Scheduled Courses in Analytical Techniques - American Chemical

Page 79 A, Apr. July 27 to 29—Introduction to Practical Industrial Microscopy (Optical). Somer ville, N. J. M. Sieminski, John Reffner, Center for P...
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Scheduled Courses in Analytical Techniques Information is given in the following order: date, name of course, location of course, professional person(s) in charge of course, and/or sponsoring organizations and Contact (numbers in parentheses refer to addresses and telephone numbers given at the bottom of the list of scheduled courses). July 2 0 to 21—Color Measurement in Food. Somerville, N. J. Arthur Levine, Cen­ ter for Professional Advancement. Contact (1) July 2 0 to 24—ISA/AID Advanced Gas Chromatography. Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, Ν. Υ. Roy A. Keller. Contact (2) July 2 0 to 24—Two Separate Courses: Thermoanalysis Workshop; Introduction to Conformational Analysis. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (3) July 2 0 to 31—Electron Microscopy. Cornell University. George Cocks. Contact (4) July 2 2 to 24—Moisture Analysis and Dew Point Determinations. Somerville, N. J. Center for Professional Advancement. Contact (1) July 2 3 to 24—Introduction to Thermoanalysis. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Re­ search. Contact (3). July 2 5 to Aug. 15—Research Instrumentation. Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. Contact: Kenneth R. Jolis, Office of Special Programs, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 3 3 3 Jay St., Brooklyn, Ν. Υ. 1 1 2 0 1 . 212-643-4442. Page 79 A, Apr. July 2 7 to 29—Introduction to Practical Industrial Microscopy (Optical). Somer­ ville, N. J. M. Sieminski, John Reffner, Center for Professional Advancement. Contact (1) July 2 7 to 29—Techniques of Infrared Spectroscopy. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (3). July 2 7 to 31—UV/Visible Spectroscopy. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (3) Aug. 3 to 5—Magnetochemistry. Somerville, N. J. W. E. Hatfield, Center for Pro­ fessional Advancement. Contact (1) Aug. 3 to 6—Thermoanalysis Institute. Somerville, N. J. Bernard Miller, Center for Professional Advancement. Contact (1) Aug. 3 to 7—ISA/AID Sampling and Sample Systems. Temple Buell College, Den­ ver, Colo. Curtis Brochers. Contact (2) Aug. 3 to 7—Two Separate Courses: Infrared Interpretation, Part I; Gas Chroma­ tography. Philadelphia, Pa. Contact (3) Aug. 3 to 7—Infrared Spectroscopy-Technique. Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ nology, Cambridge, Mass, (Contact 5) Aug. 3 to 7—Infrared and Ultraviolet Absorption Spectroscopy. Arizona State University, Tempe, Ariz. Contact (6) Aug. 5 to 7—Measurement of Appearance of Materials. Fairfax, Va., R. S. Hunter. Contact: Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc., 9 5 2 9 Lee Highway, Fairfax, Va. 2 2 0 3 0 . 703-591-5310 Aug. 10 to 14—Infrared Spectroscopy—Applications. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Contact (5) Aug. 1 0 to 14—Electron Optical Systems. Chicago, III. McCrone Research. Con­ tact (7) Aug. 10 to 14—Thin Layer Chromatography. Philadelphia, Pa. M. Karl Brandt. Contact (3) Aug. 12 to 14—High Purity Chemicals-Preparation, Characterization, and Contain­ ment. Somerville, N. J. Morris Zief and A. J. Barnard, Center for Professional Advancement. Contact (1) Aug. 17 to 19—Instrument Methods in Organic Chemistry. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (3). Aug. 17 to 20—Modern Electroanalytical Techniques. Somerville, N. J. Basil Vassos, Center for Professional Advancement. Contact (1) Aug. 17 to 21—Infrared Interpretation, Part II. Chicago, III. Sadtler Research. Contact (3) Aug. 17 to 21—Fisk Institute, Two Separate Courses: Basic Infrared Spectroscopy; Gas-Liquid Chromatography. Vanderbilt University Campus, Nashville, Tenn. Contact (8)


Oct. 19 to 21—ACS Northeast Regional Meeting. Biltmore Hotel, Providence, R. I. Contact: Melvin A. Lipson, Philip A. Hunt Chemical Co., Lincoln, R. I. 0 2 8 6 5 . Page 7 9 A, Apr.

Oct. 14 to 16—18th Detroit Anachem Conference. Detroit Hilton, Detroit, Mich. Contact: J a m e s H. Burkel, U. S. Food and Drug Administration,

Oct. 19 to 22—30th National Fall Con­ ference American Society for Nonde­ structive Testing. Hollenden House, Cleveland, Ohio. Contact: Philip D.

Circle No. 131 on Readers' Service Card 56 A ·

1560 E. Jefferson, Detroit, 4 8 2 0 7 . Page 4 7 A, J u n e

Oct. 12 to 15—84th Annual Meeting Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Marriott Motor Hotel, Twin Bridges, Washington, D. C. Contact: L. G. Ensminger, AOAC, Box 540, Benjamin Franklin Station, Washington, D. C. 2 0 0 4 4 . Page 58 A, Mar.





Aug. 17 to 28—Modern Industrial Spectroscopy. Arizona State University, Tempe, Ariz. Contact (6) Aug. 17 to 28—Physical Measurement and Analysis. M a s s a c h u s e t t s Institute of Technology. Cambridge, Mass. Contact (5) Aug. 2 0 to 21—Color Technology. Cape Cod, Mass. Diano Corp. Contact (9) Aug. 2 4 to 27—Spectral Characterization of Organic Compounds. Somerville, N. J. A. J. Diefenderfer, Center for Professional Advancement. Contact (1) Aug. 2 4 to 28—Fisk Institute, Two Separate Courses: Interpretation of Infrared Spectra; Basic Ultraviolet and Fluorescence. Vanderbilt University Campus, Nashville, Tenn. Contact (8) Aug. 2 4 to 2 8 — B a s i c Electronics for Scientists and Engineers. Somerville, N. J. Saul Ritterman. Center for Professional Advancement. Contact (1) Sept. 7 to 11—Photomicrography. London, England. McCrone Research. Con­ tact (7) Sept. 10 to 11—Color Technology. Chicago, III. Diano Corp. Contact (9) Sept. 11 to 13—Chemical Microscopy. Chicago, III. John A. Refiner. ACS. Con­ t a c t (10) Sept. 1 2 to 1 3 — G a s Chromatography. Chicago, III. Roy A. Keller, Michael F. Burke. ACS. Contact (10) Sept. 14 to 15—Color Technology. Los Angeles, Calif. Diano Corp. Contact (9) Sept. 14 to 18—Identification of Small Particles. London, England. McCrone Research. Contact (7) Sept. 14 to 18—Neutron Activation Analysis. San Diego, Calif. Contact: Law­ rence Kovar, Gulf General Atomic, Box 6 0 8 , San Diego, Calif. 9 2 1 1 2 . 714-4531000 ext. 3 2 7 Sept. 14 to 18—Two Separate Courses: Infrared Interpretation, Part I; Gas Chro­ matography. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (3) Sept. 17—Column Selection in Gas Chromatography. Chicago, III. Harold M. McNair, Walter R. Supina. ACS. Contact (10) Sept. 18 to 19—Intermediate Gas Chromatography. Chicago, III. Harold M. Mc­ Nair, Richard S. Juvet, Stuart P. Cram. ACS Contact (10) Sept. 2 1 to 24—Ashing Methods in Chemical Analysis and Environmental Monitor­ ing. Munich, Germany. Contact: B. Sansoni, Institut fur Strahlenschutz, Gesellschaft fur Strahlenforschung mbH, 8 0 4 2 Neuherberg bei Munchen, West Germany. Sept. 2 4 to 25—Color Technology. Manchester, England. Diano Corp. Contact (9) Sept. 2 8 to 29—Color Technology. Paris, France. Diano Corp. Contact (9) Oct. 5 to 9—Two Separate Courses: Infrared Interpretation, Part I; Gas Chroma­ tography. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (3) Oct. 5 to 9—Microscopy in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Chicago, III. McCrone Research. Contact (7) (1) Center for Professional Advancement, Div. of Technological Advancement Cen­ t e r s , Inc., 29 Division St., Somerville, N. J. 0 8 8 7 6 . 201-722-8111 (2) Meetings Coordinator, Instrument Society of America, 5 3 0 William Penn Place, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 5 2 1 9 . 412-281-3171 (3) Sadtler Educational Div., Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc., 3 3 1 6 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1 9 1 0 4 . 215-382-7800 (4) Julian C. Smith, Office of t h e Director, Carpenter Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, Ν. Υ. 1 4 8 5 0 (5) J. M. Austin, Director of t h e S u m m e r Session, Room E19-356, MIT, Cambridge, Mass. 0 2 1 3 9 (6) J a c o b Fuchs, Dept. of Chemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, Ariz. 8 5 2 8 1 (7) Mrs. Miriam L. Fallert, McCrone Research Institute, 4 5 1 East 3 1 s t St., Chicago, III. 312-842-7105 (8) Nelson Fuson, Director, Fisk Institute, Box 8, Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn. 37203 (9) Diano Corp., P.O. Box 9 2 0 , 5 0 6 Washington St., Norwood, Mass. 0 2 0 6 2 . 6 1 7 762-8400 (10) Education Office, American Chemical Society, 1 1 5 5 16th St., N.W., Washington, D. C. 2 0 0 3 6 . 202-737-3337 ext. 2 5 8 .


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istry Division, National Research Council, Montreal Rd., Ottawa 7, Ont., Canada. Page 6 0 A, Nov. Oct. 2 6 to 2 9 — 2 5 t h ISA Annual Con­ ference and Exhibit (Includes Sym­ posia on Data Handling & Computa­ tion Instrumentation and Test Mea­ s u r e m e n t Instrumentation). Civic Center, Philadelphia, Pa. Contact: Meetings Coordinator, Instrument So­ ciety of America, 5 3 0 William Penn Place, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 5 2 1 9

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