SCHLUMBERGER WELL SURVEYING CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 (3), pp 53A–53A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60135a753. Publication Date: March 1958...
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thesis of q u a r t z with added impurities, investigation of t h e resonator p r o p e r ­ ties of t h e doped material, and exami­ nation of lattice spacing a n d t h e form and width of diffraction p a t t e r n s in t h e synthetic materials.






Differential Thermal Analysis A p ­ p a r a t u s f o r T e m p e r a t u r e s Up t o 1 5 7 5 ° C. P B 121999. Κ . G. Skin­ ner, N a v a l Research L a b o r a t o r y . M a y 1957. 15 pages. 50 cents. A specially designed device is d e ­ scribed which combines t h e a d v a n ­ tages of h i g h - t e m p e r a t u r e operation (1575° C.) a n d holders which do n o t react with t h e sample. Excellent r e ­ producibility is reported, with a p r o b ­ able error for t h e heating r a t e i n 45 tests averaging only 0.005° C . / m i n u t e . High Vacuum Filament Furnace for Gas Analysis of Metals. PB 131121. G. A. Consolazio and W . J . M c M a h o n , W a t e r t o w n Arsenal, U . S. A r m y . October 1955. 13 pages. 50 cents. A filament furnace for determining gaseous c o n t a m i n a n t s in metals is d e ­ scribed. T h e high-vacuum, all-glass re­ sistance furnace was a d a p t e d t o t h e in­ let system of a conventional mass spectrometer. Exploding W i r e Light Source for High Speed Interferometry. PB 121423. M . R . Lewis a n d D . B . Sleator, Aberdeen P r o v i n g Ground, U . S. A r m v . F e b r u a r y 1956. 33 pages. $1.00. A high-intensity, s h o r t - d u r a t i o n exploding-wire light source w a s devel­ oped for use with a 10-inch M a c h Zehnder interferometer. Determination of Fluorine a n d Sili­ con in Organic Fluoro-Silicon Compounds. P a r t 1. P B 131359. Ο. Schwarzkopf, R . Heinlein, a n d X . E . S r p . J u n e 1957. 25 pages. 75 cents. M e t h o d is described for determina­ tion of fluorine a n d silicon in organic fluorosilicon compounds with accept­ able accuracy.

Determination of Fluorine, Boron and Silicon in Organic FluoroSilicon or Fluoro-Boro-Silicon Com­ pounds. Part 2. P B 131088. 0 . Schwarzkopf and R. Heinlein. June 1957. $1.00. Further investigation of analysis of fluorine and silicon in organic fluorosilicon compounds resulted in a method which brought precision to ±0.3% (absolute).




A new analytical tool is providing the analyst both with greater speed in making routine tests A N D with the means for further exploration into new areas. N M R (Nuclear Magnetic .Resonance) analysis is a subtle and penetrating technique . . . it operates by sensing the atomic nuclei changes of the specific element under study. N M R measures the quantity of the specific element by sensing the interaction between the nuclei and a strong magnetic field. Most of the investigative work to date has been with hydrogen and its compounds, both organic and inorganic. The N M R technique, however, is applicable in principle t o many other elements. For routine moisture control checks, the N M R instrument is set t o detect hydrogen, and can be calibrated in terms of moisture — either directly o r percentage-wise. The analyst reads off moisture values on a semi-automatic basis — with the entire determination taking less than one full minute. One unskilled worker can run moisture checks of consistently high accuracy. Since the N M R Analyzer uses large samples, in the 35-cc range, the critical aspects of sample taking and preparation are practically eliminated. The Schlumberger Analyzer distinguishes sharply between the "mobile hydrogen" of water, fats, hydrocarbons, and other liquid substances and the hydrogen of carbohydrates and other solid compounds. Under some circumstances it can be used for the measurement of fats and oils as well as water. The versatile Schlumberger N M R Analyzer can also be used for research on the binding of water and states of hydration, for analysis of the structure of polymers such as cellulose and polyethylene, and for similar physico-chemical investigations. In no case is the material under investigation changed in any way by the Schlumberger N M R non-destructive procedure. Whether used in processing operations or in the laboratory, the N M R Analyzer can save dollars for your company. There are many research activities where no other instrument or procedure can match or approach the unparallelled stability and ease of use of the Schlumberger N M R Analyzer. This instrument can be valuable beyond cost. For further information in both applications, let our chemists consult with you. Or write for your copy of our informative brochure on the N M R Analyzer. Please address:


SURVEYING CORPORATION Ridgefield, Connecticut.

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