Scenes from the ACS Meeting in San Diego - C&EN Global Enterprise

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▲ R. Graham Cooks (left) of Purdue University

chats with Alan Marshall of Florida State University during the ACS national awards reception. ▲ A budding chemist takes careful measurements during the presidential outreach event at the San Diego Central Library. ▶ ACS President-Elect Allison Campbell (from left), ACS President Donna J. Nelson, and ACS Immediate Past-President Diane Grob Schmidt gather for a photo during the board reception and dinner. ◀ ACS Executive Director and CEO Thomas Connelly greets Willie E. May, director of the National Institute of Standards & Technology, during the Committee on Minority Affairs luncheon.

▲ Rochelle Diamond (left) and wife Barbara Belmont, both members of the ACS Subdivision for Gay & Transgender Chemists & Allies, attend the Committee on Minority Affairs luncheon. ▲ Tiffany Hayden (middle) of Erskine College and her undergrads attend the ACS student chapter awards ceremony.


Scenes from the ACS national

◀ Trinity Hale (middle) enjoys a light moment during the Women Chemists Committee breakfast. ▼ Nearly 100 chemists got up bright and early for the Member Insurance Program/Younger Chemists Committee’s 5K Fun Run.


C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | APRIL 4, 2016


▲ Connelly (from left) with Kavli Foundation lecturers Rommie Amaro and Emily Carter, along with Nelson and ACS Board Chair Pat N. Confalone. ▲ Undergrads Bianca Espinosa (from left), Julianne Truong, and Anastasia Martinez of California State University, Fullerton, leave the expo with plenty of tchotchkes. ▶ Undergrads from the University of Puerto Rico, Aguadilla, use pipe cleaners to model a ribbon structure during ChemDemo Exchange.

meeting in San Diego PHOTOS BY LINDA WANG

◀ Mostafa A. El-Sayed, the 2016 Priestley Medalist, signs copies of C&EN at the ACS booth.

▲ Nelson (right) poses with Vanecia Young of the

University of Florida during the Women Chemists Committee luncheon. Young is the first African American woman to receive tenure at a top 50 chemistry department. ▲ Madeleine Jacobs (left), former ACS executive director and CEO, embraces Sonja Israel, wife of the late Stanley C. Israel, who was a champion of diversity in the chemical sciences, during the board reception and dinner. ◀ Abdesslem Jedidi, a postdoc at King Abdullah University of Science & Technology, explains his research to Han Sen Soo of Nanyang Technological University during Sci-Mix. APRIL 4, 2016 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN