In the field.
or in the lab.
Here's the pH meter that travels with you to the job. Indoors, our model PBL plugs into the line; outside, you switch on the batter ies (and detach the line cord if it's in the way). With its strong steel case, taut-band meter, and solid state cir cuitry, the rugged PBL is indifferent to the trials of travel. Put it down flat, stand it on end, or prop it at an angle with the handle. It reads accurately in all these positions. A support rod, which mounts to either side of the case, pivots through 360° to put the electrodes where you want them. Add to all this a full complement of operating f a c i l i t i e s — p H and MV ranges, two-point calibration, Karl Fischer circuitry, recorder output, pro vision for automatic temperature con trol—and you have a lot of pH meter for $230. Write us, or ask your Sargent-Welch representative for full details.
SARGENT-WELCH Scientific instruments, apparatus, chemicals. Sargent-Welch Scientific Company 7300 N. Linder Ave.; Skokie, Illinois 60076 Chicago/An aheim/Birmingham/Cincinnati Cleveland/Dallas/Denver/Detroit Springfield, Ν J./Toronto/Montreal/Vancouver
Circle No. 86 on Readers' Service Card
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