May 16, 2012 - SCHLUMBERGER WELL SURVEYING CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 (12), pp 108A–108A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60144a816. Publication ...
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WET OR DRY YOU LOSE EITHER WAY If y o u r f i n i s h e d p r o d u c t is t o o d r y . . . if y o u r p u r c h a s e d raw m a t e ­ rials are t o o w e t . . . y o u lose m o n e y . Fast, accurate m o i s t u r e deter­ minations protect profit dollars when you s e l l . . . insure dollar values w h e n y o u buy. For g r a i n s , t e x t i l e s , f o o d s , paper, w o o d , t o b a c c o , coal, c e r a m ­ ics, and m a n y o t h e r p r o d u c t s . . . y o u can get m o i s t u r e data a t least cost w i t h t h e

SCHLUMBERGER NMR Corn Argo, after NMR Test


Products Refining Company at Illinois, reports s u b s t a n t i a l savings using Model 104 S c h l u m b e r g e r Analyzer f o r m o r e t h a n t w o years. results were r e p r o d u c i b l e w i t h i n

±0.1%. This non-destructive analysis gives t h e answers in p e r m a n e n t record f o r m , in less t h a n a m i n u t e . It h a n d l e s l a r g e (40cc) s a m p l e s , enables an u n s k i l l e d o p e r a t o r to m a k e 2 5 0 m o i s t u r e tests in eight h o u r s . Answers are fast e n o u g h t o directly con­ trol drying processes... fast enough to inspect i n c o m i n g raw m a t e r i a l s before acceptance. With t h e NMR Analyzer, t h e f i n a l p r o d u c t is i m p r o v e d by t i g h t e r quality control. If your p r o f i t s are exposed t o " w a t e r d a m a g e , " y o u will f i n d it w o r t h w h i l e t o review a special file on the NMR Analyzer. This file covers e c o n o m i c j u s t i ­ fication, technical data, actual material s t u d y reports, q u a l i t y c o n t r o l , produc­ t i o n , and inspection a p p l i c a t i o n s . It is available t o y o u at no cost and w i t h o u t o b l i g a t i o n . Write for it t o d a y on y o u r business l e t t e r h e a d . RIDGEFIELD INSTRUMENTATION DIVISION




Ridgefield, Connecticut

Product Capsules Progress Board. Circle 116A-1 for 24-page illustrated booklet on the ''Boardmaster" visual control board that provides a graphic picture of operations as they progress day by day. Graphic Svstems, 55 W. 42nd St., Ν. Υ. 36, Ν. Υ. 116Α-1 Pumps. Circle 55A-1 for details on new mechanical 2-stage vacuum pump 10V 4 " high X I H / 4 " wide X 16V 2 " long. Capacity: 75 liters per minute. Circle 55A-2 for bulletin on the "CircO-Therm" oven. Temperatures to 250° C. Variations held within 1° C. Scientific Glass Apparatus Co., Inc., Bloomfield, N. J. 55A-1,2 Pumps. Bulletin available on vacuum pump that produces 75 liters per min­ ute. Vacuum to 0.1 micron. Pre­ cision Scientific Co., 3725 W. Cortland St., Chicago 47, 111. 65A Pumps. Data available on acid-proof "Siph-O-Pump" with squeeze bulb. Standard Scientific Supplv Corp., 80S Broadway, N. Y. 3, Ν. Υ. 67Α Radioisotopic Instruments. Bulletin provides a technical description of pro­ cedures used in radioisotopic yield determination. Circle 8A for copy. Nuclear-Chicago Corp., 251 W. Erie St., Chicago 10, 111. 8A Recorders. Ranges easily changed by convenient plug-in in portable (15 lbs) thermocouple recorder. Fahren­ heit or centigrade charts and scales are available for all ranges. Instrument Div., Varian Assoc, Palo Alto 4, Calif. 37A

Recorders. Bulletin available on vari­ able-response recorder for densitometry in paper electrophoresis. Sensitivity adjustable from 10 to 200 millivolts. Photovolt Corp., 95 Madison Ave., N. Y. 16, Ν, Υ. 74Α-3 Recorders. Bulletin available on the W-C dewpoint recorder that provides continuous, automatic monitoring of gas moisture content. Circle 113A-1. For bulletin on dewpoint indicator cir­ cle 113A-2. Weighing & Control Com­ ponents, Inc., 206-1 Lincoln Ave., Hatboro, Pa. 113A-1,2 Refractometers. Circle 66A for com­ plete data on the following Β & L re­ fractometers : Abbe-3L, high range Abbe-3L, precision, industrial, butyro, oil grading, hand, juice, and dipping. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., 60935 St. Paul St., Rochester 2, Ν. Υ. 66Α Refrigerated Freeze-Mobile. Selfcontained, all purpose unit with in­ frared heaters, condenser, vacuum drum, pump and gauge, and mechan­

Circle No. 108 A on Readers' Service Card, page 97 A 108 A



ically refrigerated unit. Automatically refrigerated as low as —60° C. Scien­ tific Products, Div. of American Hos­ pital Supply Corp., 1210 Leon PL, Evanston, 111. 39A Sample Changers. Circle 38A for catalog describing the new B-A sample changer that automatically programs, counts, and records 50 pre-coded sam­ ples. Baird-Atomic, Inc., 33 Univer­ sity Rd., Cambridge 38, Mass. 38A Shakers. Circle 95A-1 for bulletin on variable speed shaker for general pur­ pose agitation. Speeds between 60 and 260 oscillations per minute. Eberbach Corp., Box 63, Ann Arbor, Mich. 95A-1

Sinks. Circle 46A-2 for catalog on chemical porcelain sinks cast in onepiece construction without seams or joints. U. S. Stoneware, Akron 9, Ohio. 46A-2

Spectrometers. The "Atomcounter" direct reading spectrometer detects up to 30 metallic elements simultaneously and reads individual concentrations from dials within 2 minutes. JarrellAsh Co., 26 Farwell St., Newtonville 60, Mass. 53A Spectrophotometers. Circle 31A for descriptive literature on the model 21 infrared spectrophotometer and its ac­ cessories: dual long path cell, ultramicro KBr sampling system, slave re­ corder. Instrument Div., PerkinElmer Corp., 750 Main Ave., Norwalk, Conn. 31A Spectrophotometers. Bulletins pro­ vide new literature on the Coleman Junior spectrophotometer (Circle 50A-1), and the Universal spectropho­ tometer (Circle 50A-2). Coleman In­ struments, Inc., Dept. A, Mavwood, 111. 50A-1,2 Spectrophotometers. Circle 77A for data file providing details and com­ plete specifications on the Cary model 14 recording spectrophotometer. Range: 2.50-2.65 microns. Applied Physics Corp., 2724 S. Peck Rd., Mon­ rovia, Calif. 77A Spectroscopic Graphite. Circle 20A for new loose-leaf data filled catalog on spectroscopic graphite products. United Carbon Products Co., Box 269, Bay City, Mich. 20A Stirrers. Bulletin available on ex­ plosion proof, variable speed labora­ tory stirrers powered by air. Arrow Engineering Co., Inc., 200 Central Ave., Hillside, N. J. 112A-2 Stopcocks. Circle 70A for copy of new catalog including information on