Scottish Fertilizer Works - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

The site (land reclaimed by the Leith Dock Commission) is situated to give a deep water berth to the west and a large railway marshalling yard to the ...
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A screening c h a m b e r in t h e nearby dock will m a k e 180,000 gallons of water per h o u r available for use in cooling a n d other process requirements. Various S.A.I, centers in Scotland will distribute t h e fertilizers from the n e w factory.

• Pfizer C o r p . , Chas. Pfizer subsidiary, h a s been g r a n t e d a basic p r o d u c t p a t e n t on tetracycline in Great Britain. Patent covers tetracycline a n d its salts, as well as pharmaceutical a n d veterinary preparations containing it or its salts. It also covers process for tetracycline production b y catalytic hydrogénation of chlortetracycline. Patent extends Pfizer's basic protection on tetracycline to England, Scotland, Wales, N o r t h e r n Ireland and t h e Isle of Man, and to other British colonies a n d possessions w h e r e the British p a t e n t can b e registered.

Scale tiodel of the $8.4 million fertilizer works being built by Scottish Agricultural industries at Leith on l a n d reclaimed by t h e L e i t h Dock Commission

Scottish Fertilizer Works A n e w fertilizer plant is being built b y Scottish Agricultural Industries at Leith. Cost of the entire project, including reconstruction work at the existing fertilizer works, is expected to b e approximately $8.4 million. T h e new factory will produce granular concentrated compound fertilizers on a large scale. T h e site (land reclaimed by the Leith Dock Commission) is situated to give a deep water berth to the west and a large railway marshalling yard to the southeast. A main feature is a 907 foot long by 100 foot wide storage building which will house some 56,000 tonj of raw materials. T h e works will consist of a SimonCarves/Monsanto sulfur burning contact sulfuric acid plant with a rated capacity of 175 tons per day. Waste h e a t from combustion of sulfur will produce high pressure steam at a rate of 17,000 pounds p e r hour. A second main process plant will manufacture phosphoric acid from phosphate rock a n d sulfuric acid by the Prayon reaction process. Waste gypsum will b e extracted from the phosphoric acid m a g m a by vacuum filtration. A triird process building will b e used to p r o d u c e the finished fertilizers. Dorr-Oliver of Stamford, Conn., U.S.A., 4166



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is designing the compounding and granulation p l a n t whidh will b e constructed by Simon-Carves Ltd.

• H a r s h a w Chemical s u b s i d i a r y , Harsh aw Chemicals, Ltd., h a s b e g u n production of electroplating chemicals for the regular H a r s h a w processes at its newly o p e n e d plant at W a l t h a m Cross. Production will b e limited at first to chemicals a n d materials for operating the Peril οw , Perglow, Nubrite, and Nibrite electroplating processes. Other Harshaw manufactured items will b e a d d e d as d e m a n d s develop.

Boots Cortisone Plant on Stream Cortisone (acetate), hydrocortisone, and delta-hydrocortisone are being produced in BoOv- Pure D r u g n e w Beeston plant, just outside of Nottingham, England. With emphasis o n safety, ail operations presenting any inherent fire hazards are conducted in t h r e e smaller buildings. This involves certain testing, process stage involving lithium aluminum hydride, a n d preparation of sodium medioxide. Illumination for latter operation comes entirely from outside lighting. Lithium aluminixrn hydride building is constructed in t w o halves so t h a t operators can supervise and remotely control actual operations occurring · in second half.