applied. In such cases, the osmotic pressure can be expanded in a virial series. Inserting this virial series into eq 3 one obtains a rather inconvenient evaluation equation. Following a suggestion of Debye the reciprocal of eq 3 leads to the more convenient
where K is a contrast factor which is differently defined in SLS and in SANS. π is the osmotic pressure and RT (∂c/∂π)p,T is the osmotic compressibility. This thermodynamic quantity occurs since it is related to the thermally induced concentration fluctuations which had to be averaged by a thermodynamic partition function. The scattering intensity is dominated by the magnitude of concentration fluctuations, and these fluctuations are increasingly suppressed by the osmotic pressure when locally the concentration is increased. The osmotic compressibility describes the interparticle interactions which in turn depend on the thermodynamic quality of the used solvent and have a significant concentration dependence. This fact has a large influence on the scattering data from the samples in the present study. The absolute scattering intensity depends decisively on the contrast factor K. In light scattering this factor is 2 4π 2 ⎛ ∂n ⎞ K = 4 ⎜n 0 ⎟ λ N ⎝ ∂c ⎠
R θ(q , c) R θ= 0
Papp(q , c) ≡
where δ is the bulk-density of the sample and NA Avogadro’s number, M is the molar mass of the particle and the bi are the scattering lengths for the various atoms in the monomer repeat unit. We determined the contrast factor from eq 6. The SANS scattering intensities are calibrated by the known absolute value of water, and cross-checked with the results from polymer standards.27 Still slight systematic errors are inevitable when measurements were made using different instruments. To get consistent results, we used the molar mass as determined by LS. The scattering intensity has an angular dependence which arises from interferences of scattered rays originating from different scattering points in the particle. The influence of these interferences becomes markedly strong when the particle dimensions are at order of the wavelength. The angular
sin(qr ) 2 q d q = g (r )r 2 d r qr
where free rotation of the particles is assumed. g(r) is the radial distance correlation function. The angled bracket ⟨...⟩ indicates the average over all distance fluctuations. The advantage of the radial distribution function becomes clear when excluded volume interactions between segments in a particle are taken into account. This may be elucidated by the familiar example of polydisperse random coils which was derived by Zimm31 Plincoil(q) = 3179
1 1 + q 2R g 2
(10) | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 3177−3187
The Fourier transform gives the radial distance distribution
Table 1. Molecular Parameters of the Hyper-Branched Samples OH-50 and SY-50 in THF-d6
of glincoil (r ) = A
exp( −r /ξ) r
Mw Rg A2
in which ξ is a correlation length. This radial correlation function holds for structures with a fractal dimension of df =2 which is characteristic of linear random coils. De Gennes32 expanded this correlation function to f ractals with fractal dimensions between 1 < df < 3 g d (r ) = A
A3 c* Mmonoa chemical formula of the monomer DP scattering length density density contrast factor
exp( −r /ξ)
r 3 − df
Sinha et al. noticed that the Fourier transformation of this function can be performed analytically and obtained Pfractal(q) =
sin[(df − 1)a tan(qξ)] qξ(1 + q2 ξ2)(df − 1)/2
This function was shown to excellently describe the scattering behavior of polydisperse flexible chains as well as randomly branched clusters in good solvents. It also was successfully applied to aggregates with fractal dimension up to df ≈ 3.33,34 The correlation length ξ is related to the radius of gyration Rg which is ξ2 =
2 Rg 2 df (df + 1)
29200 g/mol 65.4 Å 6.54 × 10−4 mol cm3/g2 17.3 × 10−3 mol cm3/g3 52.4 mg/cm3 382 g/mL C23H30O3Si
96 175 × 1010 cm−2 1.103 g/cm3 35.05 × 10−4 cm3 mol/g2
85 1.02 × 1010 cm−2 1.011 g/cm3 47.02 × 10−4 cm3 mol/g2
Mmono = 268 g/mol is based on the linear repeat unit in the polymer.
lengths and the calculated contrast factor (Δρ)2 of the samples in THF-d6 as solvent.24 MD Simulation. The molecular dynamic simulations were performed applying the software package GROMACS, version The system type was chosen as an NpT ensemble with a constant pressure of 101.3 kPa and a constant temperature of 298 K as the thermodynamic standard state applying the Berendsen coupling method.36 The used force field was G43B1, the cutoff radii for all the nonbonding interactions, i.e., the van der Waals and the Coulomb interactions was set to 1.8 nm and the dielectric constant εr to 1.0. The atomic charges of the solvent THF and the monomer unit were calculated by an ab initio quantum mechanical optimization method with the software package GAMESS37 using the basis set 6-31G. The monomer unit of 4,4-bis(4′-hydroxyphenyl)pentanoic acid (OH) was applied to build the model for the hyperbranched polymer OH-50 with DP = 35. Similar to the real synthetic procedure this model was modified by exchanging the protons of the L and T standing hydroxyl group by tert-butyl dimethyl silyl groups (Scheme 1). The corresponding two polymers OH-50 and SY-50 were dissolved in THF solvent in order to receive a dilute polymer solution system. These two systems were energetically minimized by a steepest descent method and relaxed to the thermodynamic standard state of 298 K and 1 atm afterward including a 1000 ps simulation time period for the evaluation of the time average ensemble of the relaxed state. The structure factor P(q) was calculated by means of atomic coordinates taken from the last frame at the end of the simulation with respect to the atomic form factors. SANS. Measurements were carried out at the D11-instrument of the ILL in Grenoble with a wavelength of 6 Å and at two detector distances of 8 and 1.2 m. The selected detector distances covered a broad q-range from 0.0083 to 0.0824 Å−1 (at 8 m) and 0.06−0.514 Å−1 (at 1.2 m) with a good overlap of the two q-regimes. Figure 1 shows the q-dependencies of the scattering intensities I(q) from the two samples for five concentrations of approximately 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5% (the correct concentrations are given in the Table 2). The scattering intensities are normalized with a standard water measurement after the required transmission measurements have been carried out. The solvent THF-d6 was separately measured, normalized and then subtracted from the solution data. The experimental errors were very small and are smaller than the size of the used symbols.20a
We will make use of eq 13 and 14 later in the discussion of our data.
25600 g/mol 87.5 Å 7.87 × 10−4 mol cm3/g2 9.90 × 10−3 mol cm3/g3 49.6 mg/cm3 268 g/mol C17H18O4
Sample Preparation. Two hyperbranched (hb) samples of about the same degree of polymerization (DP ≈ 90) were selected for a detailed SANS study, one with terminal OH-groups (denoted as OH50), the other with tert-butyldimethylsilyl ether derivatized end groups (SY-50). The DP ≈ 90 was considered large enough to have reached the limiting degree of branching DB = 50% for a hb-polymer.22 The hb polymers were polyesters and are based on monomer AB2 repeat units of 4,4-bis(4′-hydroxyphenyl)pentanoic acid. The chemical structure is shown in Scheme 1. The OH-terminated hb polyester OH-50 was synthesized by a procedure described in detail by Schallausky et al.22 The modification of OH-50 resulting in SY-50 was described by Khalyavina et al.4 The details of the synthesis will be not repeated here. Approximately a 100% modification was achieved. The corresponding polyreaction and modification are outlined in Scheme 2.
Scheme 2. Schematical Representation of the Synthesis of OH-50 and SY-504
The molecular parameters of the two samples selected for SANS are given in Table 1. The molar mass was determined by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) in online combination with multiangle laser light scattering (MALLS) detection. Corresponding to the larger molar mass of the SY-50 repeat unit the Mw of the hb-sample is higher than that of the OH-50 sample, but the DP is about 10% lower. The lower DP of SY-50 originated from the required purification for the SY-sample. Table 1 also contains the data of the polymer densities, the chemical formula of the repeat units, the corresponding scattering 3180 | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 3177−3187
2-fold dependence of the scattering function well apparent. The original Zimm equation is an approximation in which only the first term in the power representation of q2 is taken into account. Mostly only the second virial coefficient is considered. Zimm suggested a special plot of the scattering data where Kc/ R(q,c) is plotted against q2 + kc, with k is an arbitrarily chosen constant which shifts the various concentration curves to the right of the q2 axis. This maneuver elucidates the special q2 dependencies at the various concentrations. The limiting curve at q2 = 0, obtained after extrapolation of q2 → 0, is of special interest as it represents the concentration dependence of the apparent reciprocal molar mass 1/Mapp(c), see eq 8. It contains the influence of the second and third osmotic virial coefficients of the dissolved sample. Both, the q2 and c dependencies are not linear, and the radius of gyration ⟨Rg2⟩1/2 Rg has to be found using the initial tangent to the curves. The scattering data often display an upturn curvature in the q2 dependence, and in such cases Berry38 suggested a plot of the root, (Kc/R(q,c))1/2, against q2 + kc, which often leads to a linear q2 dependence. Figure 2a shows the Zimm plot for the OH-50 sample but a Berry plot for the SY-50 sample (Figure 2b). The data of Mw, Rg(c) and the two virial coefficients A2 and A3 are collected in Table 1. Interparticle Interaction. The magnitude of the second osmotic virial coefficient is mostly used as a measure of the solvent quality. Accordingly, the THF-d6 would be a better solvent for OH-50 than for SY-50 and this holds true even when the slight difference in Mw is taken into account. A somewhat different aspect arises when the ratio ((Mw)/ (Mapp(c))) = ((Mw)/(RT))(∂π/∂c)p,T is considered as a function of c/c*, where c* = 1/A2Mw is the overlap concentration. Now the SY-50 has the more pronounced concentration dependence and exerts a stronger repulsive interaction than the OH-50. The corresponding curves are shown in Figure 3, the SY-50 sample shows behavior of hard sphere whereas the OH-50 sample displays the expected behavior of partially swollen hb-polymers.39−41 Apparent and True Mean Square Radii of Gyration. We have no indication of association or decomposition in the chemically inert solvent. Still, the question remains whether the shape and structure is influenced by the osmotic pressure in the solution, for instance, by deformation of the shape or shrinking
Figure 1. SANS intensity as a function of the momentum transfer q from 5 concentrations of the hyperbranched samples OH-50 (a) and SY-50 (b) of approximately the same degree of polymerization. The SY-50 sample is a silyl derivative of the OH-50 sample. The number 50 means a branching degree of 50%.
RESULTS Basic structural parameters as the molar mass Mw, the radius of gyration Rg, and the second and third osmotic virial coefficients, A2 and A3 are evaluated from the Zimm equation31 2 Kc 1 1 R g (c ) 2 q + 2A2c + 3A3c 2 + ... = + R θ(c) Mw 3 Mw (15)
Since the scattering angle is related to the magnitude of the q-vector one equally can write Rθ(c) = Rθ(q,c). This makes the
Table 2. Concentration Dependence of the Reciprocal Apparent Molar Mass in 10−5 mol/g; the Apparent Radius of Gyration Ra,app(c), the Interaction Function (Mw/RT)(∂π/∂c) Represented by the Ratio Mw /Mapp(c), and the Resulting True Radius of Gyration at Concentration Rg(c)a
c, mg/mL
1/Mapp(c), mol/g
Rg,app, Å
Rg(c), Å
Rg(c)/Rg(c = 0)
error, %
0 9.2 18.4 27.5 34.1 45.5 0 7.5 15.8 23.5 31.4 39.3
0 0.185 0.37 0.524 0.688 9.17 0 0.161 0.302 0.448 0.599 0.750
3.906 5.791 7.531 10.601 12.87 17.19 3.425 4.912 6.685 9.732 12.62 16.68
1.000 1.482 1.928 2.716 3.295 4.401 1.00 1.434 2.016 2.737 3.687 4.780
87.6 72.4 60.9 52.6 42.1 38.2 65.4 51.3 42.7 29.9 29.8 25.6
87.6 88.2 84.5 86.6 76.4 80.1 65.4 61.4 60.5 49.5 57.3 56.5
1.000 1.007 0.965 0.989 0.872 0.914 1.000 0.939 0.925 0.804 0.757 0.861
−1.3 +1.6 +0.3 +4.6 −6.0 +1.6 +3.4 +0.1 +1.9 −13.8 +3.2 +5.66
The ratio of Rg(c)/Rg(c = 0) represents the shrinking of the dimensions probably under the influence of the osmotic pressure. The column error refers to the deviation of the shrinking data from the linear fit Rg(c)/Rg(c = 0) = 0.995 − 0.147(c/c*). 3181 | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 3177−3187
The slope in the Zimm equation is slope(q,c) = Rg2(c)/(3Mw) and the intercept is 1/Mapp(c), and the combination with eq 16 yields R g 2(c) = R g , app2
Mw Mapp(c)
where Rg (c) and Mw are the true molecular parameters at finite concentration c. This relationship is actually nothing else than the solution of Zimm’s eq 15 for the dimensions at finite concentration. Thus, the true radius of gyration at finite concentrations can be determined without knowing the actual values of the second and third virial coefficient, and no assumptions on a fractal dimension have to be made. Figure 4
Figure 4. Concentration dependence of the apparent radius of gyration Rg,app(c) and of the true radius of gyration Rg(c) after correction for the interparticle interaction, by using the relationship Rg2(c) = Rg,app2(c)(Mw/Mapp(c)).
Figure 2. Zimm plot from OH-50 (a) and Berry plot from SY-50 (b) from SANS measurements in THF-d6. Because of a fairly string concentration dependence the Berry plot was chosen for the SY-50 sample.
shows the concentration dependences of Rg,app(c) and Rg(c), for the OH-50 and SY-50 samples. Only a weak decrease of Rg(c) with the concentration can be detected, and this allows us to conclude that no significant deformation or other changes of the structure were obtained under influence of the osmotic pressure. Apparent and True Particle Scattering Factors Papp(q,c) and P(q,c). Although the radius of gyration Rg(c) remains unchanged in the moderately concentrated solutions the question still persists whether at large q values concentration dependent deviations occur in the particle scattering factor. Because in this large-q regime the segmental structure and not the global structure of the particles is probed. The apparent particle scattering factor Papp(q,c) is defined in eq 7, and with this the Zimm eq 15 can be written in a somewhat different manner as
Figure 3. Variation of the interaction parameter Mw/Mapp(c) as a function of concentration and scaled concentration c/c*, where c* ≡ 1/A2Mw is the overlap concentration. The SY-50 sample shows behavior of spheres whereas the OH-50 sample displays the expected property of weakly swollen hb-polymers. The lines correspond to theories by Carnahan and Starling39 (hard sphere), Ohta and Oono40 (random coil), and Cotter and Martire41 (rigid rod).
Kc 1 = R θ(c) Mapp(c)Papp(q , c) =
due to a screening of excluded volume interactions. This question can be answered with the help of eq 8, using the measured ratio Mw/Mapp(c). An apparent mean square radius of gyration may be defined by the following equation R g , app2(c)
with P(q,c) a true particle scattering factor at finite concentration. Multiplying eq 18 by Mapp(c) and subtracting 1 on both sides one obtains ⎞ M ⎛ 1 1 w = 1 + ⎜⎜ − 1⎟⎟ P(q , c) P ( q , c ) M ⎠ app(c) ⎝ app
slope(q , c) =3× intercept(q = 0, c) = 3 × slope(q , c) × Mapp(c)
1 + 2A2c + 3A3c 2 + ... Mw P(q , c)
Thus, P(q,c) is obtained after taking into consideration the influence of interparticle interactions. Figure 5a shows the q
(16) 3182 | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 3177−3187
predicted in 1953 by Flory2 on the basis of probability theory. For the weight-average he found the now well-known function DPw , hb =
1 − α2 /2 (1 − α)2
where α is the extent of reaction of the focal functional group, which in other words is the probability that such a functional group has reacted. His result has been obtained in a somewhat more direct manner by the method of generating functions42 and was first introduced with great success to randomly branched polymers by M. Gordon.14,43 In 1970 Kajiwara, Burchard, and Gordon44 published the first theory on the particle scattering factor from randomly branched chains with uncorrelated fluctuations of the individual segments (no excluded volume interaction) and in 1972 the theory was expanded to hb-polymers12 which led to the prediction of DPwP(q, c = 0) DPw Pz(q) =
α2ϕ2 /2 1 + αϕ 1 − α2ϕ2 /2 + = 1 − αϕ (1 − αϕ)2 (1 − αϕ)2 (21)
with ϕ = exp( −b2q2 /6)
where ϕ(qb) represents the interference effect from the distance between two neighbored repeat units (bond length b). At q = 0, one has ϕ = 1, and Flory’s result for the DPw (eq 20) is recovered. In the regime up to q = 0.08 Å−1 the probed length-sections are at least 20 times larger than the bond length b. Therefore, it is sufficient in this regime to consider only the linear term in the expansion of the exponential in eq 22 (Debye approximation). Applying this approximation ϕ = 1 − b2q2/6 and introducing this in eq 21 one obtains
Figure 5. (a) Apparent particle scattering factors Papp(q,c) at various concentrations of SY-50 (black curves) and the average particles scattering ⟨P(q,c)⟩ after removal of the influence of intermolecular interactions (line). (b) Particle scattering factor P(q,c) of the individual concentration after removal of inter particle interaction (open data points) and the average over all concentrations (line). Note, the almost perfect agreement of ⟨P(q,c)⟩ with the scattering curve obtained by extrapolation of Papp(q,c) to c = 0 (compare black data points with the full black symbols). See eq 19 and corresponding text.
P(qR g) =
dependencies of the apparent and true particle scattering factors as a function of q in a log−log presentation, and in Figure 5b, the effect on each concentration is explicitly shown (here only for the SY-50 sample). In both, the OH-50 and SY-50 examples, the pronounced concentration dependence of the apparent particle scattering factor reduces to the particle scattering factors at infinite dilution P(q, c = 0), and this even in the large q-regime. This effect was not expected and actually may not be a general rule. The error is larger at small q but the average over all concentrations substantially gave the same curve. Shape and Internal Structure of hb Polymers. The choice of two overlapping q-regimes for the measurements turned out to be not only a good option for getting optimum accuracy, but it presented a clear separation of probed distances into the small q-regime for large sizes compared to the monomer repeat unit (global structure). In the large q-regime the local structure; i.e., the short segments developed an unexpectedly significant effect. The results from both regimes are considered separately. Global Structure. The molar mass averages Mw and Mn of the hb-polymers, (weight and number averages), were already
DPlin DPbr 1 + DPw 1 + q2R g , lin2/3 DPw 1 (1 + q2R g , br 2/6)2
DPw =
1 − α2 /2 (1 − α)2 2
DPbr =
DPlin =
1+α , 1−α
α /2
(1 − α)2
⎛ α α2 /2 ⎞ ⎟⎟ , − R g2, z = b2⎜⎜ ⎝1 − α 1 − α2 /2 ⎠ α 1 R g , lin2 = b2 , R g , br 2 = b2 2 − α 1 1−α
With eq 24a, the probability α can be calculated from the measured DPw. With this α-value DPlin and DPbr can be calculated. The effective bond length is obtained from the measured mean square radius of gyration Rg and α. The two rations DPlin/DPw and DPbr/DPw are important parameters for adapting the fractal approach to the present model, which is described below. The derivation revealed a structurally heterogeneous hbobject that is built up from a contribution of linear chains and a branched structure contribution. This property was neglected 3183 | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 3177−3187
in the original derivation,12 and both contributions were added together (eq 21). For randomly distributed (i.e., independent) repeat units it makes no difference whether the two components are added or separately treated. The situation changes if a long-range correlation among the segments via excluded volume interactions is effective. For a long time there seemed to be no further progress in theory to deal with this issue, until recently. Scientists recognized that disordered systems can often be represented by a fractal dimension df..15b,45,46 For linear chains the fractal dimension can vary from df = 1.8−2.0, and for homogeneously branched samples from df = 2−2.5, where the low values refer to indifferent (Θ) solvents, the higher ones to thermodynamically good solvents (large positive second virial coefficients). In the analysis of SANS data the fractal dimension is derived from the negative slope of log(I(q)) versus log(q). However, only in rare cases is a linear slope in the log(I(q)) against log(q) found to extend over more than one decade in q. The initial part of the scattering curve cannot be described by a power-like behavior. As already mentioned in the theory section, a real progress was made by Sinha et al.16 when he considered the Fourier transform of the scattering intensity to derive the radial distance correlation function g(r) as it was given by de Gennes32 (eq 12). The Fourier transform led Sinha et al. to P(q) (see eq 13). This equation permitted an excellent description of the scattering behavior from topologically homogeneous structures, like from colloids16 and randomly branched chains,33,34 and it correctly included the initial part of the scattering curve. We applied Sinha’s procedure to the structurally heterogeneous hb-polymers and tried to fit the SANS measurements by fractal dimensions of df = 1.8 to 2.0 for the linear chain and df = 2.0 to 4.0 for the branched contributions. The result of a best fit is shown in Figure 6. In the very sensitive Kratky representation
experimental curves. In fact, the experimental curve at large qvalues developed a very different appearance from that at small q-values as seen in the log−log presentation of Figure 7. The
Figure 7. Particles scattering factor from experimental data of OH-50 in d-THF (black open circles). Experimental curve after subtraction of the monomer contribution (=1/DP Pmono(q)) (black squares). Attempt of fit by fractals of df,lin = 1.9 and df,br = 2 (dashed gray line); the fit curve after modification by the interference effect of a single bond length b (black line) and the resulting curve after adding the monomer contribution (red line). The sample degree of polymerization was DP = 96.
curves from the two samples at c = 0 intersect approximately at q = 0.08 Å−1) (not shown) but the tangents at this point have different slopes of 2.45 for SY-50 and 1.86 for OH-50. However, the whole curves could not satisfactorily be described by only one fractal dimension. Moreover, in the large q > 0.2 Å−1 regime a slope of −0.245 was obtained for the OH-50 and −0.256 for the SY-50 sample. These slopes would correspond to fractal dimensions of df ≈ 0.25 which is below the lowest possible physical limit of df = 1. For uniform particles with a well developed surface a final decay with a power of −4 is predicted but an exponential decay for fringed surfaces with random segment lengths.47 Expressed in terms of Porod’s ∞ second invariant the integral over the function ∫ q2P(q) dq 0
must necessarily remain finite. With our examples q2P(q) increases at large q with a power of about 1.75, and the integral diverges. Evidently, in the far q-regime another structure contributes to the scattering intensity. The probing q-range corresponds to lengths smaller than 2 Å, and this is in the range of the repeat unit. In fact, the structure of the repeat unit is not included in the fractal approach. We measured SANS from the monomers and subtracted this monomer contribution from the corresponding intensity of OH-50 and SY-50. The effect is enormous and significantly changes the shape of the q-dependence that is shown in Figure 7 with the example of OH-50. A good fit of this curve with the two fractal dimensions for the linear and branched contributions was found to hold up to q < 0.08 Å−1. Beyond this point the contribution from the bond length had to be taken into account. This was done by multiplying the scattering curve by ϕbond = exp(−q2Rg,momo2/6)) and now the fit described the curve up to q = 0.15 Å−1 (black line). After again adding the monomer contribution an almost perfect agreement with the experimental curve was obtained, the deviations were Δ < 5 × 10−4, i.e., about 1.5% (red line). The SY-50 sample exhibited similar behavior.
Figure 6. Kratky plot of the experimental data from the SY-50 and OH-50 samples and the corresponding fit curves with the fractal dimensions as indicated in the graph, see eqs 23 and 24 and comments in the text.
the fit for the SY-50 sample gave nearly perfect description with fractal dimensions of df,lin = 1.95 and df,br ≈ 4.0 for the linear and branched parts. A different behavior was found with the OH-50 sample. Here the df,lin = 1.92 and df,br = 2.4 indicate marginally good solvent behavior, the latter is near the value df = 2.5 which was predicted for branched samples in a poor solvent. The SY-50 sample presents an unusual behavior and requires a special consideration that will be given in the Discussion. Segmental and Local Structure. At q > 0.08 Å−1 Figure 6 displays deviations of the Sinha fractal approach from the 3184 | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 3177−3187
curves was obtained. In contrast, a very good fit was achieved for both of our samples, SY-50 and OH-50, if individual fractal dimensions were chosen for the linear part (outer chains) and the branched fraction. The fractal dimensions were those obtained from behavior in the small q-regime. The linear and branched fractals of the OH-50 sample indicate a weakly swollen structure in a marginally good solvent. A similar linear chain fractal was obtained also for the SY-50 sample, but for the branched component we found an apparent df ≈ 4. Such a slope was predicted for uniform objects with a more or less welldefined surface (Porod law).47 However, in the same article Porod pointed out that such q−4 behavior can never be observed with disordered systems consisting of irregularly fluctuating flexible chains. Such objects do not form a defined surface, and eventually the scattering intensity should decrease exponentially to zero. The observed df = 4 seems to be a physically senseless result. However, if we go back to de Gennes’ radial pair distribution and insert df = 3 in eq 12, the Debye−Bueche52 correlation function is obtained which after Fourier transformation gives the well-known asymptotic q−4 dependence for the scattering data (in the Kratky representation q−2). Apparently, the influence of a large width in the molar mass distribution on the fractal behavior is not yet fully explored. Despite this uncertainty a densely packed branched structure (i.e., a df = 3) appears sensible to us, since the repeat units of SY-50 sample are fairly bulky, and, in addition, attractive forces may be effective among the SY-terminal groups and may cause a somewhat organized surface. (iii). Influence of Local Structure. Both of our hbpolymers developed in the high q-regime a markedly different angular dependence, which does not fit the fractal conception and seems to arise from an additional component. We suspected that the monomer unit causes this effect, since the finite size of the monomer unit is not included when the scattering function is described by an integral. To obtain more confidence in our conjecture, we measured the monomers separately and subtracted their contributions from the polymer scattering curve. This manipulation led to a drastic change of the scattering curve, which now could be well fitted with the fractal dimensions as derived from the scattering curve at small q-values. Additionally, the interference effect from the finite bond length is taken into account. Finally, when adding back the monomer contribution a full agreement of the experimental curve with the fractal fit was obtained (Figure 7). (iv). MD Simulations. A simulation work was started, parallel to the chemical preparation and the following characterization by static and dynamic light scattering, viscosity measurements and the present SANS study. The simulations gave the coordinates of the atoms in the macromolecule. Figure 8 shows a calotte-view of the obtained structure for OH-50. The corresponding pair distance distribution of atoms was derived from these coordinates. This distance distribution was then converted into the spherical-radial correlation function g(r). Finally, numerical Fourier transformation led to the simulated particle scattering factor. These MD-simulations are not yet completed but the already obtained calotte structure for a DP 35 is shown in Figure 9.53 The drastic discrepancy to the experimental curve might be interpreted as a full failure, but at least the effect of the monomer contribution at large q is well confirmed. We have to recall that the simulations refer to a uniform structure whereas the samples have a rather broad molar mass distribution. We wondered whether the discrepancy between experimental and
It may be recalled that the contribution of a finite bond length is not included in the fractal approach (which is represented by an integral, i.e., infinitely small bond lengths).
DISCUSSION The SANS study with the present two hyper-branched samples revealed a few unexpected phenomena which need some explanation: (i) strong concentration dependence; (ii) deviation of the scattering data from single fractal behavior in the q-dependence; (iii) at large q values the local structure is probed; and finally, (iv) MD-simulations compared to experimental findings. (i). Influence of Interparticle Interactions. The concentration dependence was not solely determined by the second virial coefficient, but at least a third virial coefficient had a significant influence. Zimm’s derivation of the scattering behavior is exact for very dilute solutions and neglects the effect of higher concentrations. He argued that his derivation would remain a good approximation even when higher virial coefficients contribute. Benoit and Benmouna supported this view,48 and in their theory they came to the conclusion that the Zimm approximation holds valid even beyond the overlap concentration. In such cases it is more appropriate to use the reciprocal osmotic compressibility (which actually is an osmotic modulus), since it includes higher virial coefficients than the third or a doubtful fourth virial coefficient. This osmotic modulus can be expressed by the experimentally accessible molar mass ratio M/Mapp(c). This fact facilitated a description of the influence of this thermodynamic parameter on the radius of gyration and the angular dependence of the scattered light at finite concentration. This effect follows immediately from Zimm’s equation after a simple rearrangement which is given by eq 19. This equation also includes the already known relationship of Rg2(c) = Rg,app2M/Mapp(c).49 As far as is known to us, this consequence from Zimm’s equation has not been noticed before. (ii). Influence of Excluded Volume on the Shape of the hb Macromolecules. The scattering behavior of unperturbed hb polymers was derived in 1972 by one of the present authors12 being constructed of a linear and a branched contribution. Excluded volume interaction has significant influence.These effects are mostly described by a power law behavior, which should be observable in the log-plot of I(q) versus q. A straight line asymptotically should occur with a negative slope of −df . Such clear behavior was found, but only in rare cases.50,51 Mostly a bent curve is obtained. In such cases researchers try to draw tangents to more or less well-defined qregimes, and the different slopes at different q-domains are interpreted as a change in fractal behavior when passing from large distances to smaller ones. A decisive improvement is achieved with Sinha et al.16 who took de Gennes’ radial distance distribution adapted to fractal behavior32 and Fourier transformed this into the particles scattering factor. With this approach an excellent agreement with many examples was obtained. It also includes the correct behavior in the limit of small q-values.16,34 Percolation simulations were predicted for branched samples in a good solvent a fractal dimenion of df = 2.5.15 However, no reasonable f it could be achieved with only one f ractal dimension in range of q = 0.008−0.08 Å−1. This failure stands in agreement with earlier measurements by De Luca et al.,17 Geladé et al.,19 and Garamus et al.,18 who obtained average df of 2.23−2.47 by force-fitting with one fractal dimension. Actually, a poor agreement with the experimental 3185 | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 3177−3187
Figure 8. Two perspective views with different angles onto the same snapshot of a calotte model of OH-50 taken from a MD-simulation (500 ps) in THF, solvent not shown.
Figure 10. MD-simulated particles scattering factor (DP 35) (blue symbols) compared with the experimental points from OH-50 (DP 90) (red symbols) and with calculated Pz(q) with (open black) and without (filled black) the contribution of the monomer, using Flory’s size distribution. The blue dashed line corresponds to the uniform curve of DP 90 and the same radius of gyration but with the Guinier approximation for P(q) = exp(−(qRg,z)2/3). See text for details. Note the complete agreement of the calculated polydisperse curve (open black) with the experimental curve (red symbols).
the shape of the descreened particle scattering factor (including the q-range of the local structure) remained indistinguishable from that at infinite dilution. Fractal behavior: The particle scattering curve could be well fitted on the basis of Sinha’s refinement of the fractal conception. Excellent fits were possible with two fractal dimension df,lin and df,br which take into account the structurally heterogeneous hb-polymers with their linear and branched contributions. Simulations: MD simulations for the hb-polymers of DP = 35 led to a particle scattering factor which grossly deviates from the experimental curve. The aggravating discrepancy proved to be caused by the broad molar mass distribution of hb polymers. Using Flory’s equation of the molar mass distribution the effect of polydispersity could be taken into account. By this means we can modify the simulated monodisperse scattering curve. The resulting curve is virtually indistinguishable from the experimental curve. Specific interaction of the terminal groups: No specific interaction of the OH terminal groups (e.g., via hydrogen bonding) was observed, but the SY derivative gave indications for weak attractive interactions among the modified outer segments.
Figure 9. Experimental curves from SY-50 and OH-50 (DP ≈ 90) compared with the MD-simulated scattering curves (DP ≈ 35).
simulated curves might arise from this size distribution. We tried to mimic the polydispersity effect for a DP 90 by applying the following steps. (i) The simulated scattering curve of DP 35 could well be described by a Guinier approximation over the whole q-regime. (ii) Using Guinier’s approximation PGuinier(q) ≅ exp(−q2Rg2/3) we calculated the particle scattering factor for each degree of polymerization, from DP 2 to DP 2000 and this for 45 different q values in the range of 0.005 to 1.00 Å−1.· These individual uniform particle scattering factors were multiplied by the Flory molar mass distribution.2 (iii) Finally, the data for each q-value were summed over all DPs. The result is the average function Pz(q) = ∑x 2000 = 2 xP(q,x)/xw, with x the degree of polymerization and xw the weight-average of it.54 The index z indicates the z-average that is measured in light and small angle neutron scattering. The resulting curve has a very different q-dependence from that with the z-average mean square radius of gyration inserted into the Guinier approximation. After adding the contribution of the monomer unit the result of Figure 10 was found. Within experimental errors a perfect agreement with the experimental curve was obtained. The agreement may be somewhat accidental. Nonetheless, the broadening of the scattering curve due to a broad molar mass distribution cannot be denied.
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The authors declare no competing financial interest.
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