SARGENT - WELCH - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Oct 1, 1980 - SARGENT - WELCH. Anal. Chem. , 1980, 52 (1), pp 75A–75A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50051a767. Publication Date: October 1980. ACS Legacy ...
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DU-8 UV-Visible Computing Spectrophotometer features built-in microcomputer capability for complete calculation and printout of complex analyses in minutes. The spectrophotometer automatically stores up to nine user-defined programs for pushbutton recall, sets up all instrument parameters, calculates results and prints out the final answer. The DU-8 is designed to ac­ commodate complete kinetics, Tm, gel scanning, sipper and wavelength scanning accessory systems. Cost: $12 000. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 402

Air Sampling Tube

Organic Solvent Evaporator

Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide in air can be collected simultaneously in a three-section single sorbent tube. Nitro­ gen dioxide is trapped directly on the front section. Nitric oxide passes through the front section, is converted to N 0 2 in the second section, and is then trapped on the third section. The sampling range of the tube is from zero to 50 ppm. In the laboratory, the trapped gases in each section are desorbed and then analyzed colorimetrically. Collection efficiency averages 96%.SKCInc. 424

Evap-O-Rac is a dual chamber manifold which distributes gas purges or vacuum to many test tubes simultaneously. It is designed for use with existing laborato­ ry air and vacuum lines and water baths. Evaporation may be limited to one side of the manifold. The evapora­ tor is available in three sizes which fit standard racks for 13-, 20- and 30-mm OD test tubes. Evap-O-Rac Systems 422

Chart Recorders X-Y Recorder Model 3054 features calibrated zero offset in five pushbutton-selected steps from ± 1 0 0 % to ± 5 0 0 % of full scale, and a pushbutton-selected low-pass fil­ ter providing 12 dB per octave attenua­ tion starting at 5 Hz. Fourteen pushbut­ ton-selected sensitivities range from 200 μ ν / c m to 5 V / c m . Gould Inc. 426

Correction: T h e 70-70H high reso­ lution mass spectrometer appear­ ing in the Nov. 1979 issue, page 1354 A, was inadvertently printed upside down.

Model 255 (single channel) and Model 285 (dual channel) are 250-mm record­ ers which feature fixed input spans of 1 mV, 10 mV, 100 mV and 1 V full scale; 12 chart speeds; all plug-in electronics; and 1 0 0 % full zero suppression. Linear Instruments Corp. 423



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The pHD automatic portable pH meter turns itself on and off. Calibration and temperature compensation are a c c o m ­ plished automatically each time the in­ strument is operated. The pHD mea­ sures pH from 0.0 to 14.0 and tempera­ tures from 0 ° C to 90 ° C and displays this information on an LCD. The LCD also indicates " L O W B A T T " and " U N C A L . " Scientific Glass & Instru­ ments, Inc. 425

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