Scheduling Tanker-Lightering Operations in Crude Oil Transportation

A numerical comparison of our best slot-based model with existing event-based models for simplified versions of our general problem shows that the for...
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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2006, 45, 8063-8082


Scheduling Tanker-Lightering Operations in Crude Oil Transportation Cheng Huang and I. A. Karimi* Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, National UniVersity of Singapore, 4 Engineering DriVe 4, Singapore 117576

Direct ship-to-ship lightering of large crude oil tankers via small vessels to enable the former to enter shallow channels and ports is an extremely crucial operation in crude transportation. We consider a scheduling problem faced by a shipping company that operates a fleet of multicompartment service vessels with different configurations to provide lightering services for multiple refineries clustered in a region. In contrast to limited existing work on the tanker-lightering problem, we address several realistic and practical problem considerations such as multicompartment vessels, limitation on simultaneous transfers, crude density variations, etc. We develop two continuous-time, slot-based, mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) models using different linearization methods and address two objectives of minimizing tanker demurrage and time-charter costs. The model requiring additional continuous variables but fewer nonzeros and constraints generally performs better. In addition, we develop a simplified model based on some intuitive, albeit heuristic, considerations to enable the solution of real-scale problems. A numerical comparison of our best slot-based model with existing event-based models for simplified versions of our general problem shows that the former is faster. 1. Introduction Despite high prices and gloomy forecasts, crude oil is at the root of the world’s economy. In year 2003 alone, 1.686 billion tons of crude oil was shipped worldwide.1 A large tanker is one of the most common and highly economical means for transporting large quantities of liquid cargos, especially crude oil. In the case of crude oil, such tankers are called VLCC (very large crude carrier) and ULCC (ultralarge crude carrier). However, fully loaded large tankers cannot pass through shallow channels or dock at shallow ports because of shallow drafts, narrow entrances, or small berths. Under such circumstances, small vessels are employed to unload a part of the crude oil from the tanker at offshore deep sea in order to reduce its draft and enable its entry into a shallow channel or port. Subsequently, both the tanker and the small vessels travel to the refinery port to deliver the crude oil. The direct ship-to-ship transfer of crude oil from large tankers to small vessels in order to lighter the tankers is called tanker lightering.2 A large tanker that requires lightering is called a ship-to-be-lightered, or simply STBL. The small vessels that unload crude oil from an STBL and deliver to the destination ports are called service ships, or simply SSs. This operation enables a large tanker to service shallow refinery ports. The tanker-lightering operation is a critical part of the petroleum supply chain. In the third quarter of 2001 alone, 4.067 billion barrels of oil were transferred in 9 182 lightering operations worldwide.3 Though a lightering operation incurs additional cost, it offers several advantages to a refinery. First, as described earlier, many refinery ports have shallow drafts and large tankers are the only economical means to deliver crude to them. Second, tanker lightering helps reduce the time-charter costs or demurrage of large tankers (STBLs), which can be of the order of US$100 000 per day, by reducing their waiting times for unloading. It also helps reduce inventory costs at the refineries by ensuring on-time delivery of crude oils as described by Chajakis.4 Additionally, tanker lightering gives flexibility to crude supplies. For instance, service ships enable faster * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. Phone: +65 6516-6359. Fax: +65 6779-1936.

delivery, as multiple vessels can simultaneously discharge crude to different tanks in a refinery, as highlighted by Reddy et al.,5,6 and deliver parts of the crudes to the refineries that need them urgently, before an STBL reaches them, as reported by Lin et al.7 During congestion, tankers may easily spend days awaiting lightering service and demurrage costs may pile up rapidly. Because of such extremely high economic stakes, effective scheduling of lightering operations is crucial for minimizing logistics costs by reducing the waiting times of STBLs and increasing the utilization of SSs. A typical industrial lightering operation proceeds as follows. An STBL arrives at the lightering location. The location2 depends largely on water depth and traffic and is typically 2070 nautical miles away from the entrance of a shallow channel or port. In the Gulf of Mexico, it is typically performed 20-70 miles from the shore, as lightering any further offshore would be time-consuming and less convenient. An SS also arrives at the location and gets ready for lightering. At the same time, a lightering support vessel (LSV) carries the personnel and equipment (fenders and hoses) required for the lightering operation to the lightering location. The LSV delivers the personnel to the ships to monitor the lightering process. The fenders are placed on one side of either STBL or SS in order to prevent damage to STBL and SS, when they are brought together. After the fenders are in place, the SS approaches the STBL in a parallel manner so that the fenders can share the load of impact equally. Once aligned, the STBL and the SS are moored together using a few lines. Hoses are connected to transfer crude from the STBL to the SS. The lightering operation can be carried out, while the ships are at anchorage, underway, or drifting, depending on the weather conditions and delivery requirements. After the lightering ends, both the STBL and the SS travel to the destination.2 One or more SSs may be required before an STBL can travel to its destination. Daskin and Walton8 described a general lightering problem for supertankers. They proposed a linked set of queuing models comprising a cyclic queuing model for SS operations and an approximate queuing model for tanker delays. The model is approximate and limited with several simplifying assumptions, e.g., only one SS can service an STBL at a time, and so on.

10.1021/ie060379j CCC: $33.50 © 2006 American Chemical Society Published on Web 10/25/2006


Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 45, No. 24, 2006

Figure 1. Schematic for two-stage tanker-lightering operations.

Later, Andrews et al.9 addressed a real-life crude oil lightering problem faced by a lightering service provider company in Delaware Bay. The company operates a fleet of SSs in Delaware Bay and services different refineries clustered in the region. The authors built a simulation model to study the effects of various operating policies on the service levels of the client refinery. Chajakis10 extended this work to develop a scheduling engine to complement the simulation model. He established a model using mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) algorithms and heuristic approaches, which used commonly practiced scheduling policies to generate short-term schedules. In a later paper, Chajakis4 described an optimization model to provide the best possible service times at minimal fleet costs. Recently, Lin et al.7 developed an event-based MILP model to generate short-term schedules for tanker-lightering operations. Their model accommodated some practical lightering policies such as two-stage lightering (some very large STBLs require lightering more than once) and an SS loading crude from up to two STBLs during one voyage. However, their model has some limitations. First, they assumed single-compartment (singleparcel or single-crude) service ships and did not allow multiparcel vessels.11 They also did not restrict the number of simultaneous services for a single STBL, while no more than two simultaneous services are possible in practice. They also did not allow an SS to lighter more than two STBLs within one voyage. Furthermore, they ignored the differences in crude densities, travel times between STBLs, and fuel costs of service ships, and did not allow the freedom to select crudes to lighter. These features are important in a real lightering operation, which motivated us to develop new mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) formulations to address them. In a recent paper, Huang and Karimi12 developed several MILP models for a general transshipment problem, in which bulk liquid cargos are transferred directly (ship-to-ship) from large carriers to small carriers. However, they focused on the direct ship-to-ship transfer operations only. Since the tanker lightering also involves such transfers, it is a special case of the general transshipment problem in that sense. However, it is also different in many ways. While the general transshipment normally involves small vessels making single voyages and then all carriers (large and small) continuing to their next destinations,

the tanker lightering may involve multiple voyages of the SSs within the planning horizon. Therefore, the travel times of SSs between refineries and lightering locations, the discharge operations of SSs at the refinery ports outside the lightering locations, etc. are important in addition to all the practical features mentioned earlier. The objective of this work is to describe in detail the tankerlightering problem faced by a shipping company that provides lightering services to multiple refineries in a region, and then to present continuous-time, slot-based MILP formulations for obtaining optimal and/or suboptimal, short-term schedules for the tanker-lightering operations of such a company. In addition, we solve several realistic examples to illustrate the application of our model for two practical scheduling objectives and compare the performance of reduced versions of our lightering models with the models of Lin et al.7 using some of their examples. 2. Problem Description Figure 1 gives a schematic of the tanker-lightering operations addressed in this paper. A lightering company services several refineries with shallow drafts located in a region. The company operates a fleet of N nonidentical, multicompartment SSs (n ) 1, 2, ..., N). M multicompartment STBLs (m ) 1, 2, ..., M) with 2M unloading positions (p ) 1, 2, ..., 2M) are to deliver C crudes (c ) 1, 2, ..., C) to the client refineries (r ) 1, 2, ..., R) in the upcoming planning horizon. These crude oils vary in their origins (STBLs), target destinations (refineries), densities, and heating requirements. We treat a crude in an STBL as different from the same crude in another STBL. An STBL m may carry one or more crudes. Let CTm denote the set of crudes that it carries, i.e., CTm ) {c | STBL m carries crude c}. Let PSc denote the volume (m3) of crude c. Each STBL is destined for one or more, a priori known, refineries and faces some draft limitations. For entry into its destination refinery ports, STBL m must lighter a known weight LWm (lightering weight in kg) of its load, which may involve one or more crude oils. Each STBL has two sides (starboard or right and larboard or left) for crude transfer, so at most two SSs can offload crude

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from the STBL at any time, one from each side. We assume that an STBL can offload any of its crudes from either side or position. Normally, the lightering occurs at an anchorage location. However, some large STBLs require an additional lightering step in deep offshore water before they can even enter the anchorage. Therefore, we consider two lightering locations; the anchorage, which is closer to the refinery, and the offshore, which is away from the refinery. If an STBL requires two-stage lightering, then we model it by two separate STBLs with different lightering locations, operations, and requirements, one lightering at the anchorage and the other at offshore. Thus, if we have two STBLs, one of which requires two-stage lightering, then we have M ) 3 STBLs with m ) m2 and m′ ) m3 being the same physical STBL and m2 (m3) being the offshore (anchorage) STBL. Note that two indices (m and m′) refer to the same physical STBL at two different locations. To facilitate this classification, we define set TST ) {m | the physical STBL of m is a two-stage STBL} and set MM ) {(m, m′) | STBL m and STBL m′, respectively, are the offshore and anchorage STBLs of the same two-stage physical STBL}. Thus, m2 ∈ TST, m3 ∈ TST, and (m2, m3) ∈ MM for the previous example. The STBLs arrive at their first lightering location (anchorage or offshore) at arbitrary, but known, times (ETABm) within the planning horizon. During congestion time, multiple STBLs arrive in a short time interval at a transfer location and compete for lightering services. If a large STBL requires two stages of lightering, then its arrival time at the anchorage will depend on its departure time from the offshore location, as we elaborate later on. After lightering itself at the anchorage, each STBL travels to its destination refinery port/s to deliver the remaining crude oil. An SS n has NUn identical compartments of volume (m3) SCn, and it travels with velocity vfn when loaded and velocity ven when empty. All SSs become available at the anchorage at arbitrary, but known, times (ETASn). The operation of an SS involves a series of voyages. Because most lightering occurs at the anchorage, we take it as the reference lightering location where an SS starts/ends its voyages. Thus, each voyage is one full anchorage-to-anchorage round trip of an SS, in which it visits a single refinery. A typical voyage involves the following steps. The SS starts from the anchorage. Then, it visits one or more STBLs one by one and collects one or more crudes from each STBL. These STBLs could be at either the anchorage or the offshore, so a voyage may involve traveling between the anchorage and the offshore. We assume that all crudes in a single voyage belong to a single refinery port. However, this port may vary from voyage to voyage. After collecting all its crude parcels, the SS travels to its designated refinery port and unloads them at the refinery. Finally, it returns to the anchorage. Serving multiple STBLs in one voyage is useful during periods of congestion. By doing this, an SS saves the round-trip between the lightering location and refinery. However, it results in a longer delivery time to the refinery for the crude oil that was loaded first on the service ship. Therefore, a tradeoff exists between reduced time-charter or demurrage costs for the latter STBLs and longer delivery times for some crudes. Lightering an STBL involves the following sequential tasks: mounting to the STBL or connecting to one or more compartments of the STBL one at a time via a flexible hose, pumping crude oils one at a time to different compartments of the SS, and then dismounting from the STBL. Some crudes require heating; an SS may not have the required heating equipment, so an SS may not be able to carry all crudes. Therefore, we

define a set CVn ) {c | SS n can carry crude c}. Finally, we assume that an SS does not change its transfer position, while downloading crudes during a single visit to an STBL. The discharging operation at a refinery involves docking at the refinery port, pumping crude oils one at a time from the SS to one or more crude tanks in the refinery, and undocking from the refinery port. Let FINnc denote the known rate at which SS n receives crude c from an STBL, and FOUTn denote the rate at which it discharges crude to the refinery. The objective of our lightering problem is to generate an optimal short-term operation schedule that minimizes the total cost for the lightering company. The schedule includes the assignment of SSs to STBLs, the sequences and timings of visits to STBLs, voyage details, STBLs served in each voyage, the amounts and types of crude oils unloaded from each STBL, and the numbers of service-ship compartments used for carrying each crude. The total cost consists of two parts: operating costs of the SSs and costs related to the STBLs. The former is the sum of fuel consumption and fixed operating costs. Fuel consumption is directly proportional to the total distance that an SS travels. Fixed cost is the lump-sum cost of maintenance, depreciation, and labor. We can use the cost related to the STBLs as either time-charter cost or demurrage. Time-charter cost is the cost paid by the client refineries to hire crude tankers on a daily basis. Within the chartered period, refineries still pay charter cost even if a tanker sits idle. Therefore, one important objective is to minimize the time STBLs spend idling at some place either for lightering or for waiting. On the other hand, demurrage is the cost borne by the lightering company, when a tanker waits more than an agreed duration for lightering services. Depending on the objectives, the optimal schedules may be different. We will study the impact of different objectives on the lightering schedules later on. In addition, the arrival times of crude oils to the refineries are also measures of customer satisfaction of the refineries. The availability of SSs often depends on the weather conditions, as some SSs cannot operate during bad weather. We address this simply by removing these SSs from the list in our formulation. We make the following assumptions in this problem: (1) Effects of tides on the velocities and drafts of SSs are negligible. When a ship travels with the tide, it can move easier, so the fuel consumption reduces at the same speed. In addition, a higher tide also increases the draft of a channel/port, which may reduce the required lightering volume for an STBL. (2) All crude parcels are compatible with each other, as far as compartment allocation is concerned. Thus, an SS can carry a crude in any compartment without worrying about its location. (3) The stability considerations of SSs and STBLs during the lightering operations are ignored. (4) The lightering weight LWm of crude that an STBL m must lighter at each lightering location is fixed and known a priori. (5) Once an STBL arrives at a lightering location (anchorage or offshore), it does not move, until it lighters the prefixed amount of crude oil for that location. In contrast, the SSs may travel among different STBLs. (6) An STBL can feed at most two SSs at the same time, one at each side. (7) Any crude can be transferred from either position (side) of an STBL. (8) An SS can receive only one crude at a time. (9) An SS delivers crudes to only one refinery during each voyage. (10) All compartments in each SS are identical.


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(11) Lightering operation takes place when ships anchor. However, in practice, ships can be traveling at slow speed during ship-to-ship crude transfer. (12) Anchorage is located somewhere between the offshore and refineries. Therefore, the distance from the offshore to a refinery is simply the sum of distances from the offshore to the anchorage and the anchorage to the refinery. 3. MILP Formulation We use two approaches for modeling the activities of SSs and STBLs over time. We use contiguous, ordered, variablelength slots for the former and use floating, unordered, variablelength task intervals (which we order using a pairwise sequencing approach) for the latter. In the former, we assign an activity to each slot, while in the latter, each interval has a preassigned activity and we ensure that the activities do not clash. The lightering of an STBL involves the transfer of varying amounts of one or more crudes by one or more SSs at the same or different times. Each STBL has two sides for crude transfer. A side can serve (i.e., offload crude to) only one SS at a time. Thus, at most two SSs can lighter an STBL at any given time. Each time an SS comes to serve an STBL, it has several choices. First, it must decide on which side of the STBL it must dock. Here it has two options, larboard and starboard. Second, it must decide which of the crudes on the STBL it must receive first. Once it has decided the crude, it must decide the amount of crude to transfer. Of these three choices, the first two are discrete in nature, while the third is continuous. To model these choices, we define several distinct batches of crudes of unknown volumes for each STBL. We call these batches as parcels. Each time an SS visits an STBL, it can select one or more of these parcels. Whenever an SS visits an STBL, it must dock on a side and then connect to a compartment of the STBL for receiving a single crude oil. We define this as the start of a new lightering parcel. This parcel ends when the SS terminates that particular connection. If the SS begins another connection to receive a different crude, then another parcel begins. Thus, each parcel is a single continuous withdrawal of a single crude from one position of an STBL. It is obvious that two batches of the same crude withdrawn at different times or from different positions of the same STBL are different parcels. In our proposed formulation, we convert each STBL into a number of distinct parcels of unknown amounts, which an SS can select from during the entire scheduling horizon. Each parcel has three defining attributes: (1) the STBL from which it is withdrawn, (2) the STBL side (larboard or starboard) from which it transfers, and (3) the crude that it contains. For each STBL m, we postulate a maximum number of parcels that could possibly be withdrawn from that STBL by various SSs at different (but unknown) times during the scheduling horizon and we define each of these parcels fully by prefixing a crude and a transfer position for each. During a single visit, an SS can select from at least 2|CTm| parcels. Several SSs may visit an STBL, and they may visit more than once. To allow for such a possibility, we replicate these 2|CTm| parcels a desired number of times. We then assign a unique index j to each parcel. Let J be the total number of parcels (j ) 1, 2, ..., J) from all STBLs. Let us use an example to illustrate the generation of parcels for an STBL. In Figure 2, an STBL m carries two crudes. Let us replicate each parcel 3 times, then we get 12 possible parcels (2 crudes × 2 positions × 3 replicates) for STBL m. Thus, each crude can be transferred in at most 6 parcels, 3 from the larboard side and 3 from the starboard side. Let j1-j3 be the larboard and j4-j6 be the starboard parcels of crude c1. Similarly, let

Figure 2. Parcel assignments to STBL m (NSUm ) 3, |CTm| ) 2).

j7-j9 be the larboard and j10-j12 be the starboard parcels of crude c2. Now, an SS cannot withdraw two parcels at the same time from a given position; thus, the parcels of any given side cannot transfer simultaneously. Thus, j1-j3 and j7-j9 must transfer at different times, if they indeed transfer in the optimal schedule. Since each set consists of three identical and interchangeable parcels, it does not matter which of j1-j3 (or j7-j9) transfers first. Therefore, we fix the order of the parcels as j3 after j2 after j1, as j6 after j5 after j4, as j9 after j8 after j7, and as j12 after j11 after j10. By fixing these parcel orders, we reduce redundant alternatives for the optimizer without affecting the optimal solution. Note that we cannot preorder the parcels of different crudes, because their parcels are neither identical nor interchangeable, and we have no idea of the sequence in which they may transfer. For example, in Figure 2, at position p1 (larboard), the first service of crude c1 (j1) is served before the second service of crude c2 (j8) but after the first service of the same crude (j7). The above parcel generation procedure will normally result in more parcels than what will actually transfer, as some parcels will not transfer. Let us say that we can postulate an upper limit NSUm on the number of distinct parcels that actually transfer from STBL m. In many practical situations, an STBL is so small that one or two parcels are sufficient to lighter it, i.e., NSUm ) 2. In this case, the question of two or more parcels transferring simultaneously from any given position will never arise. Thus, we need not assign a transfer position for each parcel, because we know that an STBL can indeed discharge two parcels simultaneously. In this case, each parcel has only two defining attributes, namely, the STBL and crude. Therefore, for such small STBLs, we define only one parcel for each crude without assigning any position to each parcel and without replicating any parcels. However, in some cases, we may need to distinguish the first service of such a parcel from its second service. This method reduces the number of parcels and, hence, the number of binary variables and the combinatorial complexity of the problem. To implement this distinction between STBLs, we define the set of large STBLs (as opposed to small STBLs described above) as LT ) {m | STBL m requires more than two parcels for lightering}. Having defined all the potential parcels, we now assign a unique density (Fj), an earliest time of arrival (ETAj), a destination refinery, the distance to destination refinery (drj), the distance from anchorage (daj), the parcel transfer rate to SS n (FINnj), the total time (MDTj) for mounting to and dismounting from its STBL, and the total time (DTRj) to dock at and undock from its destination refinery. MDTj includes the times for connecting and disconnecting hose, setting up transfer equipment, draining/cleaning hose, etc. For two crude parcels withdrawn consecutively by an SS from the same STBL in a single visit, the SS must disconnect from the first compartment

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Because all parcels may not actually transfer and we do not know the exact number of parcels that an SS may actually receive, some empty slots may exist. It is better to push such empty slots to the end of the schedule than leave them in the middle to avoid possible errors in calculating the travel times between parcels. To achieve this, we write

Un(k+1) e Unk

k < Kn


Using some heuristic computations, we can estimate the limits (NSLm and NSUm) on the number of parcels that an STBL may actually transfer to lighter itself fully. Therefore,

NSLm e

Figure 3. Slot-based approach for service ship n.

and then connect another compartment or keep the same hose connection but change valves. All these operations require a certain setup time, so we assume MDTj as a parcel-dependent parameter only. Each parcel has a unique crude and a unique STBL. In addition, each parcel of a large STBL (m ∈ LT) has a unique position. Therefore, we now define the following sets: JCc ) {j | parcel j has crude oil c}, JBm ) {j | parcel j is from STBL m}, and Jp ) {j | m(j) ∈ LT and parcel j transfers from position p}, where m(j) denotes the STBL to which parcel j belongs. Some crudes may have special transport requirements such as heating. For instance, a heavy crude may be highly viscous and may require heating. An SS may not be equipped to carry a certain crude. Therefore, we define JSn ) {j | SS n can carry parcel j}. Finally, we assume that SS does not change its transfer position during a single visit to any STBL. This is because it would be unproductive to do so. Using these preliminary modeling concepts and notation, we now develop the constraints for our MILP formulation. We first develop the constraints for the operations of SSs. Then, we do the same for STBLs. Since the activities on SSs and STBLs must match each other, we then write the constraints to couple their operations. Last, we define two suitable scheduling objectives. Throughout this paper, we write each constraint for all valid values of its defining indices, unless stated otherwise. 3.1. Service Ships. We divide the time axis of SS n into Kn contiguous, ordered slots (k ) 1, 2, ..., Kn) of unknown, variable lengths, as shown in Figure 3. A new slot begins, whenever the SS begins receiving a new parcel. Let TSnk denote the time at which slot k begins on SS n. We assume that an SS can receive at most one parcel in each slot. Thus, an SS n during slot k has two choices. It either remains idle or serves any one of the parcels that it can possibly serve. To model this, we define one binary and one 0-1 continuous variable as follows:

xnkj )


1 if vessel n transfers parcel j during slot k 0 otherwise j ∈ JSn, 1 ) k ) Kn


1 if vessel n transfers a parcel during slot k Unk ) 0 otherwise 1 ) k ) Kn An SS n can receive at most one parcel during slot k; therefore,

Unk )

∑j xnkj

j ∈ JSn


∑n ∑k ∑j xnkj e NSUm

j ∈ JSn ∩ JBm


We can estimate NSUm (NSLm) by rounding up the ratio of LWm to the smallest (largest) capacity (weight) of an SS. However, if the smallest SS is far smaller than the others, then this method grossly overestimates the maximum number of parcels and makes the model unnecessarily more difficult. Then, we may use some heuristics to reduce this upper limit. For example, if a single SS with a large capacity can lighter an STBL, then it is unlikely that the optimal solution will use several small SSs. This is because additional SSs incur additional operating costs. On the other hand, it may also help to use two SSs, as the STBL can offload from two sides simultaneously and lighter itself faster. Either way, using such heuristic rules, we can estimate reasonable NSUm and NSLm. 3.1.1. Voyages. An SS may have multiple compartments and can carry multiple crudes; thus, it is essential that it can pick up several crudes and serve multiple STBLs during one voyage during congestion. Because we restricted each slot to at most one parcel, it is clear that a voyage may span multiple slots, if it is to serve multiple STBLs and carry multiple crudes. To do this, we need a way to decide the start/end of a voyage. To model this decision, we define the following binary variable:

zenk )


1 if vessel n ends its current voyage in slot k 0 otherwise 1 e k e Kn

If SS n is not on a voyage during slot k, then it cannot end its voyage, so,

zenk e Unk


Clearly, an SS n can do two things at the end of slot k. It may continue its current voyage and move to another parcel in the next slot, or it may terminate its voyage and travel to its destination refinery to deliver the crudes. To distinguish between these two scenarios, we define a 0-1 continuous variable,

Znkjj′ )


1 if vessel n transfers parcel j in slot k, j′ in (k + 1) during the same voyage 0 otherwise j and j′ ∈ JSn, (j, j′) ∈ JJ, k < Kn

where JJ ) {( j, j′) | some SSs can carry parcels j and j′ during the same voyage}. Recall that each voyage has a single destination refinery, so an SS in one voyage can carry only the parcels with the same destination refinery. However, we exclude from JJ the parcel pairs with the same crude and STBL, as we do not want an SS to withdraw the same crude multiple times


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We do not need the above for parcels from small STBLs, as we allow the same parcel to transfer twice as described earlier. As an SS moves from parcel to parcel during a voyage, it receives parcels into its various compartments. Even though we prefixed the identity of each parcel, we still need to decide the amount of crude in it and the number of SS compartments required for its storage. Let VPnkj (j ∈ JSn) be the volume of parcel j that SS n withdraws during slot k and NCnk be the number of compartments that store the parcel received by SS n during slot k. Clearly, the SS cannot carry more than its physical capacity, cannot violate the draft limitation of its destination refinery, and cannot withdraw more than what the STBL has, so


WDnj ,PSc Fj

VPnkj e xnkj min NUn SCn, Figure 4. Model variables defining the lightering routes and tasks of a service ship in a voyage.

during any voyage. Figure 4 illustrates the key variables involved in modeling a single voyage of a SS. From the definition, Znkjj′ ) xnkjxn(k+1)j′(1 - zenk). If SS n does not receive parcel j during slot k (i.e., xnkj ) 0), then it cannot travel from parcel j to any other parcel in slot (k + 1). Therefore,

xnkj g

∑j′ Znkjj′

j and j′ ∈ JSn, (j, j′) ∈ JJ, k < Kn (5a)

Similarly, it cannot travel to parcel j′ in slot (k + 1), if it does not receive parcel j′ (i.e., xn(k+1)j′ ) 0). Thus,

xn(k+1)j′ g

∑j Znkjj′

j and j′ ∈ JSn, (j, j′) ∈ JJ, k < Kn (5b)

If SS n terminates a voyage at slot k (i.e., zenk ) 1), then it obviously cannot go from any parcel to any other parcel directly, that is,

1 -zenk g

∑j ∑j′ Znkjj′

j and j′ ∈ JSn, (j, j′) ∈ JJ, k < Kn (5c)

Last, Znkjj′ ) 1, only when SS n takes parcel j in slot k, j′ in (k + 1), and continues its current voyage; therefore,

Znkjj′ g xnkj + xn(k+1)j′ - zenk - 1 j and j′ ∈ JSn, (j, j′) ∈ JJ, k < Kn (5d) Equations 5a-5d are exact linear equivalents for the nonlinear definition of Znkjj′ and ensure that it is binary. Last, the number of voyages (i.e., the number of last slots of voyages) for an SS n in the planning horizon must equal the number of slots with parcels minus the number of parcel-toparcel transitions within the same voyage. In other words,

∑k zenk ) ∑k Unk - k 1, j ∈ JSn

k < Kn, j ∈ JSn (15a)

WZnk e WTUn (1 - zenk)


WZnk + WTUn zenk g WTnk


Using the above procedure, we can get the following for eq 12a.

∑j VPn(k+1)j - VTUn zenk

k < Kn, j ∈ JSn (16a)

∑j VPn(k+1)j


VZnk + VTUn zenk g VTnk


k < Kn, j ∈ JSn (16b)

k < Kn (18a) k < Kn

NTn(k+1) e NCn(k+1) + NUn (1 - zenk)

k < Kn


NTn(k+1) ) NZnk + NCn(k+1)

j ∈ JSn


VTn(k+1) e VTnk +

VZnk e VTUn (1 - zenk)

NTn(k+1) e NTnk + NCn(k+1)


WZnk e WTnk

VTn(k+1) g VTnk +


NTn(k+1) g NTnk + NCn(k+1) - NUn zenk

) max WDnj

∑j FjVPn(k+1)j

VZnk e VTnk

NTnk g NCnk

Equations 15a and 15b are critical for all slots of a voyage, while eq 15c is critical for the first only. The alternate approach is to substitute WZnk ) WTnk(1 - zenk) in eq 11a and then linearize it to get

WTn(k+1) ) WZnk +


VZnk ) VTnk(1 - zenk)

k < Kn, j ∈ JSn (14c)

∑j FjVPnjk

k < Kn, j ∈ JSn


∑j FjVPn(k+1)j + WTUn (1 - zenk)

WTnk g

∑j FjVPn(k+1)j

Similarly, for eq 13a, we obtain

∑j FjVPn(k+1)j - WTUn zenk

WTn(k+1) e WTnk +

VTn(k+1) ) VZnk +

k < Kn (13a)

NTn1 ) NCn1

WTn(k+1) g WTnk +


VTUn ) max

k < Kn, j ∈ JSn (12a)

VTn1 )

k > 1, j ∈ JSn

(18b) (18c) (18d)

k < Kn


NZnk e NTnk


NZnk e NUn (1 - zenk)


NZnk + NUn zenk g NTnk



NZnk ) NTnk (1 - zenk) The first linearization method involves eqs 11b, 12b, 13b, 14, 16, and 18; the second involves eqs 11b, 12b, 13b, 15, 17, and 18. At the first glance, the second alternative seems to have the same number of constraints, but with three additional continuous variables. However, it has two equalities that define the cumulative variables (eqs 1b and 14a for WTnk, eqs 12b and 17a for VTnk, and eqs 13b and 19a for NTnk), which we can eliminate. Therefore, we eliminate these variables and equalities completely from the formulation by substituting for WTnk, VTnk, and NTnk using those equalities. For the sake of brevity, we do not write the resulting constraints here. However, we do eliminate them, when we solve examples later. As a result, the second linearization method requires the same number of continuous variables but fewer constraints than the first. However, we cannot say which linearization method is better without doing a detailed numerical evaluation, as is done later. Having computed the cumulative crude weight, compartments, and volume (WTnk, NTnk, and VTnk) for an SS n during slot k, we now impose the draft and compartment limits on these


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variables. First, the total weight WTnk on SS n must not exceed the maximum weight that the SS can carry to its destination refinery because of draft limitations. As stated earlier, the parcels transferred during a single voyage have a common destination. From the parcel transferred during each slot, we know the destination refinery for that voyage. Therefore,

WTnk e

∑j WDnjxnkj

j ∈ JSn


The terms on the right includes starting time of slot k, service time of parcel j, travel time to the refinery, discharge time at the refinery, and travel time to the next lightering location (anchorage/offshore), respectively. This constraint is activated only when slot k is the last slot in a voyage (i.e., zenk ) 1). Now, we know the STBL can start the lightering operation only after both the STBL and the SS arrive at the lightering location (anchorage/offshore). We write the following two constraints for STBLs and SSs, respectively,

∑j ETAjxnkj

Second, the total number of compartments used during any slot should not exceed NUn . Therefore, we demand

TSnk g

NTnk e NUn Unk

TSn1 g ETASn +


Previously, eq 9 ensured that the volume of crude in each compartment does not exceed the compartment size. Now, eqs 9 and 21 together guarantee that the load in SS n will never exceed the SSs physical volume of SCnNUn . 3.1.3. Operation Timings. So far, we have allocated physical assets such as service ships, compartments, etc. to various operations but have not addressed the actual timing of each operation. To this end, we define the various travel times required to service parcel j under different circumstances: TPRnj ) time for SS n to take parcel j to its destination refinery ) drj/vfn; TRAnj ) time for SS n to travel from destination refinery of parcel j to anchorage ) (drj - daj)/ven; TAPnj ) time for SS n to travel from anchorge to pick up parcel j ) daj/ven; and TPPnjj′ ) time for SS n to travel from parcel j to j′ directly at speed vfn. As described earlier, a voyage begins with an empty SS from anchorage receiving its first parcel and ends with the SS returning to the next parcel via the destination refinery. Clearly, the operations that the SS undergoes in a slot vary with where the slot is in a voyage. If a slot is not the last in a voyage, then the SS travels from the current parcel to the next and waits for the next service to begin, as shown in Figure 3. In other words,

TSn(k+1) g TSnk +



∑j MDTjxnkj + FIN




∑j ∑j′ TPPnjj′Znkjj

j and j′ ∈ JSn, (j, j′) ∈ JJ, k < Kn (22a)

Recall that TSnk is the time at which SS n begins receiving a parcel during slot k. The second term on the right involves the times for mounting/dismounting and then transferring crude oil. The third term is the travel time from the current parcel to the next, as the voyage continues. Although meant for slots other than the last in a voyage, eq 22a holds even for the last slot, as Znkjj′ ) 0 for the last slot and the other operations take place in the last slot anyway. During the last slot of a voyage, the SS receives a parcel, travels to the refinery to discharge all crudes, and returns to the anchorage again, as shown in Figure 3. In other words,

TSn(k+1) g TSnk +

(∑ j

DTRjxnkj +




MDTjxnkj +







∑j TAPnjxn1j

+ (TRAnjxnkj + TAPnjxn(k+1)j) FOUTn j j ∈ JSn, k < Kn (22b) HT(1 - zenk)

where big-M constant HT is greater than the planning horizon.

j ∈ JSn

(23) (24)

The second term on the right of eq 24 ensures that an SS n receives its first parcel only after it arrives at the first parcel’s transfer position, which could be either the anchorage or the offshore. Also note that, for offshore STBLs, they travel to the anchorage for thesecond lightering service after the first lightering service completes at the offshore. Therefore, the start time of the second lightering service of an STBL is dependent on its departure time from offshore. It is the sum of the departure time of offshore STBL m (DTBm) from the offshore location and the travel time of this STBL (TOAm) from offshore to anchorage location. We use the following constraint to model this,

TSnk g DTBm + TOAm - HT(1 -

∑j xnkj)

(m, m′(j)) ∈ MM, j ∈ JSn ∩ S2 ∩ JBm′ (25) where set S2 ) {j| stage two (anchorage) parcels of two-stage STBLs}. The above constraint activates only when SS n serves a stage two parcel from the corresponding anchorage STBL m′ of the offshore STBL m in slot k, where both m and m′ are the same two-stage STBL. Finally, we impose a lower bound to TSnk, which is ETASn. 3.1.4. Arrival Times at Refineries. The arrival time of crudes at a refinery is an important indicator of the level of customer satisfaction. It is better to deliver crudes to the destination refinery as planned without any delay. Recall that we have two types of parcels, one for small STBLs that can transfer at most twice and the other for large STBLs that can transfer at most once. We define the arrival times of these two types of parcels differently. Let ATRnkj denote the arrival time of a parcel j of a small STBL at its destination refinery via SS n during slot k and ATRj denote the arrival time of a parcel j of a large STBL at the refinery. For the crude transferred during the last slot, the arrival time equals the start time of this slot plus the transfer time and travel time to the refinery. Hence, we write,


ATRnkj g TSnk + MDTjxnkj + TPRnjxnkj +

j ∈ JSn

HT(2 - zenk - xnkj)


ATRj g TSnk + MDTjxnkj + HT(2 - zenk - xnkj)


VPnkj + TPRnjxnkj FINnj j ∈ JSn, j 3 m(j) ∉ LT (26a)


VPnkj + TPRnjxnkj FINnj j ∈ JSn, j 3 m(j) ∈ LT (26b)

The above constraints activate only when parcel j transfers

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during slot k to SS n (i.e., xnkj ) 1) and this slot is the last in a voyage (i.e., zenk ) 1). If any two parcels transfer consecutively in a voyage, then the arrival time of the former is the same as the arrival time of the latter. We guarantee this by imposing,

ATRnkj g ATRn(k+1)j′ - HT(1 - Znkjj′) k < Kn, j and j′ ∈ JSn, (j, j′) ∈ JJ, j 3 m(j) ∉ LT, j′ 3 m′ (j′) ∉ LT (27a) ATRnkj g ATRj′ - HT(1 - Znkjj′) k < Kn, j and j′ ∈ JSn, (j, j′) ∈ JJ, j 3 m(j) ∉ LT, j′ 3 m′(j′) ∈ LT (27b) ATRj g ATRn(k+1)j′ - HT(1 - Znkjj′) k < Kn, j and j′ ∈ JSn, (j, j′) ∈ JJ, j 3 m(j) ∈ LT, j′ 3 m′ (j′) ∉ LT (27c) ATRj g ATRj′ - HT(1 -

∑n ∑k Znkjj′)

k < Kn, j and j′ ∈ JSn, (j, j′) ∈ JJ, j 3 m(j) ∈ LT, j′ 3 m′ (j′) ∈ LT (27d) The above four constraints include all possible combinations of parcels, whether from large STBLs or small STBLs. Last, we impose a lower bound on ATRnkj(ATRj), which is the due date of parcel j(DDj) for j ∈ JSn. 3.2. Ships-to-Be-Lightered (STBLs). The operations of STBLs are the same as those of big ships in a general transshipment problem12 except for the computation of service times. Hence, we use the same methodology, do the necessary modifications, and present the constraints in the following section. Note that the real and practical constraint of at most two simultaneous lightering operations is automatically satisfied for small STBLs, since small STBLs require at most two transfers. Therefore, in this section, we write the constraints and define the variables only for large STBLs (m ∈ LT). Let Tj denote the time at which the transfer of parcel j begins and define binary variable yjj′ as follows to model the partial sequence of parcel transfers.

yjj′ )


1 if parcel j′ transfers later than j 0 otherwise j and j′ ∈ Jp for some p

As described earlier, we fix the sequence of parcels that originate from the same crude and are unloaded from the same position. Therefore, yjj′ ) 1 for p(j) ) p(j′), c(j) ) c(j′), j < j′, j 3 m(j) ∈ LT. Alternatively, we can also set yjj′ ) 0 without affecting the solution. However, we must be consistent. We ensure at most one service at any time for a given position by forcing that a parcel transfer can begin only after the previous transfer has completed from the same position. Therefore,

Tj′ g Tj +



∑n ∑k FIN



Tj g Tj′ +



∑n ∑k FIN


+ MDTj′xnkj′ - HTyjj′


p(j) ) p(j′), j < j′, j 3 m(j) ∈ LT, j′ ∈ JSn, c(j) * c(j′) (28b) where p(j) is p 3 j ∈ Jp. The above constraints sequence only the parcel pairs that are from different crudes of an STBL. For parcels that are from the same crude, we have prefixed their sequence (yjj′ ) 1). Therefore, eq 28a is always active and controls the slot length, while eq 28b is never active. Thus, we write

Tj′ g Tj +



∑n ∑k FIN

+ MDTjxnkj



p(j) ) p(j′), j < j′, j 3 m(j) ∈ LT, j ∈ JSn, c(j) ) c(j′) (28c) A parcel transfer can begin only after the receiving SS n arrives at the lightering location (anchorage/offshore), so we have

Tj g

∑n ∑k (ETASn + TAPnj)xnkj

j ∈JSn, j 3 m(j) ∈ LT (29a)

Recall that some parcels may not be served, so we push them to the front of the schedule by forcing them to start at the earliest possible time.

∑n ∑k xnkj

Tj e ETAj + HT

j ∈JSn, j 3 m(j) ∈ LT (29b)

In addition, we impose a lower bound, Tj g ETAj for j 3 m(j) ∈ LT. Last, we synchronize the parcel start times on STBL and SS by using the following coupling constraints,

Tj g TSnk - HT(1 - xnkj)

j ∈ JSn, j 3 m(j) ∈ LT (30a)

Tj e TSnk + HT(1 - xnkj)

j ∈ JSn, j 3 m(j) ∈ LT (30b)

3.3. Additional Constraints. Huang and Karimi12 showed that including additional constraints that fix some transfer sequences and sequences of nonserviced parcels on STBLs improved model performance in a general transshipment problem. Therefore, we now develop additional constraints for our model. First, we push the empty parcels to the start of the schedule by using

yjj′ + δjj′ )

∑ ∑xn′kj′ - ∑n ∑k xnkj + 1 n′ k p(j) ) p(j′), j ∈JSn, j′ ∈JSn′, j < j′, j 3 m(j) ∈ LT (31)

where δjj′ is a dummy 0-1 continuous variable. Then, we fix those transfer sequences that are obvious from other transfer sequences by using

yjj′′ + djj′j′′ ) yjj′ + yj′j′′ p(j) ) p(j′) ) p(j′′), j < j′ < j′′, j 3 m(j) ∈ LT (32)

+ MDTjxnkj - HT(1 - yjj′)

p(j) ) p(j′), j < j′, j 3 m(j) ∈ LT, j ∈ JSn, c(j) * c(j′) (28a)

where djj′j′′ is a dummy 0-1 continuous variable. 3.4. Objective. To compute the total cost, we need to find the departure times of STBLs, the total distance traveled and


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voyages made by SS n during the entire planning horizon, and the arrival time of crude oil at the refinery port. We obtained the last item in Section 3.1.4. Now, we develop equations to obtain the remaining variables in the following section. 3.4.1. STBL Departure Time. An STBL can depart only after lightering the required amount of crude. This means that its departure time must be later than the start time of any slot in which it transfers a parcel plus the service time of that parcel. Therefore,

DTBm g TSnk +



∑j MDTjxnkj + FIN



- HT(1 -

∑j xnkj)

j ∈ JSn n JBm (33a)

In addition, for a large STBL (m ∈ LT), the departure time must be later than the start time of any of its parcels plus the lightering time of that parcel. So, we write

DTBm g Tj +



∑n ∑k MDTjxnkj + FIN



j ∈JSn, j 3 m(j) ∈ LT (33b)

A lower bound on departure time is DTBm g ETABm + TOAm, where TOAm ) 0 for a one-stage STBL. Unlike the general transshipment problem,12 we do not need the departure time of SS n. Since the SSs may make multiple trips between refineries and lightering locations, we are more interested in the travel distances and voyages of SSs. 3.4.2. Travel Distance of SS. The total travel distance (TDn) of a service ship n is the sum of the round trip distances between all its parcels and their destination refineries, minus the round trip distances of parcels that share the same voyage, plus the travel distances from one parcel to another in the same voyage. In other words,

TDn )

(2drj - TPPnjj′vfn)Znkjj′ ∑j ∑k 2drjxnkj - ∑j ∑j′ k ∑ 5 000 s in Examples 3a and 3b, while the DC requires