Sargent-Welch Scientific Company

That's why Sargent-Welch designed its. 8200 pH meter forperformance that'spractically elementary. No complexcali- brations. No buttons or dials to be ...
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pHas simple as...


Ohc&/â day, calibrate by immersing probe in a ψ /Standard buffer. Press enterifigpeat with a second


pH reads out auto­ matically. Just a touch changes mode to check temperature and mv.



Immerse the probe in your solution.

When it comes to routine lab work, fancy extras often add up to unnecessary complications. That's why Sargent-Welch designed its 8200 pH meter for performance that's practically elementary. No complex cali­ brations. No buttons or dials to be jostled or jarred. At the same time, you'fl get continuous pH readings as accurate as more expensive models. Plus, a tough, plastic case resists chemical damage. To learn more, call toll-free 800-323-4341 outside Illinois, or 800-942-2562, Illinois only. Or write Sargent-Welch Scientific Company, 7300 North Linder Avenue, P.O. Box 1026, Skokie, Illinois 60077.


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