Vanderkamp “MELT'POINTER”. Make melting point determinations ... with methods now commonly used. The new ... Begin now to save time and money with...
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» NEW» NEW» NEW » NEW» » » theVanderkamp " M E L T - P O I N T E R " Meke

melting point



Patent applied for

N o liquids or stirrers required Now you can make your melting point determinations up to four times faster than with methods now commonly used. The new Vanderkamp "MELT-POINTER" replaces make-shift assemblies requiring baths, liquids, stirrers, etc., with one small and compact unit. Quickly set up, it is ready for use on plugging in the electrical connections. When not needed, it may be stored in a drawer without disassembling. The "MELT-POINTER" consists of three main parts: body, chamber block, and adapter. The upper section or block is carefully machined of solid hard copper. Three well-spaced holes around the cen­ tral melting point chamber fit over three 110 volt 50 watt cartridge-type heaters projecting from the base. Uniform heat­ ing, controlled by a suitable variable transformer, is thus achieved in the block and the chamber. A thermometer and three capillaries are held in position in the center of the chamber by an adapter plug.

The lower portion or body of the apparatus houses, in addition to the cartridge heaters, a small 110 volt light bulb below a window for the illumination of the interior of the chamber. This method of lighting from below results in exceptionally easy visi­ bility, without any reflected glare from the mercury bulb of the thermometer. An opening in the body, shielded by a glass sleeve, permits observation of the capil­ laries through a magnifying lens. The lens may be easily focused by adjusting its position on its supporting bar. The entire body of the unit is well insulated to pre­ vent any disturbance by external tempera­ tures. All metal parts (excepting the central block) are made of brass with an attractive blued finish. A thumbscrew at the bottom permits mounting the unit on any J^" diameter support rod. "MELT-POINTERS" have been in regu­ lar service for several years in the labora­ tories of a leading pharmaceutical manu­ facturer. The same convenience and trouble-free performance is now available to every laboratory where melting point tests are regularly made. Begin now to save time and money with a "MELTPOINTER!"

View showing t h e MELT-POINTER'S three parts. The center part is re­ movable for quick cooling between tests. No. SGA 138S1

Vanderkamp "MELTPOINTER" 110 volts only, c o m p l e t e w i t h o u t t h e r m o m e t e r , capillar­ ies, transformer or s u p ­ port, each No. SGA 13851-1 Tripod .support base w i t h 13" rod for s u p ­ porting "MELT-POINT­ ER" a t eye level w h e n placed o n table, each . . No. SGA 17761-1 Type 116 Powerstat Transformer, 115 V., each No. SGA 13845 M e l t i n g Point capillar-

No. SGA 19397 $87.50 No. SGA 19398

$ 1.75 $23.00

No. SGA 19424

ies, o n e e n d closed, per vial ASTM General Use T h e r m o m e t e r , —20 t o + 150°C i n 1°, 76 m m i m m e r s i o n , each ASTM General Use T h e r m o m e t e r , as above b u t - 5 t o + 3 0 0 ° C in 1 °, each FAC Titer Test Ther­ m o m e t e r , — 2 t o + 6 8 °C in 0.2°, 45 m m i m m e r ­ sion, each

$ .70

$ 2.75

$ 3.50

$ 5.0Θ

Other thermometers available to suit your requirements.