SEARLE CORPORATION - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 24, 2012 - AMERSHAM / SEARLE CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1975, 47 (8), pp 766A–766A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60358a728. Publication Date: July 1975...
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From Amersham/ Searle labelled narcotics and related compounds [Classified by the DEA as exempt chemical preparations. BNDDforms not required] Amo [2-14C] barbital d-[mef/7y/ene-14C] Amphetamine sulfate d-[s/cfe chain-3H] Amphetamine sulfate [1-(n)-3H] Codeine [N-methyl-1AC] Codeine hydrochloride Diacetyl[1-(n)-3H] morphine [1,7,8(n)-3H] Di hydromorphine [15,16(n)-3H] Etorphine Lysergic acid di [1-14C] ethylamide [2(n)-3H] Lysergic acid diethylamide [1(n)-3H] Morphine [N-methyl-liC\ Morphine hydrochloride Pheno [2-14C] barbital Δ'-Tetrahydro [3',5',-14C] Cannabinol A'-[G-3H] Tetrahydrocannabinol P S ] Thiopentone

CFA.401 CFA.544 TRK.444 TRK.448 CFA.421 TRK.449 TRK.450 TRK.476 CFA. 534 TRK.461 TRK.447 CFA.363 CFA.537 CFA. 538 TRK.446

News and Views

Modern Liquid Chromatography Indianapolis, Ind. Oct. 4-5. Lloyd R. Snyder and J. J. Kirkland. $155, ACS members; $175, nonmembers Column Selection in Gas Chroma­ tography Indianapolis, Ind. Oct. 10-11. Harold M. McNair and Walter Supina. $110, ACS members; $130, nonmembers Intermediate Chromatographic Systems—Maintenance and Troubleshooting Washington, D.C. Oct. 11-12. M. P. T. Bradley. $145, ACS members; $165, nonmembers Carbon-13 NMR Spectrometry Pittsburgh, Pa. Oct. 22-24. George C. Levy. $180, ACS members; $205, nonmembers Fiber Optic Communication Sys­ tems University of California, Santa Barba­ ra, Calif. July 7-11. Contact: Universi­ ty of California Extension, Santa Bar­ bara, Calif. 93106 Laboratory Workshop—Flammability of Materials University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. July 14-18. $400. Contact: I. N. Einhorn, Conference Director, De­ partment of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112. 801-581-8431 Integrated Optics University of California, Santa Barba­ ra, Calif. July 21-25. Contact: Univer­ sity of California Extension, Santa Barbara, Calif. 93106


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Detection of Infrared Radiation University of California, Santa Barba­ ra, Calif. Aug. 4-8. Contact: Universi­ ty of California Extension, Santa Bar­ bara, Calif. 93106

Applied Polarized Light Microsco­ py Chicago, 111. Oct. 6. $350. Contact: The Registrar, McCrone Research In­ stitute, 2820 S. Michigan Ave., Chica­ go, 111. 60616. 312-842-7100 Photomicrography Chicago, 111. Oct. 13. $375. Contact: The Registrar, McCrone Research In­ stitute, 2820 S. Michigan Ave., Chica­ go, 111. 60616. 312-842-7100 Identification of Small Particles Chicago, 111. Oct. 20. $500. Contact: The Registrar, McCrone Research In­ stitute, 2820 S. Michigan Ave., Chica­ go, 111. 60616. 312-842-7100 Vacuum Science and Technology Philadelphia Civic Center, Philadel­ phia. Oct. 28-31. Contact: Nancy Hammond, American Vacuum Soci­ ety, 335 E. 45th St., New York, N.Y. 10017. 212-685-1940

For Your Information Du Pont's Instrument Products is publishing a quarterly Newsscan with information on the company's instru­ ments, seminars, training courses, and new instrument applications. Vol. 1, No. 1, 4 p, describes the new Dimaspec. To contribute to Newsscan or to receive it, write to Du Pont Co., In­ strument Products, c/o Du Pont In­ struments Newsscan, Wilmington, Del. 19898. A Report of the Conference-Workshop on Analytical Chemistry Pertaining to Oil Shale and Shale Oil, held June 24-25, 1974, and sponsored by the National Science Foundation, has been prepared by co-investigators, Sidney Siggia and Peter C. Uden, both of the University of Massachusetts. Copies of the 194-p report are avail­ able from Fred Findeis, Program Di­ rector for Chemical Analysis, National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.

Microscopy for Pharmaceutical Scientists Chicago, 111. Sept. 8. $350. Contact: The Registrar, McCrone Research In­ stitute, 2820 S. Michigan Ave., Chica­ go, 111. 60616. 312-842-7100

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Microscopy for Polymer Scientists Chicago, 111. Sept. 22. $350. Contact: The Registrar, McCrone Research In­ stitute, 2820 S. Michigan Ave., Chica­ go, 111. 60616. 312-842-7100

"Selectagram," a bimonthly newslet­ ter from Schleicher & Schuell, Inc., Keene, N.H. 03431, 603-352-3810, is designed as a forum for scientists in­ terested in separation sciences.