low-cost Pye Flow Programmer (patent applied for) precisely regulates ... Please write for full technical specification. W.G. Pye &Co. Ltd.,. P.O. Box...
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flow programming-NEW for gas chromatography

The new low-cost Pye Flow Programmer (patent applied for) precisely regulates the carrier gas flow to increase exponentially to any preset limit within a given time period. The technique is simple and offers several important advantages in routine analysis and preparative work. The instrument is designed as an attachment unit for use with most gas chromatographs. W i t h the new Pye Flow Programmer you can — * Reduce analysis time of wide boiling range sample mixtures. * Increase the operating range of columns and eliminate compensating systems by operating below bleed temperature. * Super-load analytical columns for preparative work without peak distortion. * Increase the capacity of preparative columns by removing overload peak spreading. Please write for full technical specification.



P.O. Box 60, York St., Cambridge, England. Telephone: Cambridge 58866 Telegrams: Pye Cambridge Telex: 81215

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