SAVE $12,000 - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 7, 2010 - SAVE $12,000. Chem. Eng. News , 1972, 50 (30), pp 10–11. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v050n030.p010. Publication Date: July 24, 1972. Copyright ©...
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SAVE Emery Azelaic Acid will match If you're using sebacic acid or one of its derivatives, you could be paying a $12,000 premium per carload and getting nothing extra in return. The reasoning is simple.

net result is you're paying approximately 30^ more per pound for that extra atom you don't even need. And, on a 40,000-pound carload, that's a premium of $12,000.

Superior performance

Equivalent in nylon

Emerox® Azelaic Acid equals or outperforms sebacic acid in virtually all derivative forms. E m e r y ' s azelaic acid is a 9-carbon, straight chain, saturated, dibasic acid. Sebacic acid has 10 carbon atoms. The

One example of azelaic acid performance is the use of 6/9 nylons (based on Emerox 1144) for applications formerly requiring 6/10 nylons. The 6/9 nylons are equivalent to 6/10 in these areas: flexibility and


C&EN July 24, 1972

toughness; tensile strength; elongation and flexural modulus properties; and, resistance to hydrolysis and moisture pickup. Moreover, 6/9 nylons exhibit superior low-temperature properties and color. Better in plasticizers

The same cost/performance relationship applies to other derivatives of Emerox Azelaic Acid and sebacic acid. For example, di-2-ethylhexyl azelate (DOZ) and di-octyl sebacate

$12,000 sebacic acid in everything but price. (DOS) are both excellent lowtemperature plasticizers and give equivalent overall performance. The difference is the azelate is priced 20-30?! less per pound. Improves food films

Comparing food film plasticizers is another case in point. Di-n-hexyl azelate (DNHZ) and di-butyl sebacate (DBS) perform well in this application—although DNHZ gives better overall performance.

Again, the azelate costs 20-30^ less per pound. Quality/Economy

When you consider the quality and performance similarities between azelaic and sebacic acids, think about that $12,000 premium for one extra carbon atom. Do you really need it? You can begin saving substantial sums on your dibasic acid requirements today by filling out the coupon. Or, call us at 513/762-6200.



Organic Chemicals Division Dept. 504, Carew Tower Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Western Operations, Santa Fe Springs, California Emery Industries (Canada) Ltd., Toronto, Ontario Export Division, Cincinnati Please send: G Sample of Emerox 1144 (polymer grade) Azelaic Acid • "Emerox Azelaic Acids and Polymer Intermediates" brochure • "Abstracts of Azelaic Acid Use - Patents and Journal References" Name Title Please check and sign coupon, clip and attach to your company letterhead and mail.

July 24, 1972 C&EN