Sargent's work anywhere

Ar- ticles in this issue discuss luminescence spectroscopy, spin decoupling, the iden- tification of LSD ... abstracts, a few briefs, and research rep...
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MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE Sphingolipids. "Sphingolipids and Re­ lated Products" is a four-page brochure presenting synthetic counterparts of naturally-occurring lipids intended for research. Miles Laboratories, Inc., Elk­ hart, Ind. 46514 624 Notebooks. Patent protection and project control are the features de­ scribed i n this four-page bulletin on laboratory notebooks. Scientific Note­ book Co., 719 Wisconsin Ave., Oak Park, 111. 60304 625 Molecular Sieves. This 16-page bro­ chure discusses molecular sieves and also contains two nomographs for cal­ culating pressure drop i n beds of the material. W . R . Grace & Co., 101 N . Charles St., Baltimore, M d . 21203 626

Filters. Infratron interference filters for U V , visible, and I R wavelengths are discussed i n this 12-page booklet. I n ­ frared Industries, Inc., P. O. Box 42, Waltham, Mass. 02154 627

Solutions, Vol. V I , N o . 3. This issue features new applications for electro­ phoresis and thin layer chromatogra­ phy. Gelman Instrument Co., 600 S. Wagner Rd., P. O. Box 1448, A n n A r ­ bor, Mich. 48106 The INFOrmer, Issue N o . 13, Summer, 1967. This periodical discusses the company's computer systems. I t also presents an article on its new manufac­ turing plant at Austin. Infotronics Corp., 7800 Westglen D r . , Houston, Texas 77042

In the field or in the lab. Sargent's PB /PL pH meters work anywhere.

Company Periodicals Requests for copies of the following publications, catalogs etc., should be sent directly to the address shown. Business or professional letterheads are requested. LabLog, N o . 3-67. This 12-page sup­ plement to Catalog 9 provides informa­ tion on balances, ultra-centrifuges, portable viscometers, and various other instruments and equipment. W i l l Sci­ entific, Inc., Box 1050, Rochester, Ν . Υ . 14603 Fritzsche Library Bulletin, Vol. 11, N o . 10. This periodical lists current litera­ ture on essential oils, aromatic chemi­ cals, perfume and flavor raw materials, and a special section on organoleptic problems and procedures. Fritzsche Brothers, Inc., 76 N i n t h Ave., New York, Ν . Υ . 10011 Instrument News, Vol. 18, N o . 1. A r ­ ticles i n this issue discuss luminescence spectroscopy, spin decoupling, the iden­ tification of LSD, polymer solid crystal­ lization measurements, and other topics. Perkin-Elmer Corp., Norwalk, Conn. 06852 Ozone Newsletter, Vol. 5, N o . 2. A selection of ozone abstracts, a few briefs, and research reports are i n ­ cluded i n this issue. Welsbach Corp., Westmoreland & Stokley Sts., Philadel­ phia, Pa. 19129

Ares & Sparks, Vol. 12, N o . 3. This issue salutes D r . M a r v i n W . Skougstad, who recently fulfilled his term of Presidency i n SAS, and D r . John Donovan Strong, Spectroscopist of the M o n t h . Brief summaries are given on the 18th Annual Mid-American Symposium on Spectroscopy, the X I I I Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, and the first SOAP symposium. The Laboratory of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Biology, Center for Health Sciences, U C L A , is the Labora-Story of the M o n t h . Ultra Carbon Corp., P. O. Box 747, B a y City, M i c h . 48706

Sargent's portable pH meters are rugged enough —with transistorized circuitry in a shockproof, waterproof case —to withstand rough field use. Yet these portable pH meters — with an absolute accuracy of ±0.05 pH and reproducibility of ±0.01 pH —perform to standards normally found in only the highest-priced instruments. There are two models of these pH meters to choose from. Both use the same instant-response taut-band suspension and differ only in their plug-in power packs. The Model PB uses mercury dry-cell batteries that normally give six months of operation. The Model PL has a zener-referenced, lineoperated power supply. These power packs are interchangeable, which is why you can use the PB or PL almost anywhere. Both the PB and PL pH Meters are easy to read to 0.02 pH on a large meter face. Both have only three operating controls: standardization, operation, and temperature compensation. And both will accommodate all commonly used electrodes. These portable pH meters are designed and manufactured by Ε. Η. Sargent & Co., so you know you can count on their perform­ ance to be ultra-reliable. The Model PB (battery-operated) is priced at $265. The Model PL (line-operated) costs $305. The interchangeable power packs are priced at $25 for the battery kit and $65 for the 115/230 vac, 50/60 cycle supply. Please call your Sargent man or write us for a demonstration of the PB or PL Portable pH Meter.

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SARGENT ® Scientific laboratory instruments, apparatus, chemicals. E. H. Sargent & Co. 4647 Foster Ave., Chicago, III. 60630

Chicago/Anaheim, Calif./Birmingham Cincinnati/Cleveland/Dallas/Denver Detroit/Springfield, N.J./Toronto, Canada

Circle No. 148 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 39, NO. 14, DECEMBER 1967


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