ous equipment products, materials of construction, and applications in cor rosive service. Dept. IEC,. Haveg. Corp., 900 Greenbank Rd., Wilmington. 8,...
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MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE o n r e q u e s t . Dept. IEC, Weksler In­ struments Corp., 195 East Merrick Rd., Free-port, L.I., Ν. Υ. 55

ous equipment products, materials of construction, and applications in cor­ rosive service. Dept. IEC, Haveg Corp., 900 Greenbank Rd., Wilmington 8, Del. 58 Equipment for Process Industries. Copies of "Allis-Chalmers Equipment for the Process Industries," 25C6177P, are available on request. Catalog guide describes a variety of equipment types including electrical process plant equipment. Dept. IEC, Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., Milwaukee 1, Wis. 59


EQUIPMENT Coolers and Dryers. Catalog 953 is a comprehensive 32-page book cover­ ing electrical and mechanical vibrating type coolers and dryers of both the direct and indirect type. Dept. IEC, The Jeffrey Mfg. Co., Columbus 16, Ohio. 56 Mist Eliminators. Brochure contains descriptions, design principles, and de­ sign data for Metex mist eliminators for complete vapor-liquid separation. Dept. IEC. Mist Eliminator Dept.. Metal Textile Corp.. 647 East First Ave., Roselle, N. J. 57 Corrosion-Resistant Equipment. Bul­ letin F-7 contains information on vari­

Graphite Immersion Heat Ex­ changers. New 12-page illustrated bulletin on K a r b a t e impervious graph­ ite immersion heat exchangers and cir­ culating steam jets for use with cor­ rosive solutions is now available. D e ­ scriptive, installation, and operation in­ formation are included in catalog sec­ tion S-620. Dept. IEC, National Car­ bon Co., 535 Fifth Ave., New York 17. Ν. Υ. 60 Horizontal Leaf Filter. Brochure il­ lustrates and describes compact filter design which gives maximum filter area in a minimum tank size. T h e Auto-Jet is available in any metal which can be welded. Dept. IEC, United States Fil­ ter Co., P.O. Box 3014, Terminal An­ nex. Los Angeles 54, Calif. 61

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2828 Smallman St., Pittsburgh 22, Pa.

Continuous Vacuum Filtration. Fil­ ter Bulletin F-2053 tells how new o p ­ erating principle saves money and makes possible the continuous filtration of slurries t h a t processors have not been able to filter on vacuum drum fil­ ters. Dept. IEC, The Eimco Corp., P.O. Box 300, Salt Lake City 4, Utah.

62 Acetylene Generator. New brochure, ATX-1059, illustrates outstanding fea­ tures of recently designed acetylene generator which accommodates run-ofcrusher carbide now available from manufacturers. Dept. IEC, The Sight Feed Generator Co., West Alexandria, Ohio. 63 Ultrasonic Homogenizers. Folder gives illustrations, specifications, and possible applications for various homogenizer models. Bull. 259, Dept. IEC, Sonic Engineering Corp., 146 Selleck St., Stamford, Conn. 64 High-Vacuum Pumps. Bulletin 8-20 contains 15 pages of information, speci­ fications, and applications of Roots high-vacuum pumps and pumping sys­ tems. Dept. IEC, Consolidated Vac­ uum Corp., 1775 Mt. Read Blvd., Rochester 3, Ν. Υ. 65 Rotary Pumps. Bulletin One gives descriptions and selection charts for line of pumps to handle wide variety of chemical materials. Dept. IEC, Blackmer Pump Co., Grand Rapids 9. Mich. 66 High-Temperature Liquid Seals. Bulletin SM-27-59 describes seals a p ­ plicable for sealing fractionating t r a y s in all types of process equipment at temperatures to 900° F . Twelve differ­ ent types with Monel, stainless steel, or Inconel wire binder are available. Dept. IEC, Metal Textile Corp., 647 East First Ave., Roselle, N. J. 67 Dehydration Units. Hydryer pack­ aged units, which will reduce moisture content of gases or liquids to very low levels, are described. Bull. 160-1, Dept. IEC, J. F. Pritchard & Co. of California, 4625 Roanoke Parkway, Kansas City 12, Mo. 68 Slurry Valve. New type of quick-act­ ing slurry valve is described in two-page bulletin recently published. Dept. IEC, Everlasting Valve Co., 49 Fisk St., Jersey City 5, N. J. 69 Valves. Newly revised version of comprehensive 500-page valve catalog, Catalog '60, features a 24-page valve selector guide and over 100 pages of engineering data. Complete valve line is covered. Dept. IEC, Lunkenheimer Co., Beekman St. at Waverly Ave., Cincinnati 14, Ohio. 70