Scientific Industries INC

of the use of polypropylene-Teflon components. Research Specialties Co.,. 200 S. Garrard Blvd., Richmond, Calif. 410. Circle No. 210 on Reiderc' Servi...
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ÊLÊCTRO CHROMA TOCRAPHY Q : WHAT IS IT? A : The process flawlessly performed by our Cascade Electrode Electrophoresis Machine.

NEW PRODUCTS E l e c t r o n Spin Resonance Spectrometer

Designed especially for ultra-fine chemical analysis and precision physi­ cal research, an electron spin resonance spectrometer operates at a frequency of 325 megacycles. Fine and hyperfine structure of paramagnetic materials are easily displayed on this instrument. The basic system is supplied with power and a combination operating manual-laboratory instruction booklet. Optional equipment available includes an auxiliary phase detector and a graphic recording unit. Atomic Labora­ tories, Inc., 3086 Claremont Ave., Berkeley 5, Calif. 408

Q : HOW IS IT ACCOMPLISHED? A : Two innovations make it possible: Vertical cascading electrodes provide a uniform horizontal field strength without heat or electrolysis—and—A horizontal trickle feed supplies a uniform vertical hydro-dynamic buffer field. Q : WHAT OTHER ELECTRO-PHORETIC PROCESSES CAN THIS CASCADE ELECTRODE APPARATUS PERFORM? A : Progressive laboratories are utilizing this apparatus for Preparative Strip Chromatography, Star Electrophoresis, Continuous Flow Electrophoresis, Fraction Collecting and Electrochromatography with remarkable accuracy and reproducibility. Q: WELL—WHAT IS ELECTROCHROMATOGRAPHY? A : Simply, the product of vertical and horizontal forces working towards perfection. Electrochromatography is the resultant separation of controlled horizontal field strength and controlled vertical hydro-dynamic force.

CASCADE ELECTRODE ELECTROPHORESIS available ready for operation with 2000v, 100 millamp, constant-current power supply, buffer pump and tank. αϊ your laboratory supply

Scientific Dipt. AC1062, 220-05 97th AVENUE

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An automatic volume collection method for maximum reduction of hold-up and mixing is shown. Model 1000 Volumatic Fraction Collector can be used with automatic UV ana­ lyzer. Vanguard Instrument Co., LaGrange, III. 409

Robot Chemist

Up to 120 analyses per hour can be performed in automatic sequence by duplicating the hand operations of the chemist in measuring and transferring samples and adding reagents. Robot Chemist automatically times the inter­ vals between various operations, con­ trols temperature of the reaction, makes optional readings, and records results in digital or chart form. The system can easily be reprogrammed for different tests, and can handle a variety of corrosive chemicals because of the use of polypropylene-Teflon components. Research Specialties Co., 200 S. Garrard Blvd., Richmond, Calif. 410

Circle No. 210 on Reiderc' Service Card

