Nester/Faust High-Purity Separations:
S&S TLC Selecta Products
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Distillation or Preparative Chromatography? We have the answer. Two Hundred Theoretical Plate Distillation System. The NFA-200, Adiabatic Teflon Spinning Band distillation column is the product of over fifteen years development and improvement in the science of spinning band fractionation. High purity separations of materials with boiling point differences as small as 0.2°C can be made with rapid throughputs at pressures as low as .005 mm Hg, with only .5 ml holdup. Automatic accessories such as auto reflux control, pot temperature control and head temperature deviation monitor allow unmatched ease of operation with minimal operator time expenditures. We have the answer. Automatic Preparative Chromatograph The Model 750 Preparative Gas Chromatograph allows automatic injection and collection of samples of from 0.2 to 20 ml. The high resolving power of the Biwall annular columns permits preparative size samples with analytical resolution, and the unique peak selection computer provides automatic unattended collection of any fraction or shoulder. Other outstanding features include absolutely repeatable temperature programming and injection, 4 5 0 ° C capability and high capacity oven (up to 75' of % inch column). Options available include Flame Ionization Detector, Electrostatic Precipitator, and all-glass system.
variable While we may not be able to tell you exactly how your experiments are going to turn out, we can promise you this: with S&S Selecta Products, our part of your experiment is controlled Selecta TLC Silica Gel - Acid Fast with or without 3% zinc sulfide fluorescent indicator on 20x20 cm glass or Mylar® foils for drug screening tests in toxicology labs. Selecta TLC Micropolyamide Foils coated on both sides for Dansyl and other amino acid studies. 15x15 cm foils, rapid, possibility of repeated use.
Other Selecta Products: • TLC cellulose powders double acid washed, crystalline acetylated powders at 6, 21 or 45%. Absolute, pure cellulose. • TLC silica gel powders with or without luminescent indicator, • TLC glass ready-plates of cellulose, acetylated, anion, cation, PÊI types, polyamide, micropolyamide, polyamide acetylated. : Specially packaged to prevent powdering. • TLC Mylar ready-foils of cellulose, silica get acid fast, polyamfdë; with and without: fluorescent material added. ® Resistered Tmàffttài*: OuPom For more ihijrrnatjisriiissnd usthe coupon below.
Schleicher & Schuell, Inc. Selecta TLC Department Keene, New Hampshire 03431 Gentlemen: Please mail me, at no cost or obligation, the new S&S Selecta TLC Catalog. NAME
Nester/Faust is now part of
PERKIN-ELMER For information, write Instrument Division, Perkin-Elmer Corporation, Main Ave., Norwalk, Conn. 06856. CIRCLE 129 ON READER SERVICE CARD
Manufactured by Carl Schleicher & Schull, Dassel, W. Germany. Sold exclusively by Schleicher & Schuell, Inc. in U.S.A. and Canada. CIRCLE 187 ON READER SERVICE CARD ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 4 4 , NO. 7, J U N E 1 9 7 2 ·
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