Guide to electronic test and measurement hardware and ... Consult with Scott on your pro- cesses and needs. ... For information or consultation, call ...
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Manufacturers' Literature Newsletter. Interaction Separations, No. 1, contains articles on separation of basic compounds on a Cis polymer, separation of proteins by hydrophobic interaction chromatography, and UV detection methods in ion chromatography. 8 pp. Interaction Chemicals 423 Electrochemistry. Application note ECD-14 describes the determination of iert-butyl hydroperoxide in acrylic

acid using LC with electrochemical detection. Detection limits, instrumental conditions, and procedures are discussed. EG&G Princeton Applied Research 420 Reference guide. Guide to electronic test and measurement hardware and software includes information on IEEE-programmable instruments; PC software for acquisition, analysis, and control; and radiation measurement instrumentation. 250 pp. Keithley Instruments 421

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748 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 61, NO. 11, JUNE 1, 1989

Stirrers. Bulletin describes hot plates, stirrers, and stirring hot plates, including ceramic-, porcelain-, and aluminum-top models. Top-plate sizes range from 4" X 4" to 12" X 12". 4 pp. Fisher Scientific 422 Photoacoustics. FT-IR Photoacoustic Literature Survey—Selected Bibliography and Abstracts, 1980-1988 is a compilation of 180 abstracts organized into 12 categories, including instrumentation and data processing, depth profiling, and biosciences. 48 pp. MTEC Photoacoustics 419 Sample handling. Brochure highlights the 231/401 autosampling injector, which performs sample preparation, rinsing, injection, and signalmonitoring procedures. The injector features an open design for fast rack loading and unloading. 8 pp. Gilson Medical Electronics 424 Cryosystems. Brochure describes refrigerator-cooled cryosystems that operate on the Gifford-McMahon principle using a closed helium gas cycle. Technical data charts and system schematics are included. 6 pp. Leybold Vacuum Products 425

Catalogs Chromatography. Catalog features products for GC, HPLC, solid-phase extraction, sample handling, and industrial hygiene. Also listed are reagents and standards. 332 pp. Supelco 426 Laboratory equipment. Catalog includes pH meters, water purification systems, plastic containers, water baths, filtration apparatus, vials, jars, bottles, and flasks. Wheaton 427 Standards. Catalog lists standards for plasma emission spectroscopy, including single-element and multielement standards. Calibration and matrix blanks are also provided. 16 pp. Spex 428 Ovens. Catalog includes gravity-convection, forced-convection, and vacuum ovens and general-purpose and biological-oxygen-demand incubators. Also listed are a variety of accessories. 16 pp. Fisher Scientific 429 Chromatography. Catalog lists vials, caps, seals, crimpers, and decappers for chromatography, headspace analysis, and autosamplers. Information on instrument compatibility is included. 34 pp. Chromacol 430