SEARLE Buchler Instruments

would find thispaperback a useful reference work. In summary,. Dr. Osborne has put together in vol- ... King, Ed. x + 323 pages. Applied Science Publi...
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In Evaporation, there are two names to know. Buchler is one of t h e m . For all your laboratory evaporation needs, Buchler is a name you must know, whether you are using aqueous or volatile solvents . . . batch or multiple samples . . . for any application, including RIA, CPB, chromatography or drug determinations. Choose among Buchler evaporators . . . the line that really offers you a choice. When you next think evaporation, contact Buchler —through leading laboratory supply houses.

local registers, and flags. The intricate nature of the instruction fetch/decode/execute cycle is cleverly analyzed for a single instruction (ADD) in a series of "snapshots" of data movement within the system. Before finishing the chapter, the reader has been introduced to the subtleties of clock signals, machine cycles, and a fine introduction to memory-mapped I/O. The pedagogic techniques used in chapter 6 are so well done that many chemists involved in teaching computer courses would find this paperback a useful reference work. In summary, Dr. Osborne has put together in volume 0 a book that truly can be read by the novice and is a painless lead-in to volume I.

New Books SEARLE

Developments in Food Analysis T e c h n i q u e s — 1 . R. D. K i n g , Ed. χ + 3 2 3 p a g e s . A p p l i e d S c i e n c e Publishers Ltd., R i p p l e R o a d , B a r k i n g , Essex, England. 1978.$55

Buchler Instruments Division of Searle Diagnostics. Inc. 1327 Sixteenth Street Fort Lee, New Jersey 07024 U.S.A. 201-224-3333

Batch or Continuous Evaporator (patented features) Multiple Sample Evaporator

Multiple Sample Evaporator (patented features)

Φ Ϋ4 J

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Analytical techniques used by food analysts are examined. Some of the chapters deal with instrumental tech­ niques and developments in the appli­ cation of these techniques. The other chapters discuss techniques used to determine particular compounds such as proteins, vitamins, and carbohy­ drates. The analytical techniques in­ clude among others: atomic absorp­ tion, flame absorption, graphite fur­ nace, gas-liquid chromatography, HPLC, column chromatography, en­ zymatic methods, gel chromatography, GC-MS, headspace analysis, ion-ex­ change chromatography, ion-selective electrodes, Kjeldahl procedure, NMR, and thin-layer chromatography. Each chapter contains an abstract, an intro­ duction, the techniques used, and a complete reference list at the end. Analysis of Foods And Beverages: H e a d s p a c e Techniques. G e o r g e C h a r a l a m b o u s , Ed. xiv + 3 9 4 p a g e s . A c a ­ d e m i c Press Inc., 111 Fifth A v e . , N e w Y o r k , N.Y. 1 0 0 1 3 . 1 9 7 8 . $ 2 1

Adjustable Height Water Bath

Buchler Instruments: made in the United States, sales and service w o r l d w i d e . CIRCLE 17 O N READER SERVICE CARD


A symposium on the analysis of foods and beverages by headspace techniques was held by the Flavor Subdivision of the Agricultural and Food Chemistry Division of the Amer­ ican Chemical Society at its 174th Na­ tional Meeting in Chicago, 111., Aug. 27-Sept. 2, 1978. This book contains the 14 review articles that were pre­ sented at the symposium by 37 re­ search specialists. The papers contrib­ uted by the flavor chemists analyze such products as vegetable flavors,