the EDITOR'S column
L.T. Hallett, Editor
L applications
of microscopy and crystallography to chemistry is a hindrance not only to chemists but to the analytical, control, produc tion, and research operations in companies concerned with chemical analysis and physical properties of materials. So states Walter C. M c Crone of AValter C. McCrone As sociates, 501 E a s t 32nd St., Chicago 16, 111., in a recent communication to the editor. Versatility of this technique is shown by the successful handling of the following problems m a n y of which could have been done only by the microscopic and crystal l o g r a p h y approach: identification of 10μ inclusions in synthetic poly mer films, change in solubility of a drug after storage, development of a one minute stop and go analytical control method for purity of an in secticide, elucidation of mechanism of action of pour point depressants in lubricating oils, identification of particulate m a t t e r in settled dusts, stabilization of emulsions of a p h a r maceutical preparation, identifica tion of physical evidence for crimi nalistic purposes, and reason for unexpected variations in sensitivity of an explosive. D r . McCrone attributes lack of use of microscopic and crystallographic techniques to the lack of educational and training opportuni ties. Very few colleges have sub stantial courses in this field, p a r ticularly a t the undergraduate level. Most chemists are exposed t o microscopy and crystallography briefly, if a t all, in college. This leads to a dearth of qualified chemical microscopists and a lack of understanding on the p a r t of laboratory supervisory and m a n agerial personnel of their value. M a n y research directors first be come acquainted with the power of
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