Save time with quick-dissolving HOOKER SODIUM SULFIDES get

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Save time with quick-dissolving HOOKER SODIUM SULFIDES get clear solutions in Ί5 minutes Your production men can work fast with these Hooker sulfides. T h e flakes dissolve in 15 min­ utes, even without stirring—and in cold water. They givv a clear solution, free of sediment—ready for immediate use, with no de­ canting. Hooker sodium sulfide is a light buff-colored material in flake or solid form. It contains 60 to 62% Na 2 S. Flake form is shipped in lacquer-lined steel drums, 90 and 350 lbs. net. Solid form comes in steel drums, 625 lbs. net. Hooker sodium tetrasulfide is a dark red aqueous solution con­

taining 40% by weight of Na 2 S 4 . The solution contains less than 1% sodium thiosuliate, sodium carbonate, a n d sodium sulfite in­ clusive. It is shipped in 55-gal. steel drums, 600 lbs. net. Hooker sodium sulfhydrate, a light l^emon-colored solid in flake form, is completely and rapidly soluble in water a n d alcohol. It is an exceptionally pure material containing 70 to 72% NaSH. It is suppl£ed i n lacquer-lined steel d r u m s , 90 a n d 350 lbs. net. Before re-ordering your re­ quirements, get the facts on these high-jpurity sulfides. Just phone

For fast service, p h o n e : CHICAGO

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BRoadway 1215

the nearest Hooker office listed below. For technical data, mail the coupon today. Using sulfur compounds? These are only three of a selection of sulfur com­ pounds available in volume. We've specialized in sulfur-chlorine products for more than a quarter of a century; can help you with your requirements for sulfur chlorides and oxychlorides, and organic sulfur compounds as well. If you need a special sulfur-contain­ ing compound in quantity, we may be able to produce it economically /or you. To find out quickly, just phone the nearest Hooker office or write us today.

HOOKER ELECTROCHEMICAL COMPANY 7 Forty-seventh St., Niagara Falls, Ν. Υ. Please send data sheets ont • Sodium Sulfide Π Sodium Sulfhydrate • Sodium Tetrasulfide Name


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