Second Set of 1992 ACS-PRF Grants Approved - C&EN Global

Acting on recommendations from the February meeting of the Petroleum Research Fund advisory board, the ACS Board of Directors has approved 147 new or ...
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Second Set of 1992 ACS-PRF Grants Approved A cting on recommendations from / % the February meeting of the J L J L Petroleum Research Fund advi­ sory board, the ACS Board of Directors has approved 147 new or continuing ACS-PRF grants-in-aid. Thirty-four of the grants include a supplement of $3000 to involve an undergraduate stu­ dent in the research. The board's action adds $4,039,646 to PRF commitments for 1992. The new grants were recommended by the PRF advisory board from a total of 400 proposals. A third and final set of 1992 PRF grants will be announced this summer. Proposals for 1993 PRF grants are now being accepted. Applicants should note that the maximum values for ACS-PRF grants in 1993 have been increased as follows: Type AC grants,

ACS-PRF Grants for Fundamental Research in the Petroleum Field (Type AC) Richard D. Adams, U of South Carolina. Stud­ ies of the Coordination and Ring-Opening Reactions of Strained-Ring Thioethers with Metal Carbonyl Cluster Complexes. $40,000 William C. Agosta, Rockefeller U. Abstraction of Hydrogen by Nitrogen and Oxygen in Heteroaromatic Ketones. $40,000 Steven R. Angle, U of California, Riverside. Enantioselective Synthesis of Pipecolic Ac­ ids. $40,000 Steven M. Bachrach, Northern Illinois U. Elec­ tron Density Analysis of Organic Reaction Mechanisms. $40,000 Ian Baker, Dartmouth C. Synchrotron X-Ray Topographic Study of Deformation in Polycrystalline Ice. $37,136 John L. Belletire, U of Cincinnati. StrainedRing Heterocyclic Targets via Free-Radical Cyclization. $43,000 Brian E. Bent, Columbia U. Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation on Copper Surfaces. $63,000 Richard Bersohn, Columbia U. Tests of Mode-Selective Chemistry in Polyatomic Molecules. $40,000

$25,000 per year for up to three years; Type Β grants, $25,000 over two years; and Type G grants, $20,000 over two years. Also, the maximum salary and benefits that the principal investigator may receive each year is $5000; the an­ nual limit for travel is $1000. Applicants from Ph.D. departments may request a $3000 supplement to involve an under­ graduate in the research. The "36th Annual Report on Research Under Sponsorship of the Petroleum Re­ search Fund" will be available in May. Individuals who wish a complimentary copy, or information and application forms for current ACS-PRF grant pro­ grams, should write to Petroleum Re­ search Fund, American Chemical Soci­ ety, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, or call (202) 872-4481. Silvio E. Biali, Hebrew U of Jerusalem. Stereo­ chemistry of Polysubstituted Cyclohexanes. $40,000 Neal E. Blair, North Carolina State U. The In­ tramolecular Carbon Isotopic Composition of Amino Acids in the Marine Environment. $43,000 Jennifer S. Brodbelt, U of Texas, Austin. Host-Guest Chemistry in the Gas Phase. $40,000 Barry K. Carpenter, Cornell U. Control of Se­ lectivity through Cosolvent Design. $40,000 Peggy Cebe, Massachusetts Inst, of Technol­ ogy. Relaxation of the Crystal-Amorphous Interphase in Polymer Blends. $40,000 John S. Compton, U of South Florida, St. Pe­ tersburg. Deposition and Alteration of Volca­ nic Material in the Monterey Formation, Cali­ fornia. $40,000 Robert E. Criss, U of California, Davis. Stable Isotope Study of Perennial Saline Springs Related to Abnormally High Fluid Pressures and Active Thrusting in the Western Sacra­ mento Valley, California. $40,000 M. David Curtis, U of Michigan. Covalent Organotransition Metal Polymers. $43,000 Robert H. Davis, U of Colorado. The Nature and Effects of Contact Forces Involving Sol­ id Particles in Fluids. $43,000 J. Paul Devlin, Oklahoma State U. Dynamics at Ice Surfaces: Spectra of Adsorbed Small Molecules. $43,000 Rudiger Dieckmann, Cornell U. Demixing of Doped Zirconia in Potential Gradients. $43,000

Paul E. Dietze, U of Maryland, Baltimore County. Solvolysis of Silyl Ethers. $40,000 Steven G. Driese, Claudia I. Mora, U of Ten­ nessee. Stable Isotope Composition of Pedogenic Carbonate in Central and Southern Appalachian Red-Bed Sequences: Monitor of Elevated PCo2 during the Paleozoic? $43,000 Paul L. Dubin, Indiana U-Purdue U, Indianap­ olis. Polyelectrolyte-Protein Complexes. $40,000 Sandra S. Eaton, U of Denver, Colorado Sem­ inary. EPR of C60 Radicals. $43,000 Irving R. Epstein, Brandeis U. Design and Analysis of Turing Structures in ReactionDiffusion Systems. $40,000 Glenn T. Evans, Oregon State U. Dynamics in Liquid Crystals. $40,000 Graham R. Fleming, U of Chicago. Chemical Dynamics Probed with Phase-Locked Fem­ tosecond Pulses. $40,000 Roger Freeh, U of Oklahoma. Ionic Associa­ tion in Polymer-Salt Complexes: Effect of Chain Length and Plasticizers. $40,000 Robert E. Garrison, U of California, Santa Cruz. Shelfal Sedimentary Processes and Cycles in a Miocene Upwelling Environment. $43,000 Alice P. Gast, Stanford U. The Structure of Ad­ sorbed Block Copolymers in Flow. $40,000 Richard S. Givens, U of Kansas. Mechanistic and Exploratory Investigations of Hydroperoxyester-lnduced Chemiluminescence. $43,000 Timothy Halpin-Healy, Barnard C. Investiga­ tions into the Self-Affine Fractal Geometry of Nature, as Revealed in Condensed Matter Physics. $40,000 Eric J. Heller, U of Washington. Semiclassical Investigations of Molecular Spectroscopy. $40,000 Reinhard Hesse, McGill U. Layer-Charge De­ velopment and Fundamental-Particle Nature of l/S Mixed-Layer Clays during Progressive Burial Diagenesis in Beaufort-MacKenzie Basin: HRTEM Study. $40,000 David A. Hoagland, U of Massachusetts. A Study of Flow-Induced Fracture of Polymer Chains by Gel Electrophoresis. $40,000 Catherine E. Housecroft, U of Cambridge. Multiruthenaboranes as Precursors in Organometallic Chemistry and to Linked and Fused Clusters. $40,000 W. Phillip Huskey, Rutgers U. Characteriza­ tion of Solvation Changes Accompanying Proton Transfer from Carbon. $40,000 Clark M. Johnson, U of Wisconsin, Madison. U-Pb Age Determinations of Carbonate Dia­ genesis in the Michigan Basin and on the Wisconsin Arch. $40,000 MAY 25,1992 C&EN


ACS NEWS Brent Koplitz, Tulane U. Site-Specific Photo­ chemistry Involving Organic and Metalorganic Systems. $40,000 Mary J. Kraus, U of Colorado. Floodplain De­ position, Pedogenesis, and Shallow Burial Diagenesis in the Lower Mississippi River Valley. $40,000 Robert L. Kuczkowski, U of Michigan. Weak Complexes of Sulfur Dioxide. $40,000 Sanat K. Kumar, Pennsylvania State U. Cal­ culation of the Gibbs Free Energy of Poly­ meric Systems from Simulations. $40,000 Koop Lammertsma, U of Alabama, Birming­ ham. A Reactivity-Selectivity Study of Phosphinidenes. $40,000 John W. Larsen, Lehigh U. Macromolecular Structure of Type I and II Kerogen. $40,000 Kenneth R. Leopold, U of Minnesota. Micro­ wave Studies of the Transition from van der Waals to Covalent Bonding. $40,000 C. Peter Lillya, U of Massachusetts. An Exper­ imental Study of the Statics and Dynamics of Discotic Nematic Liquid Crystals. $40,000 George Majetlch, U of Georgia. New Allylsilane-Based Annulation Strategies. $43,000 Murli H. Manghnani, U of Hawaii, Manoa. Laboratory Study of the Elastic and Anelastic Properties of Reservoir Rocks: Emphasis on Carbonate Rocks. $40,000 Ursula Mazur, Kerry W. Hipps, Washington State U. Resonant Tunneling in Metal Phthalocyanines: an Experimental Study. $43,000 Mark L. McLaughlin, Louisiana State U. Diene-Metallocene Polymers from Ring-Open­ ing Metathesis Polymerization. $40,000 David R. McMillin, Purdue U. Understanding Blue Copper Oxidases and the Catalytic Re­ duction of Dioxygen. $43,000 William E. McMullen, Texas A&M U. Density Functional Theories of Polymer Interfaces. $40,000 Donald F. McNeill, U of Miami, RSMAS. Magnetostratigraphic Dating Constraints on SeaLevel and Seismic Reflector Synchroneity in Carbonate Platform and Slope Settings: Ba­ hamas Drilling Project Cores. $40,000 John H. Nelson, U of Nevada, Reno. Transi­ tion Metal Promoted Reactions of Coordinat­ ed Phosphines. $43,000 Cheuk-Yiu Ng, Iowa State U. Photoionization and Photoelectron-Photoion Coincidence Studies of Transition Metal Carbonyls and Their Fragments. $40,000 Amos M. Nur, Stanford U. Source Rock, Mat­ uration-Induced Cracks, and Seismic Map­ ping. $40,000 James S. Panek, Boston U. Asymmetric Syn­ thesis with Optically Active α-Substituted p-Silyl-Hex-4-Enoates. $43,000 Sidney Redner, Boston U. Kinetics of Lattice Models of Catalysis. $40,000 Arnold L. Rheingold, U of Delaware. Diphosphenes and Diarsenes in Cluster Synthesis: Preparation of Metal/Main-Group Multiple Bonds. $40,000 James A. Saunders, Auburn U. Reaction-Path Modeling of Intrabasin Chemical Evolution of Oil-Field Brines. $35,600 John G. Sclater, U of California, San Diego. The Implication of Heat Flow Anomalies for the Temperature and Geometry of Salt Structures on the Texas Continental Slope, Gulf of Mexico. $39,935 26

MAY 25,1992 C&EN

Kenneth Showalter, West Virginia U. Spa­ tiotemporal Behavior in Chemical Systems. $43,000 Mark A. Smith, U of Arizona. TemperatureDependent Free-Radical Kinetics between 20 and 200 K. $43,000 Alan D. Sokal, New York U. New Numerical Methods for Polymer Simulations. $40,000 Roger G. Tobin, Michigan State U. Adsorption and Dissociation on Stepped Metal Surfac­ es. $40,000 Veronica Vaida, U of Colorado. Spectroscopy and Photoreactivity of Ozone Heteroclusters. $40,000 John G. Verkade, Iowa State U. New Chemis­ try of Novel Four- and Five-Coordinate Main Group Compounds. $40,000 Robert M. Waymouth, Stanford U. Mecha­ nism of Catalytic Olefin/Grignard Cross-Cou­ pling and Diene Cyclization Reactions. $40,000 Paul Weimer, U of Colorado. An Integrated Sequence Stratigraphie Study of Neogene Turbidite Systems, Northern Gulf of Mexico. $40,000 Mark E. Welker, Wake Forest U. Synthesis and Reaction Chemistry of 2-TransitionMetal-Substituted 1,3-Diene Complexes. $43,000 James R. Wood, Michigan Technological U. Geochemical Signatures of Cements in Sands and Fractures, Elk Hills, California: Implications for Large-Scale Transport. $43,000

ACS-PRF Grants for Fundamental Research in the Petroleum Field (TypeB) Christopher J. Abelt, C of William & Mary. Di­ version of Benzophenone Photochemistry to Isotoluene Enol Intermediates. $20,000 Alan M. Bailey, U of Southwestern Louisiana. Compositional Variation of Solutions Ex­ pelled from Peats during Laboratory Coalification. $20,000 Richard N. Biagioni, Southwest Missouri State U. Chemistry of Hexahapto Indenyl and Fluorenyl Transition Metal Complexes. $20,000 Susan T. Collins, California State U, Northridge. Matrix-Isolation Studies of ExcitedState Proton-Transfer Systems. $20,000 Stephen L. Davis, George Mason U. Theoret­ ical Investigations of Collisional Excitation in Nonrigid Molecules. $20,000 Thomas E. Goodwin, Hendrix C. New Synthetic Transformations of 3-Bromo-2Methoxypropene. $20,000 Fred J. Grieman, Pomona C. Electronic Spec­ troscopy of Organometallic Cations. $20,000 Norris W. Hoffman, U of South Alabama. Low-Valent Fluoro, Acetato, and Chloro Complexes of Coordinatively Saturated d 4 , d 8 , and d 1 0 Species. $20,000 Narayan S. Hosmane, Southern Methodist U. Novel Metallacarboranes of "Carbons Adja­ cent" and "Carbons Apart" C2B4-Carborane Systems. $20,000

Richard H. Judge, U of Wisconsin, Parkside. Rotational Analysis of the Singlet-Triplet Spectrum of Selenoformaldehyde, CH2Se. $20,000 Aldo D. Migone, Southern Illinois U, Carbondale. Adsorption Studies of Simple Mole­ cules on Boron Nitride. $20,000 Neal R. O'Brien, State U of New York, Pots­ dam. The Periodicity and Causes of Lamina­ tion in Shale. $19,975 D. Jeffrey Over, State U of New York, C at Geneseo. Depositional History, Biostratigraphy, and the Frasnian-Famennian Boundary of the Middle-Late Upper Devonian Marine Clastic Sequence in the Central and North­ ern Appalachian Basin. $20,000 Rabindra N. Roy, Drury C. Thermodynamic Study of Electrolyte Mixtures. $20,000 Ronald R. Ruminski, U of Colorado, Colorado Springs. Synthesis and Characterization of Low-Spin d 6 Metal Complexes Bound through the Bridging Ligand Dipyrido(2,3a;2',3'-h)phenazine. $20,000 Allen M. Schoffstall, U of Colorado, Colorado Springs. Intramolecular 1,3-Dipolar Cycload­ ditions in Synthesis of Sugar Derivatives. $20,000 Greg A. Slough, C of Wooster. Catalytic Cy­ clization of A/-Acyl-Phenylsulfonamides. $20,000 James N. Spencer, Claude H. Yoder, Frank­ lin & Marshall C. A Structural and Thermody­ namic Study of Lewis Interactions in HostGuest Complexation Reactions. $20,000

ACS-PRF Grants for Fundamental Research in the Petroleum Field (TypeG) John V. Badding, Pennsylvania State U. HighPressure Chemistry of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals. $18,000 David A. Becker, Virginia Polytechnic Inst. & State U. Isoxazole-Methylene Aziridine Re­ arrangement: Synthesis and Chemistry of an Unusual Class of Functionalized Enaminones. $18,000 David Deming, U of Oklahoma. Thermal His­ tory of Sedimentary Basins. $21,000 Maya Elrick, U of New Mexico. Cyclostratigraphy and Dolomitization of Middle Devonian Carbonate Deposits, Eastern Great Basin. $18,000 George L. Gould, U of Illinois, Chicago. Chemistry of Difluoroacetylene and Fluorocarbyne Ligands. $18,000 John N. Haseltine, Georgia Inst, of Tech­ nology. Molecular Recognition of Sugars: Artificial Receptors for Monosaccharides. $21,000 Kenneth Haug, Lehigh U. A Theoretical Study of the Optical and Electrical Properties of Doped Sodalite Zeolite. $21,000 Zhibing Hu, U of North Texas. Ultrasonic and Dielectric Investigation of the Critical Phase Transition in Polymer Gels. $21,000 Rein U. Kirss, Northeastern U. α-Transmitted Electrical and Magnetic Effects in Diiron Complexes Bridged by Oligosilanes and Oligostannanes. $18,000

Prashant N. Kumta, Carnegie Mellon U. Chemical Synthesis and Structural Investiga­ tion of Ultrafine Alkoxy-Sulfide Precursors to Rare Earth Chalcogenides. $18,000 Eric C. Long, Indiana U-Purdue U, Indianapo­ lis. Stabilization of DNA Recognition Helices through Strategically Placed Metal Binding Sites. $21,000 Frederick C. MacKintosh, U of Michigan. Ef­ fects of Composition and Orientational Order in Fluid Membranes. $18,000 Pawel Mazur, City U of New York, Hunter C. Monte Carlo Studies of the Ionic Environ­ ment Near Oligoelectrolytes. $21,000 Gordon J. Miller, Iowa State U. Transition Metal Polycompounds: Synthesis, Structure, and Bonding. $18,000 Michael J. Natan, Pennsylvania State U. Met­ al Nanosurfaces: Synthesis, Purification, and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering. $21,000 Michael Y. Ogawa, Bowling Green State U. Photoinduced Electron-Transfer across Arti­ ficial Beta-Sheets. $21,000 David A. Osleger, U of California, Riverside. Cycle/Sequence Stratigraphy of Backreef to Inner Shelf Carbonates, Seven Rivers For­ mation, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico. $18,000 Ronald J. Phillips, U of California, Davis. Hin­ dered Diffusion in Porous and Fibrous Me­ dia. $18,000 Julianto Pranata, U of Arkansas. Computer Simulations of Chemical Reactions in Solu­ tion. $18,000 Shankar B. Rananavare, Oregon Graduate Inst, of Science & Technology. Dynamics of Fluctuating Interfaces. $21,000 Tarek Sammakia, U of Colorado. The Design of New Asymmetric Reaction Processes. $18,000 Daniel T. Schwartz, U of Washington. Electro­ lytic Fabrication and Testing of NanoStructured Alloys for Corrosion-Resistant Coatings. $18,000 Eugene I. Shakhnovich, Harvard U. Towards Quantitative Theory for Protein Stability. $18,000 Lowell D. Stott, U of Southern California. An Investigation of Stable Isotopic Anomalies in Marine Organic Matter during Climate and Primary Productivity Cycles in San Pedro Basin, California Borderland. $21,000 John E. Straub, Boston U. Novel Simulation Algorithms for Conformational Sampling and Free Energy Calculations on Biomolecules and Polymers. $18,000 John B. Vincent, U of Alabama. Characteriza­ tion of Low Molecular Weight ChromiumBinding Substance and Synthetic Model Complexes. $21,000 John M. Wiencek, Rutgers U. Simultaneous Separation and Polymerization of Aromatics by a Bienzymatically Catalyzed Membrane Reactor. $21,000 E. Wrenn Wooten, U of Michigan. Structure and Dynamics of Oligosaccharides and Gly­ coproteins. $21,000 Charles K. Zercher, U of New Hampshire. Synthetic and Conformational Studies of Polycyclopropanes. $21,000

Kenneth M. Beck, U of Central Florida. Dy­ namics of Dissociation in Polycyclic Aromat­ ic Hydrocarbons. $18,000 Frances R. Blase, Haverford C. Use of β-Keto σ-Dioxolane Sulfoxides for Stereoselective Reactions. $18,000 Xiangning Chen, U of Nebraska, Kearney. Singlet Oxidation of Substituted 7-Thiabicyclo[2.2.1]heptanes. $18,000 Thomas D. Getman, Southern Illinois U, Edwardsville. Precursors to Group 111(13) Ni­ trides. $18,000 Karen Grove, San Francisco State U. Quater­ nary Sedimentation along the San Andreas Fault North of San Francisco, California. $18,000 Russell G. Kerr, Florida Atlantic U. Biosynthe­ sis of Pregnanes in Marine Invertebrates. $18,000 Leigh C. Porter, U of Texas, El Paso. Thiophene Binding and Reactivity Studies Involv­ ing Ru and Os Transition Metal Hydrides. $18,000 James L. Sadd, Occidental C. Holocene Depositional History and Sedimentary Process­ es in the Mugu Lagoon-Barrier System, Cal­ ifornia. $18,000 Da-Ming Zhu, U of Missouri, Kansas City. Thermodynamic Study of Multilayer Xe Films Adsorbed on Graphite. $18,000 Marc Zimmer, Connecticut C. Model Systems for Aldehyde Ferrodoxin Oxidoreductase, a Tungsten Enzyme. $18,000

ACS-PRF Grants for Fundamental Research in the Petroleum Field (Type SE) Tze-Chiang Chung, on behalf of the ACS Di­ vision of Polymeric Materials: Science & En­ gineering Inc. Recent Advances in Polyolefin Polymers, ACS national meeting, Washing­ ton, D.C., fall 1992. $2000 Joseph J. Gajewski, on behalf of the ACS Di­ vision of Organic Chemistry. James Flack Norris Award, ACS national meeting, San Francisco, spring 1992. $2000 Boualem Hammouda, on behalf of the ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering Inc. Neutron Scattering from Polymers, ACS national meeting, Washing­ ton, D.C., fall 1992. $2000 Hannes Jonsson, on behalf of the ACS divi­ sions of Colloid & Surface Chemistry and Physical Chemistry. Theoretical Aspects of Materials-Related Surface Chemistry, ACS national meeting, Washington, D.C., fall 1992. $2000 Kenneth D. Karlin, on behalf of Johns Hop­ kins U. Bioinorganic Copper Chemistry, Johns Hopkins U, August 1992. $2000 Howard E. Katz, on behalf of the Materials Re­ search Society. Ordered Materials by De­ sign, Materials Research Society Fall Meet­ ing, Boston, November-December 1992. $2000

Jacek Lipkowski, on behalf of the ACS Divi­ sion of Colloid & Surface Chemistry. The Electrical Double Layer (honoring Roger Parsons), ACS national meeting, San Fran­ cisco, spring 1992. $2000 James E. McGrath, on behalf of the ACS divi­ sions of Polymer Chemistry Inc. and Poly­ meric Materials: Science & Engineering Inc. Polymer Matrix Resins for Composites, ACS national meeting, San Francisco, spring 1992. $2000 S. Ted Oyama, Joe W. Hightower, on behalf of Clarkson U. Catalytic Selective Oxidation, ACS national meeting, Washington, D.C., fall 1992. $2000 Joseph B. Schlenoff, on behalf of the ACS Division of Colloid & Surface Chemistry. Electrochemistry of Conducting Polymers, ACS national meeting, Washington, D.C., fall 1992. $2000 Russell H. Schmehl, on behalf of the ACS Di­ vision of Colloid & Surface Chemistry. Modi­ fication of Ground- and Excited-State Prop­ erties by Supramolecular Assemblies, ACS national meeting, San Francisco, spring 1992. $1500 Martin Schoell, on behalf of the ACS Division of Geochemistry Inc. Compound Specific Isotope Analysis, ACS national meeting, San Francisco, spring 1992. $2000 Bernard Shizgal, on behalf of Rarefied Gas Dynamics Symposia. Rarefied Gas Dynam­ ics, 18th Rarefied Gas Dynamics Sympo­ sium (RGD 18), Vancouver, British Colum­ bia, July 1992. $2000 William C. Stwalley, on behalf of U of Iowa. 8th Interdisciplinary Laser Science Confer­ ence, Albuquerque, N.M., September 1992. $2000 Gregory R. J. Thatcher, on behalf of the ACS Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry. The Anomeric Effect, ACS national meeting, Washington, D.C., fall 1992. $2000 Martha K. Turckes, on behalf of the ACS Divi­ sion of Education. ACS Project SEED— Supplementary Program for Summer 1992. $22,500 Robert D. Walkup, on behalf of the ACS South Plains Section. Organic Chemistry (A. I. Meyers Symposium) at the 48th ACS Southwest Regional Meeting, Lubbock, Tex., October 1992. $2000 Anthony J. I. Ward, on behalf of the ACS Divi­ sion of Colloid & Surface Chemistry. Surfac­ tants and Association Colloids: Solubilization Phenomena, ACS national meeting, Wash­ ington, D.C., fall 1992. $2000 Thaddeus E. Whyte Jr., on behalf of the Inter­ national Zeolite Association. 9th International Zeolite Conference, Montreal, July 1992. $2000 Richard W. Zuehlke, on behalf of Gordon Re­ search Conferences. TARP—a Teaching and Research Program, Summer 1992. $5000 Π MAY 25,1992 C&EN 27



New Frasch grants in agricultural chemistry At its December 1991 meeting, the ACS Board of Directors, on recommenda­ tion of the ACS Committee on Frasch Foundation Grants, voted to recom­ mend to the trustee 17 grants for re­ search in agricultural chemistry. The new Frasch grants, with a total value of $1,444,246, are for a five-year period starting July 1, 1992, and are subject to yearly review of progress. ACS advises the United States Trust Co. of New York, trustee of the Herman Frasch Foundation, on the conduct of Frasch grants for research in agricultural chemistry. The next competition for Frasch grants will be held in 1996. John A. Browse, Washington State U. CDPCholine: Diacylglycerol Cholinephosphotransferase: a Key Enzyme in Oilseed Lipid Me­ tabolism. $84,246 Edward J. Brush, Tufts U. Enzyme Chemistry in the Formation and Detoxification of Cya­ nide in Cyanogenic Plants. $85,000 James B. Callis, U of Washington. Noninva­ sive Field Monitoring of Key Parameters of Plant Physiology. $85,000 Lynn Epstein, U of California, Berkeley. Reg­ ulation of Fungal Spore Germination in Soil. $85,000 James B. Gloer, U of Iowa. New Antiinsectan Compounds from Fungi. $85,000 Bruce J. Hrnjez, North Dakota State U. Enzy­ matic Catalysis in Supercritical Fluids: a Methodology for Production of Enhanced Value Products from Seed Oils. $85,000 David A. Lightfoot, Southern Illinois U, Carbondale. Altering Biochemical Responses of Plants to Ammonium Fertilizers and Nitrifica­ tion Inhibitors. $85,000 Basil J. Nikolau, Iowa State U. The Chemistry and Biochemistry of Uncommon Plant Lipids. $85,000 Glenn D. Prestwich, Scott McN. Sieburth, State U of New York, Stony Brook. Insect Peptides: Structures, Receptors, and Mimic­ ry. $85,000 R. Michael Roe, North Carolina State U. Tran­ sition State Inhibitors and Diagnostic Sub­ strates for Insect Esterases Responsible for Insecticide Resistance. $85,000 Mary E. Rumpho, U of Maryland. Regulation of Chloroplast Biochemistry and Metabolite Transport. $85,000 Charles R. Sanders II, Case Western Reserve U. Structures of Phytochemically Relevant Oligosaccharides: New Methods and Con­ cepts. $85,000 Charles E. Strouse, U of California, Los Ange­ les. Lattice Clathrates for the Controlled De­ livery of Agricultural Chemicals. $85,000 28

MAY 25, 1992 C&EN

Youngsters visit ACS as part of minority partnership Students from the Kiddie Kollege program at Johnson C. Smith University (JCSU) in Charlotte, N.G, gather in front of American Chemical Society head­ quarters in Washington, D.C., during a visit last month as part of an ACS Edu­ cation Division project funded by the Department of Education's Minority Sci­ ence Improvement Program. The youngsters participated in hands-on science activities from WonderScience magazine under the guidance of ACS staffers. The project aims to establish five model partnerships throughout the U.S. that in­ clude an ACS local section, a federally designated minority college or universi­ ty, and local industry. The program in Charlotte represents the first of these partnerships and the Kiddie Kollege at JCSU is the focus of that partnership. The other partners in Charlotte are the Charlotte-Mecklenberg school system, the Chamber of Commerce, Inroads Inc., and the ACS Piedmont Section.

Virginia Walbot, Stanford U. Impact of Cold Stress on Cytochrome Oxidase, Alternative Oxidase, Glycolysis, and ATP Synthesis in Maize and Rice Seedlings. $85,000 Jonathan D. Walton, Michigan State U. Evolu­ tion of a Cyclic Peptide Gene Cluster from a Fungal Maize Pathogen. $85,000 Robert M. Williams, Colorado State U. Inhibi­ tion of Lysine Biosynthesis. $85,000 Ronald W. Woodard, U of Michigan. Mecha­ nistic Studies of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1Carboxylic Acid Synthase: Catalysis and Inactivation. $85,000

Regional meeting call for papers The ACS Washington, D.C., Section will host the Joint 26th Middle Atlan­ tic/44th Southeastern Regional Meet­ ing, Dec. 6-9 at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City Hotel in Arlington, Va. The program features 28 symposia and 10 workshops. Papers are solicited from high school chemistry research, technician research, inorganic chemis­ try, analytical chemistry, organic chem­ istry, biochemistry, physical chemistry, polymer chemistry, and biotechnology. One camera-ready abstract on the standard ACS form and four copies should be submitted by July 1 to Charles F. Hammer, Department of

Chemistry, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. 20057, phone (202) 687-6170. Contributors should indicate if they prefer a poster session. For general information about the meeting, registration, or housing, con­ tact B. Mandava, SRS Intl., 1625 Κ St., N.W., Suite 1000, Washington, D.C. 20006, phone (202) 223-1424. Π

Papers for Southwest Regional Meeting The ACS 48th Southwest Regional Meeting will be held Oct. 21-23 in Lub­ bock, Tex. Papers are being solicited for general sessions in the following chem­ ical areas: analytical/environmental, biochemistry, chemical education, or­ ganic, inorganic, and physical. Sympo­ sia to be offered include the A. I. Mey­ ers Symposium on Organic Chemistry; Intramolecular Dynamics and Kinetics of Excited Molecules; Molecular Mod­ eling; Reactivity and Structure of Group 6B Metal Compounds; Biologi­ cal Electron Transport; Synthetic Hosts for Recognition of Molecular and Ionic Guests; Southwest Luminescence Sym­ posium I: Theory, Dynamics, and ApContinued on page 39

ACS NEWS Continued from page 28 plications; New Directions and Re­ sources for High School Chemistry; and Rational Drug Design. Submit abstracts by July 3 on the stan­ dard ACS form. Send the original and two copies to the program chairman, Robert Holwerda, Department of Chem­ istry and Biochemistry, Texas Tech Uni­ versity, Lubbock, Tex. 79409-4260, phone (806) 742-3086. Π

of chemical information science in ar­ eas such as the design of new and unique computerized information sys­ tems; preparation and dissemination of chemical information; editorial innova­ tions; design of new indexing, classifi­ cation, and notation systems; chemical nomenclature; structure-activity rela­ tionships; and numerical data correla­ tion and evaluation. The award consists of a $1000 hono­ rarium and a plaque. The recipient is ex­ pected to give an address at the time of the presentation of the award. The 1993 Herman Skolnik award symposium will take place at the Award nominations ACS national meeting in Chicago. Nomination letters should describe The ACS Division of Chemical Infor­ the nominee's contributions to the field mation is accepting nominations for its of chemical information and should in­ 1993 Herman Skolnik Award. The clude supportive material such as a award, named in honor of the first re­ biographical sketch and a list of publi­ cipient, was established to recognize cations and presentations. Three sec­ outstanding contributions to and onding letters are required. The dead­ achievements in the theory and prac­ line for nominations is July 1. Send to tice of chemical information science. By Edlyn S. Simmons, Marion Merrell this award, the division hopes to en­ Dow, P.O. Box 156300, Cincinnati, Ohio courage the continuing advancement 45215-6300, fax (513) 948-7961. Π

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Philadelphia, PA . . Frank Patton, CENTCOM, Ltd. GSB Building, Suite 405, 1 Belmont Ave., Bala Cynwyd, Pa. 19004-1607. Telephone: 215-667-9666; Fax. No.: 215-667-9353 New York/New Jersey . . John M. Lucas, John F. Raftery, Dean A. Baldwin, CENTCOM, Ltd., Schoolhouse Plaza, 720 King Georges Post Roads, Fords, NJ 08863-1925; Telephone 908-738-8200; Fax. No.: 908-738-6128

Advertising Management for the American Chemical Society Publications CENTCOM, LTD. President James A. Byrne Executive Vice President Benjamin W. Jones Robert L Voepel, Vice President Joseph P. Stenza, Production Director

Westcoast/Denver, CO . . .Paul M. Butts, Jay S. Francis, CENTCOM, Ltd., 2672 Bayshore Parkway, Suite 808, Mountain View, CA 94043-1010; Telephone: 415969-4604; Fax. No.: 415-969-2104 United Kingdom, Scandinavia and Europe (Except: Germany, Switzerland, and Austria).. .Malcolm Thiele, Mary Trussler, Wood Cottage, Shurlock Row, Reading, RG10 OQE, England; Telephone: 0734-343302; Fax. No.: 0734-343-848



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Chicago, IL/Houston, TX . . .Graham H. Kreicker, Michael J. Pak, CENTCOM, Ltd., 540 Frontage Road, Northfield, IL 60093-1203; Telephone: 708-441-6383; Fax. No.: 708-441-6382

Westport, CT/Boston, MA/Atlanta, GA/Dallas, TX . . . Walter H. (Skip) Mongon, CENTCOM, Ltd., 1599 Post Road East, P.O. Box 231, Westport, CT. 06881-0231; Telephone: 203-256-8211; Fax. No.: 203-256-8175 Cleveland, OH . . .Bruce E. Poor man, CENTCOM, Ltd., 325 Front Street, Suite 2, Berea, OH 44017-1347; Telephone: 216-234-1333; Fax. No.: 216-234-3425

France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Spain, and Italy.. .Yvonne Melcher, Bel Air Building 331 A, 58 Rue Pottier, 78150, Le Chesnay, France; Telephone: (1)34-62-00-03; Fax. No.: (1)34-62-95-07 Germany, Switzerland, Austria . . .InterMedia Partners, GmbH, Katernberger Strasse 247, 5600 Wuppertal #1, Germany; Telephone: 0202-711091; Fax. No.: 0202-712431 Tokyo, Japan . . .Sumίο Oka, International Media Repre­ sentatives Ltd., 1-11-5-502 Tamazutsumi, Setagayaku, Tokyo 158 Japan; Telephone: 03-302-0656; Tel­ ex: 22633; Fax. No.: 03-5706-7349 Asia (Except Japan).. .Benjamin W. Jones, CENTCOM, Ltd., Suite 405, 1 Belmont Ave., Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004-1607; Telephone: 215-667-9666; Fax. No.: 215-667-9353 South America . . .Benjamin W. Jones, CENTCOM, Ltd., Suite 405, 1 Belmont Ave., Bala Cynwyd, PA 190041607; Telephone: 215-667-9666; Fax. No.: 215-6679353

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