Searching United States Government Documents - ACS Publications

tion, and since 1950 OTS has been the chief sales outlet for unclassified AEC re ports. AEC reports ...... of ASTIA automation. Heumann, K. F. .... Sh...
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Searching United States Government Documents BARBARA A. GALLAGHER

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ACS Applied Publications,



Approximately 2 5 % of government agencies re­ port their work in scientific and technical journals solely, while the remaining 7 5 % usually combine their own information-reporting systems with the journals. Some agencies act as sales outlets or clearinghouses, such as Government Printing Of­ fice and Office of Technical Services. The majority of them also participate in the depository library system, besides maintaining their own individual libraries. The latter are most helpful in regard to interlibrary loan or reference questions. The depository libraries are particularly helpful for locating out of print documents, as well as having a current collection of reports. Therefore, there is usually more than one way to find out what is available and from whom.

A n e of the most serious and costly problems facing research today is that of potential duplication of effort. This results from the fact that tens of thousands of reports, articles, books, and other means of disseminating information are pub­ lished each year, making it increasingly difficult to locate any specific document. One of the large producers of information is the Federal Government. M a n y government agencies conduct or sponsor scientific research; others collect, sort, and make information available. Some agencies have their o w n media for dis­ seminating their information; some use the scientific and technical press. N o one agency is the key to this vast storehouse of information, so i n many cases it is necessary to look i n a number of places. This is w h y each agency that handles information of interest to the chemical profession is discussed individually. One system for location of out-of-print documents w h i c h is not discussed under each agency but is used b y most is the depository library. A description of the method used to distribute reports to depository libraries has been included under Government Printing Office. Aside from the nearly 600 G P O depository libraries, some agencies have selected additional libraries to receive their publications. Therefore, requests for lists of depository libraries should be directed to the i n d i ­ vidual agency i n question. Almost all the agencies considered here also have individual libraries and these provide additional aids i n locating materials. T h e y not only provide reference 177 SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.



services, but i n some cases photoduplication service. Also, most participate i n the interlibrary loan system and are open to the public for reference work. Requests for information on any of these individual libraries should also be addressed to the agency i n question. Publications of U . S . Government agencies are announced i n :

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A. B. C. D. E.

Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government U.S. Government Research Reports Technical Translations Technical Abstract Bulletin Business Service Checklist


as indicated by key letters opposite the name of each agency. A dagger (t) following the name of an agency or a publication indicates coverage b y Chemical Abstracts for new chemical information. United States Government




Since the main responsibility of the U n i t e d States Government Printing Office is the executing or monitoring of printing for the federal agencies and selling and distributing government publications, it issues several guides to the availability of these documents. The classification numbers assigned to gov­ ernment publications serve as catalog numbers w h i c h should be used when order­ ing publications. A publication entitled " A n Explanation of the Superintendent of Documents Classification System" is available at no cost from that office. The following publications of G P O are used to announce the availability of govern­ ment literature. Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications. This is the official record of all publications originating i n the various federal departments, bureaus, and agencies, including Congress, bearing the government imprint. A b o u t 6 0 % of the publications listed are available through G P O , while the other 4 0 % , even though listed by G P O , are available from other sources. It is an alphabetical listing by name of originating agency, by title and under the title of each series, by number. Also, it includes an index by subject, originating agency, and title i n every issue w i t h a cumulative index covering a calendar year i n the December issue. T h e catalog is available from the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D . C . (hereafter referred to as G P O ) at 25 cents per copy or $3 per year (including index) domestic, $4.50 per year foreign. "The Decennial Cumulative Index to the Monthly Catalog of the U.S. Gov­ ernment Publications, 1941-50." $25 a copy. Selected U . S . Government Publications. This guide announces selected p u b ­ lications that are maintained i n G P O stock and available directly from the Super­ intendent of Documents. Issued biweekly, it appears i n leaflet form w i t h annota­ tions and prices. It is available free from G P O . Selected Lists. A n annotated listing of significant publications on special subjects of seasonal or current interest. Issued occasionally, these lists contain only publications w h i c h are available for sale directly by G P O . The lists are available free. Checklist. This volume contains brief descriptions of all documents issued by the U . S . Government from 1789 to 1909, listed by clarification number. The Checklist can be consulted at most libraries, but is available i n reprint from J. W . Edwards, Publisher, Inc., A n n Arbor, M i c h . G P O Price Lists. Lists on broad subjects, arranged by subtopic and including SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.

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U.S. Government Documents

prices and titles of available publications in particular fields. T h e y are available free on request to G P O . Catalog of P u b l i c Documents. This is a dictionary catalog including a l l gov­ ernment publications issued between M a r c h 3, 1893, and December 31, 1940. Although discontinued because of its tremendous cost a n d limited use, the D o c u ­ ments Catalog can be consulted at most libraries. In addition, government publications are also made accessible to the p u b l i c at depository libraries w h i c h are entitled to receive a free copy of every publication made available to the Superintendent of Documents. T h e libraries may select w h i c h of these they desire. A list of depository libraries is included i n each September issue of the Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Publications. Business and Defense Services Administration U.S. Department of Commerce

(A, E)


The B D S A conducts industrial economic studies, on a world-wide basis, of the production, uses, trends, and outlook for the major commodities and products. Some of the publications w h i c h are used to make this information avail­ able to the public are: Chemical and Rubber Industry Report; Copper Industry Report; Pulp, Paper, and Board Industry Report; Industry T r e n d Series; and the Outlook Studies. Copies of the latest list of B D S A publications may be obtained from any Department of Commerce field office or from the Publications Officer, B D S A , U . S . Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D . C . Reports considered to be of general interest to industry or the general public are initially announced through press releases sent to the trade journals and trade associations as well as the press. In addition, a l l B D S A reports are announced i n supplements to " U n i t e d States Department of Commerce Publications ( 1 7 9 0 1950)." Office of Technical

Services, U.S. Department

of Commerce


The Office of Technical Services is one of four program offices i n the Business and Defense Services Administration. A s one of its principal functions, O T S collects and distributes research and development information generated b y other federal agencies. Although O T S does not act as a clearinghouse on current research i n progress, it does receive periodic research and development task summary a n d progress reports from the A r m y Research Office, N a v a l Research Laboratories, and other agencies. These reports are announced i n U . S . Govern­ ment Research Reports ( U S G R R ) , which is discussed below. U n d e r working arrangements with many of the federal agencies, O T S auto­ matically receives multiple copies of each agency's reports. F o r those reports w h i c h are received i n a single-copy reproducible form, the O T S Trust F u n d Committee determines their potential value and whether they w i l l be made avail­ able i n full-size printed form or only in photocopy or microfilm. Specialized re­ ports, and reports of limited interest, which constitute approximately 9 6 % of the O T S collection, are not reproduced in volume. These are deposited at the L i b r a r y of Congress Annex and may be examined i n the Science Reading Room. Microfilm or photocopy reproductions may be obtained from the Photoduplication Service, L i b r a r y of Congress, Washington 25, D . C . T h e more than 200,000 technical reports w h i c h O T S has collected since 1945 are in three collections. SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.

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1. Publication Board ( P B ) Reports. This collection originally contained captured German and Japanese scientific reports and German patents w h i c h were acquired between 1946 and 1949. The collection now includes unclassified tech­ nical reports of the A r m y , N a v y , A i r Force, and their contractors, National Bureau of Standards, Maritime Administration, Federal Aviation Agency, Bureau of Mines, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. As the reports are received, O T S assigns an accession number ( P B number) and prepares catalog cards. These cards provide for retrieval by source, personal author, title, subject, series, and contract number. A l l P B reports are announced in U S G R R . 2. A E C Reports. These reports are received by O T S on automatic distribu­ tion, and since 1950 O T S has been the chief sales outlet for unclassified A E C re­ ports. A E C reports are identified by their original A E C series numbers and are not assigned new identification numbers by O T S . A l l A E C reports supplied to O T S , including those available i n photostat or microfilm are listed i n U S G R R . ( F o r further information on A E C reports see the description of A t o m i c Energy Commission. ) 3. Translations. This collection contains abstracts and complete translations of Russian and other foreign technical publications as well as weekly reviews of various areas of Soviet science. A m o n g the translation series available through the Office of Technical Services on a subscription basis are: Current Review of the Soviet Technical Press (weekly) and English Abstracts of Selected Articles from Soviet Bloc and Mainland China Technical Journals. Translations are as­ signed an identification number w h i c h consists of the year of the translation fol­ lowed by the accession number. A l l translations received by O T S or the John Crerar L i b r a r y in Chicago are announced i n Technical Transhtions, w h i c h is discussed below. The reports and papers i n the O T S collection are announced to the public through one or more of the following publications. U.S. Government Research Report (USGRR). This is a monthly bibliographic and abstract journal w h i c h lists titles of unclassified A E C reports and abstracts or annotations of P B reports. It also gives complete information on subscription pro­ cedures, prices, and availability of publications in the O T S collection. E a c h issue of U S G R R , beginning w i t h Volume 31, January 1959, contains indexes to P B reports by source, subject, and P B number. In addition a cumulative index is published every six months as an integral part of U S G R R . The first issue of U S G R R appeared as Volume 22, N o . 4, October 1954. Its former titles were Bibliography of Scientific and Industrial Reports, V o l . 1-11, January 1946-June 1949, and Bibliography of Technical Reports, V o l . 12-22, N o . 3, July 1949-September 1954. Lists of numerical and subject indexes to the above reference volumes, as w e l l as information regarding the availability of individual issues of the bibliographies, are available from O T S on request. The subscription price to U S G R R is $9 annually and may be purchased from G P O . Coverage of U S G R R by Chemical Abstracts started January 1, 1960. Technical Reports Newsletter. In each monthly issue, the Newsletter reviews eight to ten research reports of special interest to small and medium-sized business firms. It also furnishes information on new products and commercial applications. The Newsletter is sold on subscription by G P O at $1 a year. Technical Transhtions. Prepared i n cooperation w i t h the Special Libraries Association Translation Center, John Crerar L i b r a r y , Chicago, 111., this publication SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.

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U.S. Government Documents


serves as a principal guide to translated material available to American science and industry, as well as translations in preparation. It lists and abstracts all trans­ lated technical articles, books, and periodicals which are available from O T S , L i b r a r y of Congress, Special Libraries Association ( S L A ) , cooperating foreign governments, commercial translators, publishers, universities and other sources. Author, subject, journal, and translation number indexes are included i n each issue, and a cumulative index is published every six months. Issued twice a month, Technical Translations is available on annual subscription of $12 from G P O . O T S Selective Bibliographies. Approximately 150 Selective Bibliographies have been prepared for areas considered to be of special interest, such as plastics, welding, and transistors. The cost is usually 10 cents per copy and a free list of these bibliographies may be obtained from O T S . Literature searches are also available from O T S on a fee basis. These are performed to meet special needs w h i c h are not covered by a currently available O T S Selective Bibliography. Under this service O T S w i l l compile lists of relevant publications i n its collection cf government research reports, unclassified and de­ classified A E C reports, technical translations, and O T S files of government-owned patents. The fee for this service is $8 per hour, and the customer may limit the time to be spent on a search. Additional information on these searches may be obtained by writing to the Technical Information Division, Office of Technical Services, Washington 25, D . C . O T S has no definite policy for announcing declassified reports. However, when a large block of material is declassified, O T S usually makes a statement to this effect i n U.S. Government Research Reports and in press releases. M a n y times these reports do not become a part of the O T S collection because they are more military than scientific i n nature. W h e n the public learns of the existence of certain reports through the technical press, they may request them from O T S . If the report is not already i n its collection, O T S w i l l request it from the originating agency or the agency w h i c h is declassifying it, and it w i l l then become a part of the P B collection. Also, on July 1, 1961, the Office of Technical Services began to incorporate the unclassified, unlimited distribution section of A S T I A ' s Technical Announcement Bulletin w i t h its own U.S. Government Research Reports. A S T I A w i l l continue to announce reports available to the Department of Defense and their contractors but O T S w i l l also be announcing A S T I A documents w h i c h are available through OTS. This offers a more timely announcement service and increases the number of reports available. National Bureau of Standards U.S. Department of Commerce*

(Α, Β, E )

T h e scientific activities of N B S are conducted through 21 scientific divisions w h i c h roughly correspond to the major branches of physical science and engineering. E a c h of these divisions is also divided into sections w h i c h are re­ sponsible for technical areas within that branch. O f these divisions 15 are located in Washington, D . C , and six in Boulder, Colo. The bureau's Office of Technical Information is responsible for issuing the results of N B S activities. In addition, Ο Τ Ι produces motion pictures of bureau activities, conducts a speaker's bureau, maintains an up-to-date slide and photo file, and operates an inquiry service on the bureau's technical activities. There is no complete list of current projects of the bureau; however, its annual SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.



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report, "Research Highlights of the National Bureau of Standards," gives sum­ maries of the more significant projects conducted during the previous year. Other publications used to report N B S research results are The Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards and Technical News Bulletin. The Journal is pub­ lished i n four separate sections which are available b y subscription from G P O : A . Physics and Chemistry. $4 per year (75 cents additional for foreign mailing) or 70 cents per single copy. B. Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. $2.25 per year (50 cents additional for foreign mailing) or 75 cents per single copy. C . Engineering and Instrumentation. $2.25 per year (50 cents additional for foreign mailing) or 70 cents per single copy. D . Radio Propagation. $4 per year (75 cents additional for foreign mailing) or 70 cents per single copy. Technical News Bulletin summarizes and reports the more important bureau research results. In addition, each issue lists the articles b y N B S staff published during the previous month, and four times a year patents granted on N B S inven­ tions are listed. T h e price of the Technical News Bulletin is $1.50 per year (75 cents additional for foreign mailing) or 15 cents per single copy. T h e bureau also has several nonperiodical series w h i c h are used to disseminate results of investiga­ tions. In addition to these publications, N B S announces its publications i n G P O Price Lists 64 and 82, and " U . S . Department of Commerce Publications," all of w h i c h are available from G P O . Another publication of N B S is its bibliography entitled "Publications of the National Bureau of Standards, 1901 to June 30, 1947" a n d its supplement, "Supplementary L i s t of Publications of the National Bureau of Stand­ ards, July 1, 1947, to June 30, 1957." A second supplement extends this list through June 1960. This bibliography, as well as its supplements, may be pur­ chased from G P O . T h e cost of the basic publication is $1.25; the first supplement, $1.50; and the second supplement, $2.25. Bureaus of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce


In addition to its population censuses, the Bureau of the Census also conducts periodic censuses of agriculture, business, foreign trade, a n d manufac­ turing and mineral industries. In order to provide up-to-date information on many of these subjects, the bureau collects current data at monthly, quarterly, or annual intervals. A s its reports are issued, the Census Bureau publishes leaflets, containing order coupons, w h i c h describe each report series—for example, Current Industrial Reports, Current Business Reports, Construction Statistics, etc. Such announce­ ments also are issued as each series of reports resulting from the full scale censuses is inaugurated. Persons desiring to be placed on the mailing list for announce­ ments of census publications should write to the Public Information Office, Bureau of the Census, Washington 25, D . C . , specifying the subject i n w h i c h they are interested. The Bureau of the Census employs the following means to announce its re­ ports and publications. Catalog of United States Census Publications. Issued quarterly, this catalog contains detailed descriptions of the contents of the reports issued during the period covered, as well as a geographic and a subject index. M o n t h l y supplements SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.

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U.S. Government Documents


and an annual cumulative supplement are also issued. The catalog is available from G P O on annual subscription of $1.25 domestic and 75 cents additional for foreign mailing. Business Service Checklist. The Checklist is a weekly annotated list con­ taining information on the price and availability of all publications, including se­ lected press releases and speeches, released by the various bureaus of the Depart­ ment of Commerce during the past week. It is available from G P O at the annual subscription rate of $1.50 ($2 additional for foreign m a i l i n g ) . " U . S . Department of Commerce Publications, 1790-1950." This is a catalog and index of all Department of Commerce publications, including those of the Bureau of the Census. A n n u a l supplements from 1951 to date are available and are essentially cumulations of the Business Service Checklist. Both the basic volume and the supplements are available from the Superintendent of D o c u ­ ments. The cost of the basic volume is $2.75, and the supplements range i n price from 20 cents to $1.75. G P O Price L i s t 70: Census Publications. This lists Census publications according to subject. Bureau of Public Roads, U.S. Department of Commerce

(A, E)

Some of the research activities of the Bureau of Public Roads include physical and chemical testing of paving mixtures, road materials, and soil ma­ terials; the design and characteristics of nonrigid pavements and concrete pave­ ments; and related topics. A l l of the major publications of the bureau are announced i n its list entitled "Publications of the Bureau of Public Roads/' w h i c h is available on request from the Bureau of P u b l i c Roads, Washington 25, D . C . In addition, a l l bureau p u b ­ lications are listed i n U . S. Department of Commerce Publications, and G P O Price L i s t 25: Transportation, Highways, and Roads. These announcement publications are available from G P O and have been described elsewhere in this paper. The Bureau of Public Roads also publishes a bimonthly journal titled Public Roads, A Journal of Highway Research, w h i c h contains two or three research papers per issue. It is available from G P O at $1 per year (50 cents additional for foreign mailing) or 20 cents per single issue. A classified subject list of the more impor­ tant articles that have appeared i n Public Roads may be obtained upon request from the Bureau of Public Roads, Washington 25, D . C . Bureau of Foreign Commerce (BFC), U.S. Department of Commerce

(A, E)

The Bureau of Foreign Commerce publishes information relating to the foreign trade of the U n i t e d States and other nations. Some of the fields i n ­ clude industrial developments; total exports and imports; exports and imports of specific commodities; and information dealing w i t h specific foreign businesses. The two most important publications of the B F C are Foreign Commerce Weekly and the World Trade Information Service. Together they form the core of B F C ' s business information service. A n n u a l subscription to Foreign Commerce Weekly is $6 ($3.25 additional for foreign mailing) and $14.50 for domestic air­ mailing or 15 cents per single copy. A n annual subscription to each of three parts of W o r l d Trade Information Service is $6 (additional for foreign m a i l i n g : part 1, SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.



$3.75; part 2, $5; part 3, $2.50). W T I S single copy: part 1, 15 cents; part 2, 10 cents; part 3, 20 cents. Both publications are available from G P O . These, as well as all other B F C publications, are announced i n U n i t e d States Department of Commerce Publications, and G P O Price L i s t 62: Commerce. T h e Checklist of B F C Publications, published semiannually, is available free on request from the Bureau of Foreign Commerce, U . S . Department of Commerce, Washing­ ton 25, D . C .

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Office of Business Economics (OBE), U.S. Department of Commerce

(A, E )

The O B E collects and generates information on the gross national product and income accounts, balance of international payments, business ex­ penditures for new plants and equipment, manufacturers' and distributors' sales, manufacturing and trade inventories, as well as several other subjects. The means used to disseminate this information is mainly the Survey of Current Business and the various supplements thereto. The Survey of Current Business is a monthly periodical w i t h weekly Business Statistics Supplements, and all other O B E publications are either expansions or detailed refinements of information appearing i n this journal. In addition to sub­ jects previously mentioned, the journal provides business data showing indicators of economic activity for a variety of subjects, including: chemicals and allied products; electric power and gas; foodstuffs and tobacco; leather and products; lumber and manufacturers; petroleum, coal, and products; pulp, paper, and print­ ing; rubber and rubber products; stone, clay, and glass products; and textile prod­ ucts. This periodical is available from G P O at $4 per year ($3.50 additional for foreign m a i l i n g ) , single copies 30 cents each. O B E announces its publications i n G P O Price L i s t ; Finance ( P L 2 8 ) , and U n i t e d States Department of Commerce Publications ( P L 6 2 ) . These are avail­ able from G P O . Patent Office, U.S. Department of


Although the Patent Office has several publications available, they are not discussed here, since this office has been considered i n detail i n other parts of this book. U.S. Tariff Commission*


One of the Tariff Commission's reports w h i c h is very valuable to chemists is "Synthetic Organic Chemicals, U . S . Production and Sales." It is an annual volume w h i c h comprises three major sections: chemical raw materials, cyclic intermediates, and finished synthetic organic chemical products. The most recent report (Report 206, Second Series) may be purchased from G P O for $1. However, i n order to release the material i n the annual volume at an early date, preliminary reports are issued i n 14 separate sections. Some of these are: Crude products from petroleum and natural gas for chemical conversion; Médici­ nale; Plastics and resin materials; Rubber-processing chemicals; and Pesticides and other organic agricultural chemicals. Requests to be placed on mailing lists for SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.


U.S. Government Documents


any of the 14 sections should be addressed to the U . S . Tariff Commission, W a s h ­ ington 25, D . C .

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Library of Congress, Science and Technology

(A) Division

Bibliographies^ are one of the chief means used b y the Science and Technol­ ogy Division of the L i b r a r y of Congress to fulfill its primary function of provid­ ing a general and advanced scientific reference service. Since W o r l d W a r II this division has prepared several large-scale bibliographies on funds transferred from the Department of Defense. A list of these bibliographies, as well as their avail­ ability, may be obtained from the Science and Technology Division, L i b r a r y of Congress, Washington 25, D . C . T h e library also issues lists to announce its accessions i n certain fields, including science and technology. These include New Serial Titles* w h i c h is avail­ able from the C a r d Division, L i b r a r y of Congress, Washington 25, D . C , at $55 a year for monthly issues and a cumulative annual volume; Monthly Index of Russian Accessions, w h i c h is available from G P O at $12 per year; a n d East Euro­ pean Accession Index, w h i c h is also available from G P O at $10 a year. Announcement of all the library's publications is made i n L i b r a r y of Congress Publications i n Print (free, Office of the Secretary, L i b r a r y of Congress, Washing­ ton 25, D . C . ) and the A n n u a l Report of the L i b r a r y of Congress. Literature searches are also available from the Science and Technology D i ­ vision on a fee basis. They w i l l cite pertinent references from examination of the general collections of the library and of appropriate index and abstract publications at a cost of $8 per hour. This is a cooperative arrangement w i t h O T S . In addition, the A i r Information Division of the library prepares several trans­ lation series. A m o n g these are Current Review of the Soviet Technical Press (weekly) and English Abstracts of Selected Articles from Soviet Bloc and Main­ land China Technical Journah (bimonthly). Other services of this group are its complete book reports (mainly of Russian books) and extensive bibliographies of Soviet references on specific subjects. A l l of these are available through the Office of Technical Services and are announced i n the O T S publication, Technical Translations. The Atomic Energy Commission Office of Technical Information


( A , B, C )

The Office of Technical Information ( Ο Τ Ι ) was established and charged w i t h the responsibility for developing organizing, and operating the i n ­ formation programs of A E C T h e basic functions of these programs are to re­ cord, reproduce, and distribute the data developed i n the commissions research and development programs, to acquire and organize a comprehensive collection of publications on nuclear energy, and to organize this body of literature bibliographically. The A E C reports are sent to O T S for sale to the public. Some of these are available i n full-size copy and others are available i n photostat or microfilm from the L i b r a r y of Congress. These reports are also available on M i c r o c a r d from M i c r o c a r d Editions, Inc., Washington, D . C . A E C disseminates, as widely as possible, the results of research and develop­ ment activities i n nuclear science through one or more of the following publications. SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.

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Nuclear Science Abstracts (NSA).* This semimonthly A E C publication an­ nounces and brings under bibliographic control the literature of the w o r l d on nuclear science and engineering. W i t h i n the field of nuclear science, N S A covers the unclassified and declassified technical reports of the A E C and its contractors, of U . S . and foreign government agencies and their contractors, and of industrial and research organizations. It also covers monographs, serial publications, theses of universities and learned societies, patents, books, and journal articles published both i n the U . S . and abroad. Currently, each issue of the journal includes the fol­ lowing indexes: corporate author, personal author, subject, and report number (which includes the availability of reports). These indexes are cumulated at the end of the first quarter, semiannually, at the end of the third quarter, annually, and at five year intervals. N S A is available from G P O at an annual subscription of $18 domestic; $22.50 foreign. Single copy prices are $1.25 domestic, 25 cents extra for foreign mailing. Cumulative index issues of N S A may also be purchased separately. A n n u a l subscription rates for these are $15 domestic and $17.50 foreign. Single copy prices vary according to the number of pages. These are also available from G P O . " P u b l i c A v a i l a b i l i t y of Reports Abstracted i n Nuclear Science Abstracts." This publication lists i n one alpha-numerical sequence all of the reports abstracted i n N S A and its predecessor, Abstracts of Declassified Reports (1947-1948). In addition to providing a reference to the volume and abstract number for each re­ port, the publication gives the p u b l i c source and price (if known) for the reports. The latest edition ( T I D - 4 0 0 0 , 5th edition) is available from O T S for $5. Proceedings of Technical Meetings. These are reports of meetings in w h i c h the commission or its contractors were sponsors, cosponsors, or major participants. Although these proceedings are abstracted i n N S A , the commission has issued this catalog of them also. Copies can be obtained without charge from the Office of Technical Information Extension, P. O . Box 62, Oak Ridge, Tenn. Bibliographies of Interest to the A t o m i c Energy Program. T o facilitate identification of the large number of unclassified bibliographies that have been pre­ pared on nuclear science and related fields, Ο Τ Ι has compiled this special bibliog­ raphy. The basic volume ( T I D - 3 0 4 3 , R e v . l ) includes bibliographies received by Ο Τ Ι prior to M a r c h 15, 1958, and is available from O T S for $3. T I D - 3 0 4 3 ( R e v . l , S u p p . l ) covers the literature for M a r c h 1958 to October 1959 and is available from O T S for $2.25. A n n u a l supplements are planned. T o provide this information more currently Ο Τ Ι issues Informal Listing of Bibliographies of Atomic Energy Literature on a bimonthly basis. In addition to listing available bibliographies, this publication lists those " i n preparation." Those interested can be placed on the distribution list at no charge. The back issues covering the period since October 1959 also can be obtained free. Translations L i s t . This list, w h i c h is issued monthly, announces both com­ pleted translations and translations " i n process." E a c h issue contains an author index, and cumulative indexes are issued at frequent intervals. Contributors i n ­ clude the A E C and its contractors and the British, Canadian, and French atomic energy agencies. A E C translations have deposited at the Special L i b r a r y Associa­ tion Translation Center of John Crerar L i b r a r y , Chicago, 111., since the center was established. Since January 1959, the translations have been sold by O T S . " T e c h n i c a l Books Sponsored by the U n i t e d States A t o m i c E n e r g y Commis­ sion." The commission has sponsored many books to provide concise, compre­ hensive coverage of pertinent topics. A l t h o u g h these books are prepared under the direction of the commission and its contractors, they are sold by commercial SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.

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U.S. Government Documents


publishers. This booklet, w h i c h lists both books i n print a n d i n preparation, is available without charge, from Ο Τ Ι Extension. " A t o m i c E n e r g y Commission Reports." This is a semiannual price list of unclassified A E C reports that have not been published i n technical and profes­ sional journals, w h i c h have been placed on sale b y O T S . This m a y be obtained free upon request to O T S . T h e O T S collection of A E C reports is described i n the section on the Office of Technical Services. A t o m i c E n e r g y a n d C i v i l Defense Price L i s t . G P O puts out this list of a small number of special A E C unclassified reports w h i c h are available upon request. I n addition to the above-mentioned publications, i n 1957 A E C started pub­ lishing quarterly "Technical Progress Reviews." T h e i r purpose is to keep abreast of important developments reported i n the atomic energy literature. T h e reviews, w h i c h are prepared under contract b y recognized authorities, digest a n d evaluate significant developments i n selected areas of nuclear science a n d technology. F o u r reviews issued quarterly are: Power Reactor Technology, Reactor Fuel Processing, Reactor Core Materials a n d Nuclear Safety. A l l are available from G P O at 55 cents per single issue; $2 per year domestic, a n d $2.50 per year foreign subscription. T h e A E C also disseminates information to ensure that most useful engineer­ i n g materials are made available. Ο Τ Ι Extension publishes "Engineering Materials L i s t " to identify, describe, index, and announce the availability of engi­ neering materials (drawings, specifications, etc.). T I D - 4 1 0 0 (1st rev.) a n d its supplements can be obtained from Ο Τ Ι Extension a n d are distributed without charge to A E C contractors, organizations, and individuals w h o have a need for them. Literature searches are also available from Ο Τ Ι on a fee basis. T h e searches are less formal than the bibliographies mentioned previously a n d usually consist of only a title listing. Literature searches are limited to report literature. T h e standard rate for this service is $6.60 per hour, a n d a l l requests should be sub­ mitted to Ο Τ Ι Extension, O a k Ridge, T e n n . Department

of Defense

( A , B, D )

The research interests of the A r m y , N a v y , and A i r Force are justifiably broad; some general subject fields of scientific reports include earth sciences, material sciences, chemistry, physical sciences, mathematical sciences, and biological sciences. These reports are published extensively i n scientific a n d technical journals. I n addition, the A r m y and N a v y also issue periodicals w h i c h briefly cover certain highlights of technical progress i n research b y their labo­ ratories and contractors. B o t h publications, Army Research and Development a n d Naval Research Reviews, are issued monthly a n d are available from G P O . T h e cost of Army Research and Development is $2.25 per year (75 cents additional for foreign mailing) or 20 cents per single copy and of Naval Research Reviews is $1.50 a year (50 cents additional for foreign mailing) or 15 cents per single copy. Armed Services Technical Information Agency ( ASTIA ) A S T I A does not serve the general public, since this group is served i n the field of science and technology b y the Office of Technical Services. A S T I A serves more than 1600 military activities of the Department of Defense, including SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.

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research and development test a n d evaluation elements of the A r m y , N a v y , A i r Force, and Marines. It also serves an equal number of their civilian contractors and subcontractors, potential contractors, a n d grantees. I n addition, A S T I A serves, within its resources, other agencies of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government a n d provides unclassified reports w h i c h have no release limitations to N A T O , S E A T O , a n d other allied nations. Organizations that m a y require A S T I A services i n support of military or government projects and contracts may obtain a Registration Packet o n request from the A r m e d Services Technical I n ­ formation Agency, Arlington H a l l Station, Arlington 12, V a . C i v i l i a n organiza­ tions must have written military approval before service can be furnished. A s n e w reports are received they are screened for suitability, A D ( A S T I A Document) numbers are assigned, a n d the reports are cataloged a n d analyzed. T o announce new reports, A S T I A publishes The Technical Abstract Bulletin ( T A B ) . This is a semimonthly publication, arranged b y subject fields of interest. T A B lists both classified and unclassified reports but is itself unclassified and also has a numerical index of a l l reports announced i n it. I n addition, it includes a " N o t i c e of Changes i n Classifications or Limitations" i n the status of documents w h i c h were previously announced. A s a further reference aid, A S T I A publishes quarterly and annual indexes w h i c h list reports b y descriptors and b y sources. Scientific a n d technical reports, secret, confidential, a n d unclassified, are furnished, on individual request, i n full size or microfilm copies from a collection i n excess of 600,000 titles, w h i c h is increasing at the rate of about 25,000 annually. Bibliographies are another service of A S T I A . These include not only general catalog and index information but abstracts where appropriate. Currently these are furnished i n the form of catalog cards except i n a f e w areas where demand has been so great that compilations have been printed i n bound volumes. Bibliog­ raphies pertaining to all fields of science and technology applicable to any project are available to A S T I A customers on request. A S T I A is prefunded b y the D e ­ partment of Defense and does not charge for any of its services.

National Aeronautics

and Space Administration

(A, B, C )

Currently, N A S A has four series of technical publications. These include N A S A Technical Reports, w h i c h are unclassified presentations of a body of information w h i c h is considered to be complete and important; N A S A Technical Notes, w h i c h supplement b u t do not overlap the Technical Reports; N A S A Tech­ nical Memorandums, w h i c h are principally classified documents to be reissued as reports or notes if they are considered to be of general interest at the time they are declassified; a n d N A S A Technical Translations, w h i c h present information w h i c h has been published i n a foreign language. N A S A reports and publications are announced i n Technical Publications Announcements. This is a biweekly abstract list of a l l published N A S A documents. It is supplemented b y the an­ nually published Index of N A S A Technical Publications. Both are available from the N A S A Office of Technical Information and Educational Programs, C o d e E T D , Washington 25, D . C .

United States Department

of Agriculture



U S D A publications i n their Department Series contain principally reports on original U S D A scientific research. These include Technical Bulletins, ProducSEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.


U.S. Government Documents


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tion Research Reports, Utilization Research Reports, and Miscellaneous Publica­ tions. U S D A Monthly List of Publications and Motion Pictures. A list w h i c h i n d i ­ cates w h i c h reports are available free or for sale. T h e hst is free on request from Office of Information, U S D A , Washington 25, D . C . Bibliography of Agriculture.* A monthly index to the world's literature on agriculture and the related sciences, as received i n the U S D A library. E a c h issue contains an author index, and the final issue of each volume consists of a cumulative author and subject index. It is available from G P O at $10 per year. "List of Available Publications of the U S D A " (List 11). Revised every f e w years, this list also indicates w h i c h reports are free and w h i c h are for sale. Single copies are available free from the Office of Information, U S D A , Washington 25, D . C . M u l t i p l e copies, at 35 cents each, should be ordered from G P O . The U S D A does not deposit copies of its technical reports w i t h the Office of Technical Services for announcement. U S D A Technical Reports are generally furnished on request from the issuing office, w i t h the exception of the more expensively produced publications w h i c h are available only b y purchase from G P O . U.S. Bureau of Mines, U.S. Department of the

(A) Interior*

T h e Bureau of Mines publishes a wide range of reports reflecting its national research i n : beneficiating and refining ores; chemical and physical prop­ erties of mineral raw materials; explosibility and other characteristics of liquids, gases, and dusts; petroleum engineering and refining; safety practices and equip­ ment; composition and utilization of fossil fuels; air pollution; m i n i n g methods; and composition and application of commercial explosives. It likewise conducts economic studies, domestic and foreign, regarding certain minerals and provides statistical coverage for a l l key mineral commodities i n the U n i t e d States and terri­ tories. Reports of the Bureau of Mines are generally published i n the bureaus own series of publications. However, to disseminate information more quickly, the bureau frequently relies upon scientific, technical, and trade journals, convention proceedings, books, and other outside publications. A n n u a l and five-year indexed catalogs of published articles and books by bureau scientists and engineers are also issued. A t the present time, the Bureau of Mines has available a book entitled " L i s t of Publications Issued b y the Bureau of Mines from July 1, 1910, to Jan. 1, 1960." It describes the many thousands of technical publications of the bureau and is complete w i t h subject a n d author indexes, prices, and availability of all publica­ tions listed. It is available from G P O for $4.25. Another recent publication, " L i s t of Journal Articles b y Bureau of Mines Authors Published July 1, 1910, to Jan. 1, 1960," mentions 9000 articles. It is complete w i t h a subject and author index and is available from G P O for $1.75. " M i n e r a l Facts and Problems," an encyclopedia of U . S . minerals, is issued every five years. Latest edition (1960) sells for $6 (cloth) at G P O . T h e Bureau of Mines likewise issues the Minerals Yearbooks ( i n 3 volumes) w h i c h contain official government statistics on production and distribution of metals, minerals, and mineral fuels. They also include factual accounts of eco­ nomic and technologic developments and trends. Entire yearbooks and separate SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.



chapters of the latest volumes can be obtained from G P O at prices indicated i n the List of Publications mentioned above.

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Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior*


The U . S . Geological Survey collects, interprets, publishes, a n d distributes data about the physical a n d geologic features, minerals, mineral fuels, and water resources of the U n i t e d States, its territories, and possessions. Survey reports are of t w o main types: book reports (professional papers, bulletins, water-supply papers, and circulars), and maps. Since its organization i n 1879, the survey has published more than 5000 reports and 22,000 different topographic maps. I n addition, thousands of reports and papers have been published i n scientific a n d engineering journals. T h e Geological Survey puts out "Publications of the Geological Survey," w h i c h is revised every five years, and is kept u p to date w i t h monthly and annual announcements of new items. This publication, and the periodic supplements, are available free o n request f r o m Geological Survey, U . S . Department of Interior, Washington 25, D . C . I n 1960, the survey issued a new type of publication, titled "Geological Sur­ vey Research 1960." Consisting of two main parts and published as Professional Paper 400, the report is intended to summarize the results of the recent work of the Geologic Division of the survey, a n d to make these results available to the public as soon as possible. Chapter A , "Synopsis of Geologic Results," includes a summary of new findings either published or yet unpublished for the year ending June 30, 1960. It also contains a list of investigations i n progress during that period, along w i t h the names a n d headquarters of those i n charge of each, a n d a list of reports published. Chapter B , "Short Papers," consisting of reports of generally less than 1000 words, announces n e w discoveries or observations on problems of limited scope, or conclusions d r a w n from extensive investigations that have been i n progress for some time. B o t h chapters of U S G S Professional Paper 400 are available from the G P O , Chapter A at $1, Chapter Β at $4.25.

Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of the Interior*


In the development of our most important single natural resource, water, the Bureau of Reclamation, at its Division of Engineering Laboratories, carries on research activities i n nine areas: concrete a n d concrete making materials; h y ­ draulics; earth materials; petrography; protective coatings; analytical chemistry; bituminous materials; saline water demineralization; a n d special investigations, such as aquatic weed controls, cathodic protection, corrosion, a n d evaporation reduction. T h e bureau publishes two brochures w h i c h list the publications that are free or for sale. T h e bureau also issues laboratory reports primarily for its own use. Some of these, however, are available to the public as long as the supply lasts. They may be obtained b y writing to U . S . Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Attention Code 841, B u i l d i n g 53, Denver Federal Center, Denver 25, Colo. SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.


U.S. Government Documents

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National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health, Education




The seven institutes that make u p N I H conduct research on cancer, heart disease, arthritis, neurological disorders, mental illness, allergies, and oral diseases. The only medium of publication for the reports generated by these studies is the scientific and technical press. In addition to technical reports, the National Institutes of H e a l t h issue several other publications. One of these is the Journal of the National Cancer Institute w h i c h publishes not only a large part of the work done at the National Cancer Institute but also research i n many other institutions i n the U . S . and other countries. It is available from G P O at $20 a year for 12 issues. Another p u b l i ­ cation is the Psychopharmacology Service Center Bulletin w h i c h is distributed at irregular intervals by the Psychopharmocology Service Center, National Institute of M e n t a l Health, Bethesda 14, M d . It is issued for information purposes to investigators interested i n psychopharmacology. T w o other publications of N I H are Cancer Chemotherapy Reports and Cancer Chemotherapy Abstracts w h i c h may be obtained from National Cancer Institute, Publication Office, R o o m 213 Robin B u i l d i n g , Bethesda 14, M d . Other publications of N I H include selected bibliographies w h i c h have been prepared b y the Psychopharmacology Service Center, Scientific Information U n i t , and are distributed by this group on request. Also, a complete listing of all journals currently received b y the library is available on request to the National Institutes of H e a l t h L i b r a r y , Bethesda 14, M d . National Library of Medicine, U.S. Department of Health, Education



The aim of the National L i b r a r y of M e d i c i n e is to make its resources avail­ able to all workers w h o have need of them, and i n fulfilling this aim, the National L i b r a r y of M e d i c i n e considers that its main role should be to supplement the resources of local and regional libraries. A l l printed material i n the library's collection is available for interlibrary loan to libraries, not to individuals, w i t h the exception of ordinary current, in-trade publications where there is widespread accessibility elsewhere. Individuals may use the resources on the library premises. Material i n the library w i l l be loaned in the original form or i n photoduplicates, and the library reserves the right to determine i n w h i c h form the loan w i l l be made. If photocopies are sent instead of original material, they are sent free of charge b y the National L i b r a r y of M e d i c i n e and may be retained permanently by the borrowing library. Bibliographic searches on specific subjects w i l l be undertaken as the library's facilities permit. These searches may be requested by libraries or by individuals who have exhausted the resources of their local libraries. A list of available bibliographies prepared b y the N a t i o n a l L i b r a r y of M e d i c i n e is available upon request to the library. T h e National L i b r a r y of M e d i c i n e publishes several services: Index Medicus^ and C u m u l a t e d Index M e d i c u s . Index Medicus beginning w i t h January 1960 is a monthly publication and is available from G O P at $20 a year. " C u m u l a t e d Index M e d i c u s " (a three-volume set) is sold b y the A m e r i c a n SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.



M e d i c a l Association, 535 N o r t h Dearborn St., Chicago 10, 111., at $32 per year domestic and $35 per year foreign. Occasional bibliographies a n d other publications on subjects of current interest are issued and distributed free or at a nominal cost. Publications w h i c h are sold should be ordered from G P O , and free publications should be requested from the National L i b r a r y of M e d i c i n e , Washington 25, D . C . A complete listing of the library's publications is available on request from the library.

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Science Foundation



T h e National Science Foundation is responsible for promoting and en­ couraging scientific progress i n the U n i t e d States. It is organized into seven major components: the Division of Biological and M e d i c a l Sciences; the Division of Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences; the Division of Social Sciences; the Division of Scientific Personnel and E d u c a t i o n ; the Office of Science Informa­ tion Service; the Office of Special International Programs; and the Office of Special Studies. These groups encompass four areas of activity: promotion of basic re­ search i n the sciences, promotion of education and training i n the sciences, ap­ praisal of national research and development efforts and resources, and promo­ tion of effective dissemination of scientific information. The results of NSF-sponsored research activities are reported mainly i n the journals of the professional societies. Additional information is disseminated through N S F ' s own series of reports: Manpower and Education Reports, Research and Development Reports, Science Administration Reports, Science Information Exchange Reports, and Annual Reports. N S F reports are announced i n "Selected U n i t e d States Government Publica­ tions," w h i c h is available from G P O . Also, a free list entitled "Publications of the National Science F o u n d a t i o n " may be obtained from the Printing and Publication Section, National Science Foundation, Washington 25, D . C . Tennessee Valley Authority



T V A is an independent federal agency responsible for development of the resources of the Tennessee River Valley and adjoining territory. Therefore, it carries on a scientific research and development program, w h i c h includes both basic and applied research. Some of T V A ' s fields of interest are: soil chemistry, stream pollution control, air pollution control, medicine, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, and economics. T h e findings of these studies are reported i n scientific journals or i n literature prepared by T V A or its contractors. T h e types of publications prepared by T V A include technical reports, technical monographs, chemical engineering bulletins, weekly news letters, and annual reports. Information regarding price and availability of all T V A publications may be obtained from the announcement bulletins w h i c h list them. These publications include: Selected U . S . Government Publications, and G P O Price Lists 42 and 46. A l l of these are available from G P O . T h e T V A supplements these services through some other publications, one of w h i c h is the " A n a l y t i c a l Index of Chemical Engineering Publications, Patents and Reports." This index catalogs by subject publications covering a large part of T V A ' s chemical engineering activities between 1933 and 1954. N o information is given regarding price or availability of publications cited. The A n a l y t i c a l Index SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.


U.S. Government Documents


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may be purchased from G P O for 55 cents. Also the Technical L i b r a r y of T V A prepares two bibliographies titled "Indexed Bibliography of T V A " and " A B i b l i ­ ography for the T V A Program." T h e first consists of a basic volume for the period 1933 through 1936, and annual supplements. The basic volume is out of print; however, the supplements may be obtained free from the T V A Director of In­ formation, Knoxville, T e n n . T h e "Bibliography for the T V A Program" is a list of selected titles of books, articles, reports, and government publications relating to T V A . It is not comprehensive and is revised only at irregular intervals. These revisions may also be obtained free of charge from the T V A Director of In­ formation. National Academy of SciencesNational Research Council^ The National Academy of Sciences-National Research C o u n c i l is a privately supported organization closely linked to the Federal Government. It is composed of eight divisions w h i c h operate through boards and institutes, committees, sub­ committees, panels, and groups for special projects. The divisions are: Anthro­ pology and Psychology, Biology and Agriculture, Chemistry and Chemical Tech­ nology, E a r t h Sciences, Engineering and Industrial Research, Mathematics, M e d i ­ cal Sciences, and Physical Science. Some of the subgroups w h i c h are of special interest are: the Office of Scientific Personnel; the Office of Documentation; the Nuclear D a t a Project; w h i c h publishes Nuclear D a t a Tables, Nuclear Reaction Graphs, and Nuclear Theory Cards; Office of C r i t i c a l Tables, w h i c h publishes the Directory of Continuing Numerical D a t a Projects; and the Prevention of Deterioration Center w h i c h p u b ­ lishes Prevention of Deterioration Abstracts, Environmental Effects on Materials and Equipment Abstracts, and PDC Newsletter. T h e Cardiovascular Literature Project w h i c h recently left N A S - N R C is now operating as the Washington office of the Institute for Advancement of M e d i c a l Communications. Other publications of the divisions include proceedings, bulletins, periodicals, bibliographies, and special reports. The publications w h i c h are issued each year are listed i n the list of publications w h i c h appears each spring. It is available from the National Academy of Sciences-National Research C o u n c i l , Printing and Publication Office, 2101 Constitution A v e . , Washington 25, D . C . Smithsonian



Information on new facts and specimens gathered from a l l over the w o r l d is disseminated through the E d i t o r i a l and Publications Division of the Smithsonian Institution. Technical papers are published as appendixes to the annual report, as bulletins, and i n the Proceedings of the U.S. National Museum. Price lists for publications w h i c h are available i n the field of chemistry may be obtained by w r i t i n g to Publications Distribution Section, E d i t o r i a l and Publication Division, Smithsonian Institution, Washington 25, D . C . Bibliography Andrews, D . D . , "Progress Report on U . S. Patent Office Mechanized Searching," " A b ­ stracts of Papers " 133rd Meeting, A C S , April 1958, p. 5G. Andrews, D . D . , "Technical Problems in the Reclassification of Chemical Patents," " A b ­ stracts of Papers," 129th Meeting, A C S , April 1956, p. 15G. Andrews, E . O., Rienstra, H . S., Cox, E . W . , "Operations and Services of the Liquid SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.

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Propellant Information Agency," "Abstracts of Papers," 137th Meeting, A C S , April 1960, p. 11G. Barden, W . Α., Am. Documentation 7, 108-200 (July 1956). Armed Services Technical Information Agency. Barden, W . Α., Hammond, W . , Heald, J, H., "Automation of A S T I A : A Preliminary Report," Office of Technical Service, Washington, 1960. Berry, S. G . , "Are Unpublished Reports of the Office of Technical Services Printed Under Sec. 102 of the Patent Act?", "Abstracts of Papers," 132nd Meeting, A C S , September 1957, p. 20G. Brownson, H . L., "Support of Publication by the National Science Foundation," " A b ­ stracts of Paners," 128th Meeting, A C S , September 1955, p. 18G. Caprio, A . F., " U . S. Patents as a Source of Technical Information," "Abstracts of Papers," 132nd Meeting, A C S , September 1957, p. 19G. Clapp, V . W . , J. Chem. Educ. 24, 75-8 (1947). Present-day problems i n obtaining foreign scientific publications. Cohn, Ε. M ., Perry, Harry, Ibid., 33, 331-3 (1956). Activities and publications of the Bureau of Mines. Day, M . S., Lebow, Irving, Am. Documentation 11, 120-7 (April 1960). New indexing pattern for Nuclear Science Abstracts.

DeWitt, J. B., "Information of Chemical Interest That Can Be Obtained from the U . S. Fish and Wildlife Service," "Abstracts of Papers," 125th Meeting, A C S , March 1954, p. 6G. Donnelly, M . V . , ADVANCES IN C H E M . SER., NO. 10, 3-9 (1954). Government produc­ tion statistics as source for chemical planning. Dunlop, W . W . , "The Armed Services Technical Information Agency: Its Purposes, Problems, and Progress," "Abstracts of Papers," 137th Meeting, A C S , April 1960, p. 11G. Fahey, J. J., "Chemical Publications of the United States Geological Survey," "Abstracts of Papers," 134th Meeting, A C S , September 1958, p. 11G. Fishbein, E . P., Wescott, E . C., Spec. Libraries 48, 96-9 (March 1957). Brief introduc­ tion of research tools for A EC and government scientific reports. Fishenden, R. M ., ASLIB Proc. 9, 229-33 (August 1957). Availability of atomic energy information. Fleischer, Michael, Advances in Documentation and Library Sci. 1, 105-11 (1957). Ex­ periences with a notched card file of geochemical data. Gamble, D . F., "Chemical Activities and Publications of the Public Health Services," " A b ­ stracts of Papers," 122nd Meeting, A C S , April 1958, p. 6G. Gamble, D . F., "Coordinate Index of Organic Compounds," "Abstracts of Papers," 127th Meeting, ACS, April 1955, p. 7G. Gilbert, W . C., ADVANCES IN C H E M . SER., No. 10, 107-13 (1954). Congressional com­ mittee hearings. Glockler, George, "Department of Defense Regulations and Technical Information," " A b ­ stracts of Papers," 129th Meeting, A C S , April 1956, p. 12G. Gray, D . E . , "Centralized Abstracting in the Department of Defense," "Abstracts of Papers," 119th Meeting, A C S , April 1951, p. 13E. Gray, D . E . , College & Research Libraries 18, No. 1, 23-7 (1957). Scientists and gov­ ernment research information. Gray, D . E . , "Government Research Reports for Scientists," "Abstracts of Papers," 131st Meeting, ACS, April 1957, p. 9G. Gray, D . E . , Phys. Today 4, No. 1, 28-9 (1951). Library of Congress Science Division. Ibid., 4, No. 3, 8-9 (1951). Experiment in standardization (of documentation). Ibid., 4, No. 9, 17-19 (1951). Basic research in the Office of Naval Research. Ibid., 5, No. 1, 20-3 (1952). National Academy of Sciences and the National Research Council. Green, J. C., Chem. Eng. News 25, 1335-6 (1947). OTS translation clearing house. Green, J. C., "Publication Board and Its Function in Disseminating Scientific Information from Government-Sponsored Research and Enemy Sources," "Abstracts of Papers," 109th Meeting, A C S , April 1946, p. 3D. Greer, P. S., Kanegis, James, "Government Reports on Rubber," Symposium on Literature of Rubber, Papers Presented at 130th A C S Meeting, September 1956, A C S Division of Rubber Chemistry (1956); PB Report 131096 (75 cents at G P O ) . Gull, D . D . , "The Preparation of the Cumulative Catalog at the Library of Congress," "Abstracts of Papers," 112th Meeting, A C S , September 1947, p. 14E. Harris, L. E . , "Interest of the Chemical Corps in Chemical-Biological Coordination," " A b ­ stracts of Papers," 121st Meeting, A C S , April 1952, p. 4F. Heald, J. H ., Spec. Libraries 51, 115-21 (March I960). Project Mars. Heald, J. H ., Spec. Libraries Assoc. Sci.-Tech. News, 14, 6-7 (Spring 1960). User effects of ASTIA automation. Heumann, K. F., Dale, Estaleta. "Statistical Survey of Chemical Structure," Progress re­SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.

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U.S. Government Documents


port in chemical literature retrieval, p. 201, Interscience Publishers, New York, 1957. Hoffheins, F . M . , C o l t e n , Ο. Α., ADVANCES IN C H E M . SER., NO. 10, 10-13 ( 1954). Chemi­ cal statistics and Commerces Chemical Division. Hooker, Marjorie, "The Literature of Rock and Mineral Analyses," "Abstracts of Papers," 128th Meeting, A C S , September 1955, p. 16G. Hylander, C . J . , A m o s s , A . M . , "Dissemination of Technical Information at the Chemical Warfare Laboratories," "Abstracts of Papers," 130th Meeting, A C S , September 1956, p. 4G. Jackson, Ε. B., Spec. Libraries 51, 115-21 (March 1960). Aeronautical documentation practices in Europe and America. Johnson, R. K., "Higher American Military Educational Institutions and Their Libraries" (Aspects of Librarianship No. 10), Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, 1956. Kamran, G . S., "Information and Publication Activities of the U. S. Department of Agri­ culture," "Abstracts of Papers," 129th Meeting, A C S , 1956, p. 13G. Kanegis, James, ADVANCES IN C H E M . SER., No. 10, 151-9 (1954). Plastics literature in government reports. Kanegis, James, J. Chem. Documentation 1, 7-10 (1960). Technical literature of OTS and its related services. Kirner, W . R., "Organization, Objectives, and Progress of the Chemical-Biological Coordi­ nation Center," National Research Council-National Academy of Science, Washington, D . C , Pub. 206, 125-6. Lanham, Β. E . , "The Use of the U.S. Patent Office Classification i n Chemical Searches," "Abstracts of Papers," 119th Meeting, A C S , April 1951, p. 7F. Lederman, Lorna, Green, John, Graf, Dorothy, ADVANCES IN C H E M . SER., NO. 10, 47787 ( 1954 ). Searohing the P B collection for chemical information. Leiter, Joseph, Scheiderman, Marvin, Miller, Eugene, "Data Processing Program of the Cancer Chemotherapy National Service Center," "Abstracts of Papers," 136th Meet­ ing, A C S , September 1959, p. 5G. Lindenmeyer, H . F., J. Patent Office Soc. 36, 463-81 (1954). What does the Patent Office scientific library have to offer the chemist? Lowry, W . K., Spec. Libraries 47, 70-73 (February 1956). Aeronautical documentation in the United States. McMurray, G . S., "Operation and Services of the Solid Propellant Information Agency," "Abstracts of Papers," 137th Meeting, A C S , April 1960, p. 11G. Maizell, R. E . , Phys. Today 12, 42-44 (December 1959). Locating unclassified govern­ ment-sponsored research reports. Mohat, Halador, ADVANCES IN C H E M . SER., No. 10, 114-20 (1954). Information on the chemical industry developed by antitrust cases. National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Department of Commerce, Part III, Scientific In­ formation Activities of Federal Agencies, No. 8 (1960) ( N S F 60-59). National Science Foundation Report "Organization of the Federal Government for Scientific Activities," 1956 ( N S F 56-17), ($1.75, G P O ) . National Science Foundation, Scientific Information Activities of Federal Agencies, No. 6 (1960) ( N S F 60-56). Newman, Ε. I., Copeland, L . D . , "Analytical Index of Chemical Engineering Publications, Patents, and Reports," U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1954. North, J. B., Spec. Libraries Assoc. Sci-Tech. News 13, 10 (fall 1959). Trouble with ASTIA. Oatfield, Harold, Lowe, D . J., ADVANCES IN C H E M . SER., No. 10, 455-76 (1954). D o ­ mestic sources of foreign information on trade, statistics, and scientific activities. Ockert, K . F., McMurray, G . S., "The Solid Propellant Information Agency," A m . Rocket Soc. Reprint 976-59 (1959). Office of Naval Research, Scientific Information Activities of Federal Agencies, No. 2 (1959) ( N S F 59-19). Orne, Jerrold, Spec. Libraries 47, 373-7 (October 1956). Librarian looks at military literature. Parks, A . F . , Anal. Chem. 27, No. 6, 13A (1955). Technical information of the U. S. Customs Service. Peterson, I. H., "Government Sources (Executive Conference on Organizing and Manag­ ing Information; Proceedings)," University of Chicago, Chicago, 1958. Postell, P. E., Pflueger, M. L., Spec. Libraries 48, 91-6 (March 1957). Recent technical information activities of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. Potter, E . P., "Development of the Chemical Literature Classification in the Dewey Decimal Classification," "Abstracts of Papers," 116th Meeting, A C S , September 1949, p. 12F. Premo, J. G., J. Chem. Educ. 35, 353 (1958). Simplified procedure for searching United States chemical patents. Prickett, C . S., "Activities and Publications of the Food and Drug Administration," " A b ­ stracts of Papers," 132nd Meeting, A C S , September 1957, p. 14G. SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.

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Read, W . T., "Utilizing the National Roster of Scientific and Specialized Personnel," "Abstracts of Papers/' 110th Meeting, A C S , September 1946, p. 12D. Rossini, F. D . , "Technical and Scientific Services of the National Bureau of Standards for the Petroleum Industry," "Abstracts of Papers," 111th Meeting, A C S , April 1947, p. 9D. "Science Information Service Established by the National Science Foundation," Am. Documentation 10, 165-6 (April 1959). Scott, E . W . , "Communication of U.S. Government Technical Information," "Abstracts of Papers," 120th Meeting, A C S , September 1951, p. 5F. Scott, E . W . , Science 114, 653-651 (1951). Technical information activities of the Department of Defense. Scott, E . W . , Ball, T., "Scientific Information Problems of the National Military Estab­ lishment," "Abstracts of Papers," 114th Meeting, A C S , September 1948, g. 16E. Shepard, H. H., "Economic and Marketing Information on Pesticides," 'Abstracts of Papers," 127th Meeting, A C S , April 1955, p. 3G. Smith, J. F., Ware, R. P., "Technical Information Facilities of the District of Columbia," "Abstract of Papers," 118th Meeting, A C S , September 1950, p. 3F. Sternberg, Virginia, Spec. Libraries 47, 417-21 (1956). Atomic Energy business services. Taube, Mortimer, Thompson, A . F., "The Abstracting of Government Reports," " A b ­ stracts of Papers," 119th Meeting, ACS, April 1951, p. 12F. Tennessee Valley Authority, Scientific Information Activities of Federal Agencies, No.


(1960) ( N S F 60-44). Thompson, A . F., Taube, Mortimer, "The Purpose and Performance of Nuclear Science Abstracts," "Abstracts of Papers, 119th Meeting, A C S , April 1951, p. 13F. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Scientific Information Activities of Federal Agencies, No.

1 (1958) ( N S F 58-27).


Department of

Commerce, Part I,

Scientific Information Activities of


Agencies, No. 3 (1959) ( N S F 59-58). Ibid., Part II, 7 (1960) ( N S F 60-58). U.S. 85th Congress, 2nd Session, Senate, Science and Technology Act 1958, Availability of Technical Information from Federal Departments and Agencies (Hearings before a D.C., 1959. U.S. Government Printing Office, Scientific Information Activities of Federal Agencies, No.

4 (1960) ( N S F 60-9). Wagner, F . S., Jr., Texas Chapter SLA Bulletin 12, No. 4, 26-29 (1961). Studies on improved literature survey methods. I. Literature surveys using reviews. Wagner, F. S., Jr., "Study of Patents Documentation," "Abstracts of Papers," 133rd Meeting, A C S , April 1958, p. 8G. Warbeit, I. Α., Spec. Libraries Assoc. Sci.-Tech. News 13, 3-5

(Spring 1959).


conference on utilization of atomic energy scientific and technical information. Welt, I. D., "Aspects of the C B C C Biology Code of Interest to Chemists," "Abstracts of Papers " 138th Meeting, A C S , September 1960, p. 10G; J. Chem. Documenta­ tion 1, 19-21 (1961). Welt, I. D . , Bull. Med. Library Assoc. 46, 367-80 (1958). Detailed indexing of bio­ logical effects of chemical substances. White, B. J., "Literature Dealing with Forensic Chemistry," "Abstracts of Papers," 137th Meeting, A C S , April 1960, p. 10G. Wilcox, J. K., "Bibliography of New Guides and Aides to Public Documents Use, 19531956" ( S L A Bibliography No. 2), Spec. Libraries Assoc., New York, 1957. Wood, G . C . [Geer, Η. Α., Dale, Esteleta, Williams, A . S., Thurlow, J. F.], "Types of Questions Answered by the Chemical-Biological Coordination Center," National Acad­ emy of Sciences-National Research Council, Washington, D . C . , 1955. THIS paper replaces and expands on one by the same title in ADVANCES N O . 4 by Norman T. Ball and Cedric R. Flagg. As nucleus for the bibliography, M r . Flagg also supplied a list compiled by the late Spencer C. Stanford.

SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.