Scanning electrochemical microscopy. 23. Retention localization of

Martin A. Edwards , Anna L. Whitworth , and Patrick R. Unwin. Analytical Chemistry .... Lawrence A. Bottomley, Joseph E. Coury, and Phillip N. First. ...
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Anal. Chem. 1903, 65, 3598-3604


Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy. 23. Reaction Localization of Artificially Patterned and Tissue-Bound Enzymes David T. Piercet and Allen J. Bard* Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, T h e University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712

The scanning electrochemical microscope (SECM), operating in the feedback mode, was used to image localized surface reactions of redox enzymes at the micrometer level. Surfaces imaged with the SECM included glucose oxidase immobilized within 8-pm-diameterpores of a filtration membrane and individual whole mitochondria with active NADH cytochrome reductase enzymes in their outer membranes. Factors influencing enzyme image resolution and specificity are discussed.

INTRODUCTION Methods for detection, characterization, and localization of enzymes within specific tissues have received considerable a t t e n t i ~ n . ' - ~In much of this work, tissue fractionation methods and conventional (optical) microscopic techniques play complimentary roles because neither method alone can adequately satisfy each analytical function. With the former methodology, cell structures suspected of enzymatic activity are isolated from a tissue homogenate and then analyzed using standard assay technique^.^ With these procedures, enzyme content can usually be quantified with high precision and kinetic behavior can be assessed reliably. However, these methods do not provide information about an enzyme's location on or within the isolated cell structure or about the possible contamination of the isolate with materials from other enzyme-bearing structures. Microscopic methods suffer less from these deficiencies, since an effort is made to keep the enzyme-containing tissues intact and thus preserve the reaction site morphology. In most microscopic studies, chemical procedures are first used to fix the tissue and then to stain or mark the reaction sites of the target enzyme. The samples are then observed, in most cases, using transmission electron or optical microscopies5 or by a variety of microfluorometric methodsS6 Although these microscopic techniques can achieve micrometer to submicrometer resolution and can determine enzyme location in even subcellular structures, they usually do not quantify or kinetically characterize the reactions catalyzed by the target enzyme. As a potential method for simultaneous in situ analysis of enzyme function and location, the scanning electrochemical microscope (SECM)7has been applied recently to the study ~~~

Present address: Department of Chemistry, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND 58202. (1)Methods in Enzymology; Academic: New York, 1955ff. (2) Methods of Enzymatic Analysis, 3rd ed.; Bergmeyer, H. U.,; Bergmeyer, J., Grassl, M., Eds.; VCH Publishers: Weinheim, Germany, 1986; Vol. 1-12. (3) The Enzymes; Boyer, P. D., Ed.; Academic: New York, 1970ff. (4) Enzyme Analysis. A Practical Approach; Eisenthal, E., Danson, M. J., Eds.; Oxford University Press: Oxford, U.K., 1992. (5) Electron Microscopy of Enzymes: Principles and Methods; Hayat, M. A,, Ed.; Van Nostrand Reinhold: New York, 1973; Vol. 1-5. (6) Sernetz, M.; Puchinger, H. In Methods i n Enzymology; Mosbach, K., Ed.; Academic: New York, 1976; Vol. 44, p 373. (7) Bard, A. J.; Fan, F.-R. F.; Pierce, D. T.; Unwin, P. R.; Wipf, D. 0.; Zhou, F. Science 1991, 254, 68, and references therein. +

of a variety of biocatalytic surface reactions. Wang et al. studied the surface reactions of immobilized enzymes and enzyme-containing tissues by the collection electrolysis of enzymatically generated compounds a t a microelectrode.s Imaging of enzyme location was also attempted in this work by using the same electrolysis scheme. However, the effective lateral resolution of these images (200-250 pm2 per point) was well below that of the SECM. Although qualitative,these results demonstrated that enzyme surface reactions could be detected using the SECM and that the scanning ability of the SECM could be used to map reactive sites. Recently, we demonstrated that steady-state surface reactions involving redox-active enzymes (oxidoreductases) can be quantitatively studied with the SECM using a feedback electrolysis schemeag This feedback method of detection,which differs significantly from the earlier applied collection methodology, is illustrated in Figure 1 and provides several advantages for quantifying and imaging surface reactions. In collection experiments, a substrate specific to the enzyme reaction (SI)is present in the assay solution, and the catalyzed reaction occurs continuously over the entire surface in areas occupied by the enzyme (Figure la). The production of enzyme-generated product begins when the reactants are added to the cell so that a concentration profile forms around the enzyme site that extends into the solution. In most cases, there is no way to switch the enzyme reaction on and off. In feedback experiments, the enzyme reaction only occurs in close proximity to the SECM probe tip where an enzyme substrate, Si,is electrochemically generated (Figure lb). Here, the SECM tip is used to initiate and sustain the enzyme reaction because it provides the only source of substrate. For modeling purposes and quantitation of surface reaction kinetics, the feedback approach is better than the collection approach, because the current monitored at the probe tip gives a well-defined measure of the amount of substrate being produced a t the tip (equivalent to the amount of substrate available to the enzyme) and the amount of product fed back to the tip (equivalent to the amount of substrate consumed by the enzyme). For imaging purposes, the feedback methodology also provides better lateral resolution because the enzyme reaction product (PI) diffuses only a short distance before it is detected by the tip. In the collection mode, product is generated continuously over the entire enzyme surface. This situation can lead to the overlap of product diffusion zones from different individual enzyme sites. Such diffusional overlap can perturb kinetic measurements when the product diffuses into regions where no enzyme reaction is actually occurring and can seriously blur the SECM image and degrade resolution.1° The SECM appears to be a promising technique for in situ enzyme analysis because of its ability to gather detailed kinetic and mechanistic information relevant to enzyme function (8) Wang, J.; Wu, L.-H.; Li, R. J . Electroanal. Chem. Interfacial Electrochem. 1989, 272, 285. (9) Pierce, D. T.; Unwin, P. R.; Bard, A. J. Anal. Chem. 1992,64,1795. (10) Lee, C.; Wipf, D. 0.; Bard, A. J.; Bartels, K.; Bovik, A. C. Anal. Chem. 1991,63, 2442.

0003-2700/93/0365-3598504.0010 0 1993 American Chemical Society




1. schematics depictlnglhe prlnclples of SECM: (a)collectb mode and (b) feedbackmode detection of redox-acllve enzyme SubsIrateS(S,) and products (P,). Speciespresent in bulk SOlUtOn are ldentlfbd with asterisks. For example. in the feedback mode with glucose oxidase (GO), hydroquinone IP,) in solution reacts a1 the lip lolonn quWne(S,).which reactsattheanryme(G0)sitewMc-alucme lo produce hydroquinone.


and its capacity to study this function with enzyme8 in their native environment, namely, localized on or within membranes and perfused with buffered electrolyte. In this paper, we extend our earlier work with the feedback detection of redox enzymesg and demonstrate the SECM's ability to resolve spatially sites or t issues where specific enzyme reactions occur. We also discuss the experimental factors that determine the SECM's enzyme specificity as well as its ultimate resolution for enzyme localization. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Materials. All chemicals were obtained from commercial sources and were used without further purification unless otherwisenoted. a-wGluwe (ACSreagent),hydroquinone( H a ; t99"b) methyl viologen dichloride(MVC12:98'%).and N,N,h",""tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine(TMPD, 98Oi ) were obtained from Aldrich Chemical Co. Solutions containing a-wglucose. used as a precursor to the enzyme-specificreactant B-i)-gluccme, were prepared at least 24 h before each experiment at room temperature to allow complete equilibration of the a- and A-anomers. TMPDwassuhlimed twice under vacuumand stored under nitrogen before uqe. Bovine serum nlhumin (BSA; 9899". ) and glucose oxidase (GO, EC; type X from Aspergillus niger, 125 IU mg ' (35 'C), 186OOO g mol ') were obtained from Sigma Chemical Co., as were ,%nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (reduced disodium salt, &NADH; No. N 8129). sodium azide, rotenone (9+98"6), and antimycin A. Illtrapuresucro~(99.9?)wasobtainedfrom ICN Biochemicals. Poly(ethylene glycol) diglyridyl ether (PEG 4001 was obtained from Polysciences, Inc. Solutions used in all experiments were prepared with I8 MQ cm Milli-$ reagent water (Millipore Co.). Whole liver mitmhondria were isolated &q a suspension from male Sprague-Dawley albino rats in 0.25 M sucrose by the procedure of Johnson and Lardy." Mitochondria suspensions were stored at 5 "C and u ~ e dwithin 1-2 days. Protein determinations of mitochondrial extracts were made by the standard biuret method. Electrochemical Procedures. Involtammetricexperiments, a nmall-volume glass cell (0.2-1.0 mL) was employed: this containeda Pt auxiliaryelectrode,a Agquasi-referenceelectrode (AgQRE).a glassy carhon disk electrode (Binanalytical Systems (HAS,. West I.afayette, IN, 1.57-mmradiunhandaport forargon ~~~~

(11) Johnwn. D.: Lardy, H. In Methods in Enzymology: EQtshmok. R. W., Pullman. M. E., Eds.;Academrr: New York. 1 9 f i l ; Vol. 10. p 94.

Flgure 2. Optical microscope photqraphs 01 tiIration membrane sulaces. Averagepaedameter IS 6-10 um. (a)UnweatedmabnrM surface. (b) Membranesurfacetreated wiih glucoseoxidasehydrogel.

hhketing. Measurementn were carried out with a BAS IOOB electroehemical analyzer. A two-electrode Teflon cell (1-2 mL) described previousl~8 was used in all SECM experiments. The working ultramicroelectrode used in all cases was a carbon fiber (electrode radius (I = 4.0 i 0.5 pm) sealed in Pyrex that was polished to a radius 10i2timesthefiberradiusat theexpoeedtip(i.e.,ratioofglass sheathradiustoelectroderadius RG = IO). Thetipwaspolished with 0.05-pm alumina before each experiment. The scanning electrochemical microscope and operating procedures used for imaging were similar to those described previously.lZ Experimental conditions specific to the monitored enzyme reactionsaregiven with individual results. All experiments were performed at ambient temperature (22-25 "CI. Patterning of GO. Relatively flat surfaces containing welldefined areas of glucoseoxidase were fabricated by immobilizing a GO hydrogel within the track-etched pores of polycarbonate filtration membranes (Nuclepore Co.1. The hydrogel matrix containing GO, similar to that developed by Heller and coworken,ls." has heen described elsewhere? Membranes with cylindrical pores 6-10 pm in diameter were affixed to 1 X 1 em2 glass slides using double-sided tape. Aqueous 20 wt % solutions ofBSA,GO,andPEG400werecombinedthoroughlyinavolume ratio of 20:255, respectively, and the mixture was distributed evenly over the membrane surface. Coated membranes were cured at 35 "C for 48 h. allowing the hydrogel to harden within the membraneporesandasa thin, cracked layer on the membrane surface. After full curing. the surface layer was gently brushed away. Optical microscope color photographs taken before addition of GO and alter removal of the surface layer indicated that the yellow hydrogel wns immobilized within 8040% of the membrane pores. Hlark-and-white reproductions of these photographs (Figure2)onlyshowthe hydrogelas bright corrugations within a majority of pores. These bright corrugations (Figure 2bJ were absent in untreated memhranes (Figure 2a). Immobilization of Mitoehoodria. For each sample prepared,a50-ul.aliquot offreshlyisolated mitochondria wasadded that wasalready to50uLof55 glutaraldehydein0.2Sblsucro~e distributedovera 1 x 1 cm2aminatedsglassslide. Thesolutions were thoroughly mixed, and after standing 5 min, each slide was (12) Wipf, D. 0.: Bard, A. J. J. Electrochem. SOC.1991,138, 469. (13) Gregg, 8. A.; Heller, A. J. Phys. Chem. 1991,95,5976. (14) Pishko, M. V.; Michael, A. C.; Heller, A. A d . Chem. 1991,63,




50 pm

Flgure 3. Optical microscope photograph of glass-immobilized rat

her mitochondria.

Flgure4. SECMimage(5OX50pm)withlinesectionofaGOhydrogeC treated membrane surface. Image was taken with a carbon microelectrodetip (a = 4.0 pm, RG = 10. rate = 10 pm s-') at +0.82 V vs AgQRE in 0.1 M phosphate-perchlorate buffer (pH 7.0)containing no o-glucoso,50 pM H2Q, and 100 pM MVCI?. Lightest image regions depict the greatest normalized tip currents (hIh,-),

SECM Imaging of GO Catalysis. The first step toward spatially resolving the surface reactions of glucose oxidase (GO) was to immohilize GO a t small, well-defined sites on an insulating material. Avariety of photolithographic methods have heen used to hind GO in patterned surface regions.15 However, these procedures are time-consuming and typically yield poor spatial resolution of the enzyme (areas >50 pm2). Recently,methods for trapping GO withinpreexistingsurface structures have demonstrated better surface localization (areas