SARGENT pH no other pH meters - C&EN Global

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• High Precision-High Sensitivity • Direct Digital Reading • Drift Free The Sargent Model DR pH meter combines the explicit accuracy of a digital read-out with the electrical accuracy of a precise potentiometer. It is continuous reading, showing the measurement quickly and directly and following changes in reading through an automatic self-balancing system based on that proven in thousands of Sargent Recorders. Controls are no more complex than those of an ordinary meter. Thus it combines the best features of direct reading and null balance instruments, extending the advantages of both. Whether routine convenience or research accuracy is the requisite, the Model DR pH meter is a complete answer.

• High Accuracy • Direct Reading on a Clear Vh inch Scale • Drift Free

SPECIFICATIONS Ranges: 0 to 14 pH, graduated at each 0.002 pH; 0 to 1400 mv, graduated at each 0.2 mv. Temperature: manual compensation, 0 to 100°C; automatic compensation, 0 to 100°C. Relative Accuracy:* ±0.002 pH within 4 pH of buffer set point. ^Relative to buffer accuracy and assuming proper standardization technique. Absolute Accuracy: ± 1 . 4 mv ( ± 0 . 0 1 pH). Repeatability: ±0.002 pH; ± 0 . 2 mv. Input Current: less than 10-1 2 amperes. External Resistance Tolerance: will accommodate up to 10,000 megohms and maintain specified accuracy. Price—$630.00 with accessories For details, write for Bulletin pHDR

Modern in concept and modern in execution, the Sargent Model LS meter meets the most exacting requirements of the laboratory. It provides accuracy and sensitivity suiting or exceeding the majority of requirements; it provides reliability guaranteeing "on call" service without frequent rechecking or maintenance; it provides versatility for other kinds of measurements and convenience in simplified controls and a large, clear scale. Thus it serves as a Laboratory Standard for pH measurement.

like no other pH meters MODEL LS SPECIFICATIONS Ranges: Meter: 0 to 14 pH, graduated each 0.1 pH; —700 to +700 mv, graduated each 10 mv (0 to ±1400 mv by zero displacement). Recorder: recommended for use with recorders of 10 mv to 250 mv full scale range. Temperature: manual compensation, 0 to 100°C; automatic compensation, 0 to 100°C. Relative Accuracy:* ±0.03 pH within 4 pH of buffer set point. * Relative to buffer accuracy and assuming proper standardization technique. Absolute Accuracy: At meter, ± 5 mv (±0.05 pH) overfull scale. At recorder outlet, ±0.6 mv ( ± 0 . 0 1 pH). Repeatability: pH, ± 0 . 0 1 pH; mv, ± 0 . 6 mv. Input Current: less than 1 χ 10- ' 2 amperes. External Resistance Tolerance: will accommodate up to 10,000 megohms and maintain specified accuracy. Price—$330.00 with accessories For details, write for Bulletin pHLS

LINE OPERATED-MODEL PL PORTABLE-MODEL PB • Accuracy usually found only in highest priced meters • Interchangeable, plug-in power supplies for alternate use • Rugged construction for use in most severe environments These Sargent pH meters provide new and unique execution, both electronically and physically, to provide meters tailored to the broad spectrum of today's applications, in the lab, in the field, or both. Accuracy and concomitant stability have been held para­ mount in view of their increasing importance in present day technology, while complexity has been reduced to a minimum in view of the increasing cost of time used in adjust­ ment of maintenance. These new instru­ ments are completely new tools for the chemist or technician and provide full reli­ ability of pH measurement.




SPECIFICATIONS Ranges: Meter: 0 to 14 pH, graduated each 0.1 pH; —700 to +700. mv, graduated each 10 mv (0 to ±1400 mv by zero displacement). Recorder: recommended for use with recorders of 5 mv to 250 mv full scale range. Temperature: manual compensation, 0 to 100°C; automatic compensation, 0 to 80°C. Absolute Accuracy: At meter, ± 5 mv (±0.05 pH) over full scale. At recorder outlet, ± 2 . 5 mv (±0.025 pH). Manual temperature compensation —±2°C. Automatic temperature compensation— ± 2 ° C (0° to 60°C) ± 5 ° C (60° to 80°C). Repeatability: pH, ± 0 . 0 1 pH; mv, ± 1 mv. Input Impedance: greater than 1 0 ^ ohms. Input Current: less than 1 χ 10- ' 2 amperes. External Resistance Tolerance: will accommodate up to 10,000 megohms and maintain specified accuracy. Relative Accuracy:* ±0.03 pH within 4 pH of buffer set point. ^Relative to buffer accuracy and assuming ' proper standardization technique. Price—Model PL—$295.00 with accessories Model PB—$255.00 with accessories For details, write for Bulletin pHP


E . H , S A R G E N T & O C X , 4647 WEST FOSTER AVENUE» CHICAGO» Î L L I N O I S 60630 C h i c a g o * A n a h e i m , Calif, * B i r m i n g h a m . C i n c i n n a t i . Dallas · D e n v e r . D e t r o i t * Springfield» N.d* . T o r o n t o , C a n a d a