Second Group Of 1997 PRF Grants - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Jul 7, 1997 - At its April meeting, the American Chemical Society Board of Directors approved 114 new or continuing ACS-Petroleum Research Fund (PRF) ...
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Second Group Of 1997 PRF Grants


t its April meeting, the American ι Chemical Society Board of Directors I approved 114 new or continuing ACS-Petroleum Research Fund (PRF) grants for fundamental research or scientific edu­ cation. The board's action adds $3,403,088 to PRF commitments for 1997. The new grants were recommended by the PRF Advisory Board from a total of 315 proposals. A third and final set of 1997 PRF grants will be announced shortly. Pro­ posals for 1998 PRF grants are now being accepted. The annual value of Type AC and Β grants has been increased for 1998. Type AC grants will provide recipients with up to $30,000 per year. Type Β grant recipi­ ents may receive up to $30,000 for the two-year term of the grant. Type G grants will remain at $20,000 over two years. The "41st Annual Report on Research under Sponsorship of the Petroleum Research Fund" will be available this sum­ mer. To receive a copy or for information and application forms for current ACS-PRF grant programs, write The Petroleum Research Fund, American Chemical Soci­ ety, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036; phone (202) 872-4481; e-mail [email protected].

ACS-PRF Grants for Fundamental Research in the Petroleum Field (Type AC)

A. Paul Alivisatos, U of California, Berkeley. Metastability and Kinetics of Structural Transformations in Semiconductor Nanocrystals. $50,000 Mark H. Anders, Columbia U. Fault Deforma­ tion Studies in the Sevier Desert Basin of West-Central Utah: Implications for UpperCrustal Low-Angle Normal Faulting. $50,000 Lester Andrews, U of Virginia. Identification and Characterization of Significant Reac­ tion Intermediates Both in Ti- and Zr-based Catalyst Systems and in the Growth and Surface Reactions of lll-V and ll-VI Semi­ conductors. $50,000 Anjum Ansari, U of Illinois, Chicago. Fast Spectroscopic Measurements of the Unwind­ ing Kinetics of DNA Molecules Following a 10-Nanosecond Temperature Jump. $50,000

William M. Atkins, U of Washington. Engi­ neering Proteins for Supramolecular Syn­ thesis. $50,000 David A. Atwood, North Dakota State U. Cationic Aluminum in Diels-Alder Reactions and Supramolecular Assemblies. $50,000 Nitash P. Balsara, Bruce A. Garetz, Poly­ technic U. Grain Dynamics in Block Copoly­ mers. $50,000 John Bechhoefer, Simon Fraser U. Rapid Solidification of Complex Fluids. $50,000 John J. Boland, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Mechanistic Study of Surface-Mediated Molecular Liquid-Crystal Ordering Phenom­ ena. $50,000 Thomas C. Bruice, U of California, Santa Barbara. Quantum Mechanics and Molecu­ lar Dynamics Studies of the Catalytic Mechanisms of Microbial Enzymes In­ volved in Bioremediation. $49,967 Henry S. Chafetz, U of Houston. Stable Isotopic Water Chemistry of Travertine Precip­ itating Streams. $50,000 Charles R. Cornman, North Carolina State U. Systematic Design and Preparation of Metalloenzymes and Catalytic Metal loantibodies. $50,000

Harry F. King, State U of New York, Buffa­ lo. Perturbation Theoretic Approach to the Electron Correlation Cusp Problem. $50,000 Joseph P. Konopelski, U of California, San­ ta Cruz. Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Diazonamide A. $50,000 Kevin K. Lehmann, Princeton U. Develop­ ment of a Magnetic Rotation, Cavity RingDown Spectrometer for Ultrasensitive De­ tection of Radicals. $50,000 Kenneth R. Leopold, U of Minnesota. Electron­ ic and Microsolvation Effects in Partially Bonded Molecules. $50,000 John F. Marko, U of Illinois, Chicago. Isolat­ ed Polymers under Topological Constraint. $50,000 Glenn J. Martyna, Indiana U. Computer Sim­ ulation Studies of Conformational Equilibri­ um in Polypeptides. $50,000 Glenn L. Millhauser, U of California, Santa Cruz. NMR Differentiation of α 3 10 and π-Helical Conformers. $50,000 Charles E. Mitchell, Robert D. Jacobi, State U of New York, Buffalo. Geodynamic Inter­ pretation of Regional Unconformities within Technically Active, Deep-Water Basins: Sequence Boundaries or Products of Re­ gional Tectonism? $47,606 Alejandro D. Rey, McGill U. Theory and Simulation of Rheological and Morphologi­ cal Phenomena in the Fiber Spinning of Mesophase Carbon. $50,000 Charles S. Rosenblatt, Case Western Re­ serve U. Studies of Surface-Mediated Liquid-Crystal Alignment. $50,000

Pablo G. Debenedetti, Princeton U. Thermo­ dynamics of Polyamorphic Phase Transi­ tions in Network Fluids. $50,000

Larry O. Spreer, U of the Pacific. Physical and Chemical Properties of Strongly Cou­ pled Bimetallic Compounds. $50,000

David Deming, U of Oklahoma. Overpres­ sures, Temperature, and Hydrocarbon Gen­ eration in the Anadarko Basin II. $50,000

Igal G. Szleifer, Purdue U. Theoretical Stud­ ies of Stability and Targeting of Liposomes with Grafted Polymers. $50,000

Steven B. Dierker, U of Michigan. Studies of Polymer Dynamics Using X-Ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy. $50,000

Peter L. Toogood, U of Michigan. Synthesis of Nonacyl Peptide Cross-Links. $50,000

W. Gary Ernst, Stanford U. Experimentally Determined Maturation Rate of Vitrinite as a Function of Pressure, Temperature, and Time (Hydrous and Dry). $36,000 Jeremy B. Fein, U of Notre Dame. Effects of Bacteria on Mass Transport in Oil-Field Reservoirs. $50,000 Robert E. Garrison, U of California, Santa Cruz. Sedimentary Condensation and Dolo­ mite-Phosphate Cycles in Neogene Coast­ al Upwelling Sediments. $50,000 David S. Glueck, Dartmouth C. MetalMediated Formation and Cleavage of Phos­ phorus-Carbon Bonds. $50,000 Philip D. Hampton, U of New Mexico. Role of Geometric Structure in Metal-Ion Recogni­ tion by Azacalix[3]arene Macrocycles. $50,000

John G. Verkade, Iowa State U. Novel Stille Coupling Conditions and Wittig Reagents. $50,000 John Y. Walz, Yale U. Effect of Surface Roughness on Colloidal Forces. $50,000 Paul S. Weiss, Pennsylvania State U. Chem­ istry of Catalyst Surfaces. $50,000 David A. Weitz, U of Pennsylvania. Diffusing Acoustic Wave Spectroscopy: Novel Probe for Fluidized Beds. $50,000 Po-zen Wong, U of Massachusetts. Surface Conductivity of Shaly Sandstone. $50,000 Gordon T. Yee, U of Colorado. One-Electron Donors and Acceptors for Molecular Mag­ netic Materials. $50,000

Carl D. Hoff, U of Miami. Thermodynamic and Kinetic Studies of S-Atom and H-Atom Transfer for Chromium, Molybdenum, and Tungsten Complexes. $50,000

Francisco Zaera, U of California, Riverside. Mimicking the Kinetics of Heterogeneous Catalytic Steps under Well-Defined Vacu­ um Conditions. $50,000

Robert R. Holmes, U of Massachusetts. Hypervalent Cyclic Oxyphosphoranes as Cat­ alytic Reaction Intermediates. $50,000

John Z. H. Zhang, New York U. State-toState Quantum Dynamics Study of 0( 1 D) + H 2 Reaction. $50,000

JULY 7, 1997 C&EN 45

acs n e w s ACS-PRF Grants for Fundamental Research in the Petroleum Field (Type B) Awarded to faculty in non-Ph.D.-granting departments Elisabeth T. Bell-Loncella, U of Pittsburgh, Johnstown. Electrochemical and Spectro­ scopic Investigation of Bipyridine Ruthenium Oxime Complexes: Models for Proton-Cou­ pled Electron Transfer. $25,000 Edward R. Biehl, Southern Methodist U. Study of the Effect of Negatively Charged Groups and Oxazoline Rings on the Orien­ tation and Reactivity of 3-Arynes. $25,000 Robert J. Cave, Harvey Mudd C. Theoretical Investigations of Electronic Coupling Ele­ ments in Electron-Transfer Reactions. $25,000 Randall D. Davy, Liberty U. Boron-Silicon Clusters: Theoretical Predictions of Struc­ tural Patterns and Vibrational Spectra. $25,000 Tammy J. Dwyer, U of San Diego. Studies on the Kinetics and Mechanisms of Dynam­ ic Processes in Protonated β-Cyanoenamines. $24,600 Gregory W. Ebert, State U of New York, Buffalo. Direct Formation of Functionalized Vinylcopper Reagents and the Carboxylation and Esterification of Functionalized Arylcopper Compounds. $25,000 Luther E. Erickson, Grinnell C. Stereochem­ istry and Dynamic Properties of Platinum Complexes. $25,000 Randall D. Forsythe, John A. Diemer, U of North Carolina, Charlotte. Basin Analysis of an Active Fore-Arc Rift, Golfo de Penas, Chile. $25,000 Joseph W. Ganem, Loyola C. Growth and Spectroscopy of Mid-Infrared Luminescent Materials. $25,000 Stephen K. Knudson, C of William & Mary. Classical Trajectories and Quantum Wavefunctions for Heteronuclear One-Electron Diatomic Molecules. $25,000 David F. Maynard, California State U, San Bernardino. Rearrangement of α-Allenic Al­ cohol Esters and Carbamates. $25,000 Neal R. O'Brien, State U of New York, C at Potsdam. Study of Primary Hydrocarbon Migration in Oil Source Rock by Hydrous Pyrolysis. $24,980 Lee Y. Park, Williams C. Designing OneDimensional Materials via a Metallomesogen Route. $25,000 Donald P. Poe, U of Minnesota, Duluth. Effi­ ciency in Supercritical Fluid Chromatogra­ phy. $25,000 Robert E. Rosenberg, State U of New York, C at Geneseo. Electronic Effects on Diastereoselectivity: Hydride Reduction of Cyclohexanones. $25,000 Michael D. Schuder, Carroll C. Investigation of Small Transient Molecular Complexes via High-Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy. $25,000 Merlyn D. Schuh, Davidson C. Phosphores­ cence Probe of Dynamics of Heme Pro­ teins. $25,000

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Herbert B. Silber, San Jose State U. MetalIon Complexation Reactions. $25,000 Cynthia D. Strong, Cornell C. Metal-Binding and Redox Activity Studies of the CobaltDependent Enzyme Methionine Aminopeptidase. $24,935

ACS-PRF Grants for Fundamental Research in the Petroleum Field (Type G-starter grants) Awarded to faculty in Ph.D.-granting departments Caroline C. Arnold, U of Illinois, Chicago. In­ vestigation of Metal-Cluster Chemistry Us­ ing Negative-Ion Photodetachment and Autodetachment Techniques. $20,000 Robert E. Bachman, Georgetown U. Synthe­ sis, Structure, and Electronic Properties of a New Class of Metal-Rich Mesogens. $20,000 Peter A. Beal, U of Utah. Synthesis and Analysis of Transition-State Analogs for RNA-Editing Reactions. $20,000 Stephen C. Bergmeier, Ohio State U. SolidPhase Synthesis Utilizing Acylnitrenes: Ap­ plications to the Synthesis of Hydroxyamino Acids. $20,000 Stephen Edmund Bradforth, U of Southern California. Femtosecond Dynamics of Solu­ tion Photodetachment. $20,000 Michael P. Brenner, Massachusetts Inst, of Technology. Dynamical Mechanisms of Electrosprays. $20,000 Sue A. Carter, U of California, Santa Cruz. Electronic Polymer/Nanocrystal Compos­ ites. $20,000 David E. Clemmer, Indiana U. Building a Da­ tabase of Structural Transitions in GasPhase Proteins, Oligopeptides, and Frag­ ments. $20,000 Nily Dan, U of Delaware. Dynamics of Polyelectrolyte Adsorption and Surface-Layer Interactions. $20,000 Thomas Peter Devereaux, George Washing­ ton U. Electronic Raman Scattering in Cor­ related Metals. $20,000 Paul R. Hanson, U of Kansas. Asymmetric Synthesis of α-Aminophosphonic Acids via Novel Sigmatropic Rearrangements. $20,000 Ramanan Krishnamoorti, U of Houston. Structure and Dynamics of Polymer-Layered Silicate Nanocomposites. $20,000 Andrei G. Kutateladze, U of Denver. LowTemperature EPR Study of Triplet PaternoBuchi Diradicals. $20,000 Jochen Lauterbach, Purdue U. Nonlinear Phenomena during Heterogeneously Cata­ lyzed Reactions Observed with Ellipsomicroscopy. $20,000 Jeremy Levy, U of Pittsburgh. Near-Field Optical Studies of Single Conjugated Poly­ mer Chains. $20,000 Qi Li, Pennsylvania State U. Studies of Multi­ layers and Nanostructures of TransitionMetal Oxides. $20,000 Tianquan (Tim) Lian, Emory U. Femtosec­ ond Laser Spectroscopic Studies of the Mechanisms of Heterogeneous Catalysis. $20,000

Todd Lowary, Ohio State U. Furanosides from Pyranosides: Novel Two-Step RingContraction Process. $20,000 Scott J. Miller, Boston C. Asymmetric Reac­ tions of α-Lactam Intermediates. $20,000 Martha G. Oakley, Indiana U. Exploiting DNA Binding Activity for the Study of ProteinProtein Interactions. $20,000 Timothy E. Patten, U of California, Davis. Development of Living Cationic Ring-Open­ ing Polymerizations of Bicyclic Acetals as a Means for the Chemical Synthesis of WellDefined Natural and Unnatural Polysaccha­ rides. $20,000 Steven W. Pierson, Worcester Polytechnic Inst. Effects of Electric Currents and Disor­ der on the High-Temperature Superconduc­ tors in Weak Magnetic Fields. $20,000 Andrew M. Rappe, U of Pennsylvania. Design and Understanding of MoleculeSurface Interactions from First Principles. $20,000 Kathleen C. Ruttenberg, Woods Hole Océanographie Inst. Preservation of Organic Phosphorus in Marine Sediments. $20,000 Neil Evan Shafer-Ray, U of Oklahoma. Search for Dynamical Resonances in the Reaction H + 0 2 -> OH(v,N) + O. $20,000 Gerilyn S. Soreghan, U of Oklahoma. Faciès Distributions and Allogenic Processes Recorded in Pennsylvanian Phylloid Algal Mounds, Southern New Mexico. $20,000 Dawn Y. Sumner, U of California, Davis. Microbial Role in Devonian Reef Growth and Cementation, Canning Basin, Western Australia. $20,000 Weihong Tan, U of Florida. Molecular Nanostructures and Their Applications. $20,000 Claudia Turro, Ohio State U. Effect of Electrostatic Potentials on Electron-Transfer Rates at the Micellar Interface. $20,000

ACS-PRF Grants for Fundamental Research in the Petroleum Field (Type G-starter grants) Awarded to faculty in non-Ph.D.-granting departments Kristin M. Fox, Union C. Structure Determination of Estrogen-Binding Protein by X-Ray Crystallography. $20,000 Robin Helburn, Northern Arizona U. New π* Indicators for the Study of Interfacial Systems. $20,000 Jeffrey D. Hettinger, Rowan U. Measure­ ment and Modeling of a Critical Current Peak-Effect in Tunable Josephson-Coupled Superconducting Systems. $20,000 David L. Kirschner, St. Louis U. Empirical Study of Argon Retention and Closure Temperatures of Biotite, Phlogopite, and Muscovite (Western Swiss Alps). $20,000 Alison McCurdy, Harvey Mudd C. Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications of a Photoreversible Calcium Chelator. $20,000 Steven R. Roof, Hampshire C. Geochemical and Biochemical Correlation of Pleistocene Pluvial Shoreline Deposits in Panamint Val­ ley and Death Valley, Southeastern Califor­ nia. $20,000

Jeffrey S. Urbach, Georgetown U. Granular Thermodynamics and Fluidization of Thin Granular Layers. $20,000 Gregory H. Zimmerman, Tennessee State U. Ionization Constants of Carboxylic Acids and Ion-Pairing of Sodium Carboxylates at Elevated Temperature and Pressure from Electrical Conductance Measurements. $20,000

ACS-PRF Grants for Scientific Education (Type SE) Han Benjamin, Jin Z. Zhang, on behalf of ACS Division of Physical Chemistry. Structure and Dynamics at Liquid Interfaces at the 214th ACS national meeting, Las Vegas, September 1997. $2,000 Christine A. B. Brennan, on behalf of ACS Education Division. ACS Project SEED— Supplementary Program. $27,000 R. Morris Bullock, on behalf of ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry. Atom-Transfer Reactions and Related Kinetic and Mechanistic Issues at the 214th ACS national meeting, Las Vegas, September 1997. $2,000 Carol J. Burns, on behalf of ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry. Organometallic Chemistry of Group 3 and the f-Elements at the 5th Chemical Congress of North America, Cancun, Mexico, November 1997. $2,000 Debbie C. Crans, on behalf of Colorado State U and ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry. Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Therapeutic Applications of Vanadium Compounds at the 5th Chemical Congress of North America, Cancun, Mexico, November 1997. $2,000 Michael Dudley, on behalf of Research Foundation of State U of New York, Stony Brook. 13th International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State, Stony Brook, N.Y., July 1997. $2,000 Donald G. Fleming, on behalf of ACS Division of Nuclear Chemistry & Technology. Nuclear Decay Probes in Chemical Physics and Materials Science at the 213th ACS national meeting, San Francisco, April 1997. $2,000 Benny D. Freeman, on behalf of ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering. Chemistry and Material Science of Synthetic Membranes at the 214th ACS national meeting, Las Vegas, September 1997. $2,000 Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay, on behalf of ACS Division of Organic Chemistry. Supramolecular Structures: Characterization and Physical Aspects at the 5th Chemical Congress of North America, Cancun, Mexico, November 1997. $2,000 Brian E. Hanson, on behalf of ACS Division of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry. Phase-Separable Homogeneous Catalysis at the 214th ACS national meeting, Las Vegas, September 1997. $2,000 Ishrat M. Khan, on behalf of ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry. Field-Responsive Polymers at the 214th ACS national meeting, Las Vegas, September 1997. $2,000

Peter J. Rossky, on behalf of ACS Division of Physical Chemistry. Radiation Chemistry at the 214th ACS national meeting, Las Vegas, September 1997. $2,000

David M. Kramer, Washington State U. Inhibition of the Chloroplast Cytochrome b6 fComplex by Metals: Agricultural, Physiological, and Biochemical Significance. $125,000

Jeanne M. Shreeve, on behalf of 15th International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry/U of Idaho. 15th International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, August 1997. $2,000

Alan M. Lloyd, U of Texas, Austin. In Vitro Selection and Transgenic Expression of RNA Aptamers for Gibberellic and Abscisic Acids: A New Approach to the Study and Manipulation of Hormone Action in Vivo. $125,000 Kenton R. Rodgers, North Dakota State U. Spectroscopic Studies of the Interdomain Interactions in the 02-Sensing Protein FixL: Structural Basis of Heme-Based Regulation of Nitrogen Fixation. $125,000

B. Artur Stankiewicz, on behalf of ACS Division of Geochemistry. Fate of the NitrogenContaining Macromolecules in the Biosphere and Geosphere at the 214th ACS national meeting, Las Vegas, September 1997. $2,000 Timothy M. Swager, on behalf of ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry. Supramolecular Transition-Metal Chemistry: Organized Assemblies and Liquid Crystals at the 214th ACS national meeting, Las Vegas, September 1997. $2,000^

New Frasch Grants in Agricultural Chemistry At its December 1996 meeting, the ACS Board of Directors, on recommendation of the ACS Committee on Frasch Foundation Grants, has recommended to the trustee 14 grants for research in agricultural chemistry. The Frasch grants, with a total value of $1,745,000, are for a five-year period, which started July 1, and are subject to yearly review of progress. ACS advises the United States Trust Co. of New York, trustee of the Herman Frasch Foundation, on the conduct of Frasch grants for research in agricultural chemistry. The next competition for Frasch grants will be held in 2001. Michael K. Chan, Ohio State U. LigandBased Approaches toward the Design of Inorganic Complexes That Activate Dinitrogen. $125,000

Stephanie E. Sen, Indiana U/Purdue U, Indianapolis. Selective Inhibitors of Insect Prenyltransferase. $125,000 Bradley D. Smith. U of Notre Dame. Novel Membrane Processes That Improve the Production of Sucrose and High-Fructose Syrup. $125,000 Peter A. Tipton, U. of Missouri, Columbia. Characterization of Biosynthetic and Catabolic Enzymes in Cytokinin Metabolism. $125,000 Peng G. Wang, U of Miami. Development of Chemo-Enzymatic Synthesis Technology for Transformation of Agricultural Feedstock into Value-Added Products, $125,000 Eve S. Wurtele, Iowa State U. Biotin Biochemistry of Plants. $125,000^


Biological Chemistry Division announces award winners The ACS Division of Biological Chemistry has named 1997 winners of its three awards: Daniel Herschlag, assistant pro-

Kent D. Chapman, U of North Texas. Role of Plastidial Carbonic Anhydrase in Regulating Oil Biosynthesis in Developing Cottonseeds. $120,000 Clint Chappie, Purdue U. Modification of Lignin Monomer Composition by Overexpression of Ferulate-5-Hydroxylase. $125,000 Vincent P. Conticello, Emory U. Investigation of Structure-Function Relationships in High-Molecular-Weight Glutenin Subunit Analogs: Potential for Re-engineering Materials Properties of Naturally Occurring Polypeptide Networks. $125,000 Paul R. Hanson, U of Kansas. Novel Sigmatropic Rearrangements En Route to Agriculturally Important oc-Aminophosphonic Acids. $125,000 David H. T. Harrison, Medical C of Wisconsin. Structure and Mechanism of the Essential Photosynthetic Enzyme Phosphoribulokinase. $125,000


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