sc Lmu - ACS Publications

namely, on the descriptive aspects--but iri certain instances sonic niathematical attc,ri(iori is given to the subject. In some cascs the connection w...
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a series of lectures given as it course i i i colloid scieiicr at Canibriclgr 1-iiiversity,C‘aIliblidgt’, England, under the auspiccs of t h e Royal Institute of Chemistry. The topics appear to have been selected 011 the basis oi I lie activities and iiiterests of t h e staff mt~iiihcrso f tlie Departnieiit of Colloid Science at Cambridge rnthrr tliaii from t h e point of vickv oi a i l ? . integrated coursc iii tlie s u t i j e c t . I n all there :ire ten niaiii topics which arc rlJliSitl