VirTis Freeze-Drying ν preservation ν dehydration of heat-sensitive substances
Mechanically Refrigerated Freeze-Mobile Why freeze-drying? Samples are frozen solid then subjected to high vacuum. When heat is applied under these conditions, moisture is gradually re moved by sublimation, resulting in a dry, porous sample which can be reconstituted by adding water. Sample can be preserved indefinitely when sealed under vacuum or inert gas. There is a VirTis Unit for every need, ranging from a micro unit with 600-ml capacity to the mechanical system shown here. Write to S/P for complete details and the new VirTis catalog.
Compact, portable freeze-drying in your own laboratory! APPLICATIONS: • Biological Research—safe dehydration of hormones, vitamins, enzymes, bacteria and virus. • Organic Research—purification of low vapor pressure solvents. • Pharmaceutical—product preservation and dehydration. • Food Industry—preservation of flavor and quality. • Hospital—preserving bones, arteries, skin, etc.
This is a complete self-contained, all purpose unit with infrared heaters, condenser, vacuum drum, pump and gauge, and mechanically refrigerated unit. Auto matically refrigerated as low as—60°C. Uniformly controlled r a d i a n t h e a t i n g for fastest drying. A variety of flasks are available for manifold drying. N o . 6 S i a e — V i r T i s Mechanically Refrigerated
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