Second, Third Groups Of Petroleum Research Fund Grants Approved

Acting on recommendations from the February and May 1995 meetings of the Petroleum Research Fund (PRF) Advisory Board, the ACS Board of Directors ...
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Second, Third Groups Of Petroleum Research Fund Grants Approved A cting on recommendations from / % the February and May 1995 J L J L meetings of the Petroleum Research Fund (PRF) Advisory Board, the ACS Board of Directors approved 249 new or continuing ACS-PRF grants-inaid committing $7,449,833. The recommended grants were selected from 804 proposals and are the last grant commitments from 1995 funds. ACS-PRF grants are funded by income from a trust established in 1944 by seven major oil companies. No ACS member dues income is used for PRF grants or administrative expenses. PRF 1995 grant commitments total $11.5 million, down from $12.3 million in 1994. The 1995 success rates are 23% for Type AC grants, 42% for Type B grants, and 34% for Type G "starter" grants. A small increase in the grant

ACS-PRF Grants for Fundamental Research in the Petroleum Field (Type AC) Stephen U. Aja, City U of New York, Brooklyn C. Chlorite Stability during Diagenesis and Hydrothermal Alteration: A Solubility Investigation. $50,000 Neil T. Allison, U of Arkansas. Preparation and Reactions of Transition-Metal Pentadienoyl Complexes. $50,000 Peter B. Armentrout, U of Utah. Energy-Dependent Collision-Induced Dissociation of Biomolecules in the Gas Phase. $50,000 John Arnold, U of California, Berkeley. Early-Transition-Metal Chemistry with Nitrogen-Based Co-Ligands. $50,000 Michael T. Ashby, U of Oklahoma. Allosteric Transition-Metal Complexes. $50,000 Muawia Barazangi, Cornell U. Intracontinental Rifting and Inversion: The Atlas Mountains and Missour Basin of Morocco. $50,000 Colin Barker, U of Tulsa. Composition of Gases in Individual Fluid Inclusions from Cements Associated with the Deep Smackover Formation, Gulf Coast. $50,000 Robert Bau, U of Southern California. Neutron Diffraction Studies on Metal Cluster Complexes with Interstitial Hydrides. $50,000 30

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budget for 1996 is anticipated, but the success rate for Type AC proposals is likely to continue below 25%. Proposals for 1996 PRF grants are now being accepted. Faculty with a PRF grant active in the summer of 1996 may apply for a Summer Research Supplement (SRS) to host a visiting faculty member from an undergraduate institution. The deadline for receipt of application for an SRS faculty supplement is Oct. 2. The "39th Annual Report on Research under Sponsorship of the Petroleum Research Fund" is now available. Individuals who want a complimentary copy or information and application forms for ACS-PRF grants to commence in 1996, should write to the Petroleum Research Fund, ACS, 1155— 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 or call (202) 872-4481. Guillermo C. Bazan, U of Rochester. Synthetic and Mechanistic Investigations of a New Class of Electrophilic Complexes Containing Dianionic Ligands for Olefin Polymerization. $25,000 Alexis T. Bell, U of California, Berkeley. Catalysts for the Oxidation of Methane at Low Temperatures. $50,000 B. Wayne Bequette, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Dynamics and Control of Batch-Chemical Reactors. $50,000 David E. Bergbreiter, Texas A&M U. Procedures To Synthesize and Survey Homogeneous Catalyst Libraries. $50,000 Lee Brammer, U of Missouri, St. Louis. Applications of High-Resolution Diffraction and Cryocrystallography to Studies of Transition-Metal-Hydrogen Interactions. $50,000 Richard T. Buffler, U of Texas, Austin. Sequence Stratigraphy, Depositional Systems, Sediment Fairways, and Depositional History of Post-Mid-Cretaceous Rocks, Gulf of Mexico. $50,000 Yee C. Chiew, Rutgers, State U of New Jersey. Equation of State Theories for Fluid Mixtures of Chain Molecules. $50,000 Malcolm H. Chisholm, Indiana U. Molecular Design of Metal Alkoxide Catalysts for the Stereospecific Living Polymerization of Alkene Oxides and Lactides. $50,000 David Crich, U of Illinois, Chicago. FreeRadical Rearrangements. $50,000

Alvin L. Crumbliss, Duke U. Interaction of lonophore Hosts with Stable TransitionMetal Complexes. $50,000 J. Paul Devlin, Oklahoma State U. Interrelationship of Surface and Interior Molecular Mobilities of Ices. $50,000 Donald C. Dittmer, Syracuse U. Uses of Tellurium in the Synthesis of Optically Active Allylic Amines, a-Silyl Allylic Alcohols, and Other Useful Intermediates and Catalysts. $50,000 Robert C. Dunbar, Case Western Reserve U. Selective Binding and Recognition Effects in Ion-Neutral Complexes. $50,000 Nicholas Eyles, U of Toronto, Scarborough Campus. Origin and Sequence Stratigraphic Significance of Megachannels in a Technically Active Setting: The Yakataga Formation, Alaska. $48,900 Martin R. Feinberg, U of Rochester. Optimal Reactor Design from a Geometric Viewpoint. $50,000 Peter M. Felker, U of California, Los Angeles. Characterization of Intermolecular Potential Energy Surfaces in Photoreactive Clusters by High-Resolution Nonlinear Raman Methods. $50,000 Graham R. Fleming, U of Chicago. Nonlinear Spectroscopic Studies of CondensedPhase Dynamics. $50,000 Jean-Francois Gaillard, Northwestern U. Characterizing Metabolizable Organic Matter: Stoichiometry and Decomposition Kinetics. $50,000 Wayne L. Gladfelter, U of Minnesota. Probing Fundamental Friction Mechanisms on Polymer Surfaces with Scanning-Force Microscopy. $50,000 Marc M. Greenberg, Colorado State U. Mechanistic Analysis of Substituent Effects on Rearrangements of Bicyclic Oxiranylmethyl Radicals. $50,000 Martha Greenblatt, Rutgers, State U of New Jersey. Reduced Ternary Alkali, Alkaline Earth or Rare-Earth Transition-Metal Nitrides: Synthesis and Characterization. $50,000 Gordon W. Gribble, Dartmouth C. Fused Heterocycles in Natural Products Synthesis. $50,000 Lawrence A. Hardie, Johns Hopkins U. Origin of Depositional Cycles in Shallow Marine Carbonates: An Approach Using Coupled Computer Modeling and Time Series Analysis. $50,000 Michael Harmata, U of Missouri, Columbia. Asymmetric 4+3 Cycloadditions. $50,000 John G. Harris, U of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Ultrasonic Inspection of Pipelines and Other Curved Elastic Structures Using Surface Waves. $50,000

John W. Hepburn, U of Waterloo. Threshold Photoion-Pair Formation Spectroscopy: A New Technique for Accurate Measurement of Bond Energies. $50,000 Gar B. Hoflund, U of Florida. Development of a Low-Temperature Methane Oxidation Catalyst. $50,000 Mark D. Hollingsworth, Indiana U. Crystal Engineering and Ordering in One, Two, and Three Dimensions. $50,000 Robert R. Holmes, U of Massachusetts. Hypervalent Cyclic Oxyphosphoranes as Catalytic Reaction Intermediates. $50,000 Cheng-Cher Huang, U of Minnesota. Investigating the Surface Tension of Liquid-Crystal Free-Standing Films. $50,000 Paul W. Jewell, U of Utah. Nutrient Cycling, Surface Productivity, and Anoxia in a GlobeEncircling Equatorial Ocean. $50,000 Leslie S. Jimenez, Rutgers, State U of New Jersey. Syntheses of Mitomycin C and Dihydropyrrolizine Derivatives via Dialkylvinylsulfonium Salts. $50,000 Charles S. Johnson Jr., U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Surfactants in Supercritical C0 2 as Studied by Diffusion-Ordered 2-D NMR. $50,000 Maitland Jones Jr., Princeton U. New Carboranes. $50,000 Karl M. Kadish, U of Houston. Synthesis and Spectroelectrochemistry of Fullerene Derivatives. $50,000 Bruce E. Koel, U of Southern California. Reactions of Alkyl Intermediates in Hydrocarbon Conversion Catalysis. $50,000 Harold H. Kung, Northwestern U. Mechanistic Study of Lean NOx Reduction over Mixed-Oxide Catalysts. $50,000 Branka M. Ladanyi, Colorado State U. ShortTime Dynamics in Liquids: Instantaneous Normal-Mode Analysis and Related Approaches. $50,000 Donald P. Land, U of California, Davis. Surface-Reaction Kinetics and Mechanisms on Sulfided and Oxidized Transition-Metal Catalysts Measured In Situ by LITD/FTMS and FTRAIRS. $50,000 Robert P. Lemieux, Queen's U. Modulation of the Spontaneous Polarization of a Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal via the Photoisomerization of a Chiral Thioindigo Dopant. $50,000 Y. S. Lin, U of Cincinnati. Sputter Deposition Synthesis and Properties of Novel Hydrogen Semipermeable Ceramic Supported Metallic Membranes. $50,000 Frederick C. MacKintosh, U of Michigan. Structure and Phase Behavior of Liquid Crystal Films and Lipid Bilayer Membranes. $50,000 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, Carnegie Mellon U. Transformations between Controlled Radical and Controlled Carbocationic Polymerizations. $50,000 George A. McMechan, U of Texas, Dallas. Synthesis and Estimation of Intrinsic and Scattering Q Effects in Seismic Data for Reservoir Characterization. $50,000 Patrick A. McMurtry, Joseph C. Klewicki, U of Utah. Simultaneous, Noninvasive Multipoint Measurements of Velocity, Concentration, and Temperature. $50,000

Donald F. McNeill, U of Miami, RSMAS. High-Resolution Chronostratigraphy in Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Systems: Implications for Sedimentologic Response to Sea Level Changes, Sequence Stratigraphy, and Facies Prediction. $50,000 Gordon J. Miller, Iowa State U. At the Boundary of Metal-Insulator Transitions, Superconductivity, and Relativistic Effects: New Bismuthides and Antimonides. $50,000 J. M. Moldowan, Stanford U. Molecular Fossil Determination of Angiosperm Lineages. $50,000 Robert H. Morris, U of Toronto. Intramolecular and Intermolecular Proton-Hydride Interactions in Transition-Metal Complexes. $50,000 Michael D. Morse, U of Utah. Spectroscopic Studies of MC, MC2, M=CH, M=CH2, M-CH3, and MO+. $50,000 Eric W. Mountjoy, Jeanne Paquette, McGill U. New Approaches to Studying Ancient Carbonates Combining Microfabrics and Geochemistry Using AEM/TEM. $50,000 John P. Oliver, Wayne State U. Synthetic, Structural, and NMR Studies of the Organochalcogenides, (LiER)„, [RmM(ER)3.m]n (M = Al, Ga, and In) and of Their "ate" Complexes. $50,000 J. Vincent Ortiz, U of New Mexico. Carbon Polyanions. $50,000 Charles S. Parmenter, Indiana U. Absolute Cross Sections for Vibrational Energy Transfer from Large Molecules with High Vibrational Energy. $50,000 Edith J. Parsons, Clemson U. PalladiumCatalyzed Coupling Reactions in Superheated and Supercritical Water. $50,000 Jonathan Phillips, Pennsylvania State U. Novel Selective Hydrogenation Catalysts. $50,000 Ralph M. Pollack, U of Maryland, Baltimore County. Effects of Phenyl and Vinyl Groups on Ketone Acidity. $50,000 Coleen Pugh, U of Michigan. Rational Design of Polymers with Predetermined Mesophases. $50,000 Herschel A. Rabitz, Princeton U. Systematic Method of Model Reduction for Complex Reaction Systems: Lumping. $50,000 Susanne Raynor, Rutgers, State U of New Jersey. Development of a Theoretical Method for the Study of Complex HydrogenBonded Systems in the Solid State. $50,000 Daniel J. Repeta, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Molecular Isotopic Investigation of Sapropel Formation in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. $44,500 Scott M. Ritter, Brigham Young U. Conodont-Based Biostratigraphic Framework for Late Carboniferous Strata of the Paradox Basin. $41,500 Richard Robson, U of Melbourne. New Coordination Polymers from N-Donor Building Blocks. $50,000 Muhammad Sahimi, U of Southern California. Computer Simulations of Transport and Fluid Flow in Fractured Reservoirs. $50,000 Nikolaos V. Sahinidis, U of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign. Development of a Global Optimization Methodology. $50,000

Daniel J. Sandman, U of Massachusetts, Lowell. Systematic Approaches to Polydiacetylenes with Extended Long-Wavelength Absorption. $50,000 Kirk S. Schanze, U of Florida. Electrochemically Switchable Diffraction Gratings. $50,000 George C. Schatz, Northwestern U. Surface Electrodynamics and Spectroscopy. $50,000 Charles P. Scholes, Jacquelyn S. Fetrow, State U of New York, Albany. Application of Stopped-Flow EPR. $49,938 Nigel A. Seaton, U of Cambridge. Pore Size Distributions of Porous Solids from Adsorption Measurements and Molecular Simulation. $50,000 Kenneth Showalter, West Virginia U. Stabilizing and Tracking Unstable States in Temporal and Spatiotemporal Systems. $50,000 J. Ilja Siepmann, U of Minnesota. Simulating Vapor-Liquid and Liquid-Liquid Phase Equilibria of Complex Fluids. $50,000 E. Craig Simmons, Colorado School of Mines. Emplacement and Transport of Natural Gas: Time Constraints Based upon a Limiting, Steady-State Diffusion Model and the Compositions of Anomalous Gases of Southeastern Colorado. $47,712 Bakthan Singaram, U of California, Santa Cruz. Asymmetric Hydroboration of Functionalized Alkenes. $50,000 Lawrence R. Sita, U of Chicago. Ring-Opening Polymerization of Endo- and ExoSubstituted Cyclic Alkenes. $50,000 Walter S. Snyder, Boise State U. Graphic Correlation of the Carboniferous-Permian Boundary and the Type Lower Permian in the Urals Region: Implications for Biostratigraphy and Paleogeography. $44,060 Andrew Streitwieser, U of California, Berkeley. Ion-Pair SN 2 Reactions. $50,000 Galen D. Stucky, U of California, Santa Barbara. Absorption Spectra of Alkali Metal Clusters as a Probe of Zeolite Framework lonicity. $50,000 Douglass F. Taber, U of Delaware. Intramolecular Alkylidene Carbene Insertion. $50,000 Haskell Taub, U of Missouri, Columbia. Neutron Diffraction Studies of the Selective Adsorption of Long n-Alkane Monolayers on Graphite. $50,000 Reshef Tenne, Weizmann Inst, of Science. Inorganic Fullerene-Like Nanoclusters from Metal Dichalcogenides: New Lubricating Materials. $50,000 Edwin L. Thomas, Massachusetts Inst, of Technology. Control of Properties by Competition of Crystallization and Microphase Separation. $50,000 H. Holden Thorp, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Excited-State Proton Transfer in Transdioxorhenium(V). $50,000 Paul G. Tratnyek, Oregon Graduate Inst, of Science & Technology. Organic Reduction Reactions at the Metal-Water Interface. $50,000 Marek W. Urban, North Dakota State U. Molecular Origin of Negative Poisson Ratio in Poly(Tetrafluoroethylene). $50,000 JULY 31,1995 C&EN


ACS NEWS Chi-yuen Wang, U of California, Berkeley. Shallow Fracturing and Fluid Expulsion in Geopressured Shales. $50,000 Kenneth B. Wiberg, Yale U. Toward an Understanding of 13 C Chemical Shifts. $50,000 Mitchell A. Winnik, U of Toronto. Fluorescence Studies of Interfaces in Block Copolymer Systems. $50,000 Mary J. Wirth, U of Delaware. Brownian Motion of Single Molecules. $50,000 Timothy S. Zwier, Purdue U. Mode-Selective Photoisomerization and Tunneling in Tropolone Derivatives. $50,000

Thomas M. Harris, U of Tulsa. Sol-Gel Silica Thin Films for Optrode Applications. $24,961 Victor L. Heasley, Point Loma Nazarene C. Halogenation of Carbonyl-Conjugated Acetylenes: Stereospecific Syntheses of Vinyl Halides. $25,000 Eric R. Johnston, U of North Carolina, Greensboro. Conformational Dynamics of Organoboron and Organonitrogen Heterocycles. $25,000 Vladimir Katovic, Wright State U. Electrochemical and Spectroelectrochemical Studies of Early-Transition-Metal Clusters. $25,000 Heinz F. Koch, Ithaca C. Partitioning of Carbanion Intermediates Generated in Protic Solvents. $25,000

ACS-PRF Grants for Fundamental Research in the Petroleum Field (TypeB) Awarded to faculty in non-Ph.D.-granting departments James K. Baird, U of Alabama, Huntsville. Chemical Kinetics at the Critical Point of Solution. $25,000 Richard J. Batt, State U of New York, C at Buffalo. High-Resolution Stratigraphy and Cyclicity of the Wanakah Shale: Application of Concepts of Sequence Stratigraphy. $21,950 John D. Buynak, Southern Methodist U. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of p-Lactamase Substrates and Inhibitors. $25,000 Kevin M. Church, U of Dayton. Interactions of Double-Helical DNA with p-Lactam Acridine Conjugates. $25,000 Gary C. DeFotis, C of William & Mary. Experimental Studies of Mixed Magnets, Including Dilute and Ternary Systems. $25,000 Benjamin A. DeGraff, James Madison U. Search for Molecular Reporters. $25,000 Donald R. Deardorff, Occidental C. Total Synthesis of Enantiomerically Pure (-) Aristeromycin. $25,000 David P. Dethier, Williams C. Ice Recession, Marine Banks, and the Chronology of Late Quaternary Emergence, Northwest Puget Lowland, Washington. $25,000 Steven M. Drew, Carleton C. Electrochemical Polymerization of a Novel Vinyl-Substituted Iron Porphyrin and the Electrochemistry of Nitric Oxide at the Resulting Polymer Film. $25,000 Carl N. Drummond Jr., Indiana U-Purdue U, Fort Wayne. Turbidite Bed Thicknesses, Relations between Power-Law Scaling and Depositional System Geometry. $25,000 Anthony Fratiello, California State U, Los Angeles. Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Lanthanide Ion Solvation and Complexation. $25,000 Daniel P. Gerrity, Reed C. Multiphoton Dissociation of Arene Chromium Tricarbonyl Complexes. $25,000 Steven A. Hardinger, California State U, Fullerton. New Methods in Oxyallyl Cation Chemistry. $25,000 32

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Pui-Man Lam, Southern U. Monte Carlo Study of Several Statistical-Mechanical Models in Condensed-Matter Physics. $21,000 Gary G. Lash, State U of New York, C at Fredonia. Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Canadaway Formation (Upper Devonian) and Equivalent Units, Western and Central New York State. $25,000 Phyllis A. Leber, Franklin & Marshall C. Sigmatropic Rearrangements in the Bicyclo[3.2.0]hept-2-ene System. $25,000 Helen O. Leung, Mount Holyoke C. FourierTransform Microwave Spectroscopy of Ethylene-Containing van der Waals Complexes. $25,000 Brian E. Love, East Carolina U. Synthesis of (3-Carbolines via Cycloaddition. $25,000 Richard J. Mawhorter, Pomona C. Structure of Regular and Mixed Alkali Halide Dimers. $25,000 Karen J. Muyskens, Mark A. Muyskens, Calvin C. Investigation of HF Photoelimination Using a Laser-Based UV-Excitation and IRProbe Technique. $25,000 Jeffrey K. Nagle, Bowdoin C. Metal-Metal Interactions Involving Photoluminescent Compounds of Platinum(ll). $25,000 Maria Ngu-Schwemlein, Southern U. Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of Polymeric Cyclic Peptides. $24,922 Scott H. Northrup, Tennessee Technological U. Simulation of Electron Transfer in Metalloproteins. $25,000 Neal R. O'Brien, State U of New York, Potsdam. Study of Primary Hydrocarbon Migration in Source Rocks. $24,190 Jack R. Pladziewicz, U of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. Dependence of One-ElectronTransfer Reactions of Organic Molecules on Reorganizational Energy. $25,000 J. Graham Rankin, Marshall U. Analysis of the Vibrational Spectra of Coal Geoporphyrins. $25,000 George M. Schmiedeshoff, Occidental C. Magnetic Irreversibility in Type II Superconductors. $25,000 Merlyn D. Schuh, Davidson C. Phosphorescence Probe of Dynamics of Heme Proteins. $25,000 Lee R. Sharpe, Grinnell C. Development of Chemical Sensors Based on Powdered Phosphors. $25,000

Jean M. Standard, Illinois State U. Theoretical Investigations of the Interactions of Singlet Carbenes with Alcohols and Ethers. $25,000 Bruce N. Storhoff, Ball State U. Synthesis and Study of Crown Ether Molecules Functionalized with Phosphine Groups. $25,000 John F. Taylor, Indiana U of Pennsylvania. Integrated Stratigraphic Analysis of Cambro-Ordovician Carbonates in the Central Appalachians. $25,000 Hal Van Ryswyk, Harvey Mudd C. Effects of Lateral Interactions on Monolayer Adsorption. $25,000 Saliya A. de Silva, Montclair State U. Novel Chromophore-Spacer-Receptor Assemblies: Control of Photoinduced Electron Transfer via Molecular Recognition. $25,000

ACS-PRF Grants for Fundamental Research in the Petroleum Field (TypeG) Starter Grants Awarded to Faculty in Ph.D.Granting Departments Richelle M. Allen-King, Washington State U. Competitive Sorption Mechanisms for Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Natural, Clay-Rich Aquitards. $20,000 Michael D. Amiridis, U of South Carolina. Simultaneous Catalytic Removal of Nitrogen Oxides and Air Toxic Organic Compounds from Flue Gas. $20,000 Lynden A. Archer, Texas A&M U. Slip-Flow and Fracture in Sheared Polymer Fluids. $20,000 David A. Atwood, North Dakota State U. Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Organometallic Group-13 Anions. $20,000 Maureen H. Conte, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Molecular Characterization of Deep Particle Flux in the Sargasso Sea: Calibration of Paleoenvironmental Indicators for Marine Stratigraphy. $20,000 Jeffery T. Davis, U of Maryland. Novel lonophores: Cation Complexation by HydrogenBonded Assemblies. $20,000 Alexey V. Eliseev, State U of New York, Buffalo. Synthesis of Molecular Complements by Targeted Self-Organization. $20,000 P. Andrew Evans, U of Delaware. New Methodology for the Stereoselective Synthesis of Cyclic Ethers. $20,000 Robert A. Flowers II, U of Toledo. Thermochemical and Mechanistic Study of the Reactivity of Samarium Iodide and Organosamarium Reagents. $20,000 Colby A. Foss Jr., Georgetown U. SurfaceEnhanced Infrared Absorption Using Template-Synthesized Nanoscopic Metal Particles. $20,000 Michael S. Freund, Lehigh U. Novel Approach for Creating Oriented Molecular Structures: Homolytic Dediazoniation Reactions at Unsaturated Conducting Surfaces. $20,000

Rosina M. Georgiadis, George Washington U. Biopolymeric Adhesive Films at SolidLiquid Interfaces: A Surface Plasmon Resonance Study. $20,000 Peter G. Goekjian, Mississippi State U. Preparation of (S,N)-ketals by Addition of Organometallic Reagents to Thioamides and Thioiminium Salts: An Acylation Route to N-Glycosides. $20,000 Randall L. Halcomb, U of Colorado. Synthesis of Bridged- and Spiro-Bicyclic Ring Systems Using Oxygen-Substituted Cyclohexyl Radicals: Application to the Total Synthesis of Zaragozic Acid and Conformationally Constrained Glycopeptides. $20,000 Melissa A. Hines, Cornell U. Etching, Corrosion, and Pitting: Understanding the Atomic Pathways of Chemical Dissolution. $20,000 Kevin G. Honnell, Texas A&M U. Molecular Theory of Polyolefin Miscibility. $20,000 Martin R. Johnson, George Washington U. Synthesis of Bronzaphyrins NS and NO. $20,000 Karlene A. Kosanovich, U of South Carolina. Studies in the Analysis of Data for Improved Fault Detection and Correction. $20,000 Krzysztof Kuczera, U of Kansas. Exploration of Molecular Free-Energy Landscapes. $20,000 Timothy M. Logan, Florida State U. Nonrandom Random Coils: Role of the Unfolded State in Protein Folding. $20,000 Yi Lu, U of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Metal-Binding Sites in Ribozymes: Spectroscopic Studies of a New Class of Metalloenzymes. $20,000 Jonathan B. Martin, U of Florida. Paleo-Fluid Compositions in the Monterey Formation: Integrated Geochemical and Fluid Inclusion Study. $20,000 Mark R. Mason, U of Louisville. Cage Formation in Organophosphonates of Aluminum, Gallium, and Indium. $20,000 Anne B. McCoy, Ohio State U. Solvation Effects in Elementary Chemical Reactions. $20,000 Dominic V. McGrath, U of Connecticut. Synthesis and Applications of Stereoregular and Chiral Dendritic Macromolecular Structures. $20,000 Brian S. Mitchell, Tulane U. Study of Hydrocarbon Pyrolysis and Carbon Deposition in the Formation of Ceramic Fibers via Inviscid Melt Spinning. $20,000 Kenneth P. Murphy, U of Iowa. Model Compound Studies of Protein Energetics. $20,000 Janice L. Musfeldt, State U of New York, Binghamton. Infrared Investigation of the Broken Symmetry Ground State in GeCu03. $20,000 Ian Nettleship, U of Pittsburgh. Processing and Thermal Stability of Nanocrystalline Porous Ceramics. $20,000 Spyros N. Pandis, Carnegie Mellon U. Formation of Secondary Atmospheric Organic Aerosol. $20,000 Lin Pu, North Dakota State U. Functionalized Chiral Polymers: Lewis-Acid-Catalyzed Enantioselective Group Transfer Polymerization. $20,000

Scott A. Reid, Marquette U. Studies of Energetic Transient Molecular Species Using Nonlinear Spectroscopic Techniques. $20,000 Mary E. Rezac, Georgia Inst, of Technology. Controlled Pyrolysis for the Formation of Organic/Inorganic Composite Membranes. $20,000 Vincent M. Rotello, U of Massachusetts. Modular Receptors for Flavins: Model Systems for Flavoenzyme Activity. $20,000 Charles A. Schmuttenmaer, Yale U. Investigations of Liquid Dynamics with Femtosecond Terahertz Lasers. $20,000 Daniel K. Schwartz, Tulane U. Optical and Atomic Force Microscopy of Ultrathin Organic Films. $20,000 Jeffrey S. Seewald, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Experimental Investigation of Organic-Inorganic Chemical Interactions during Vitrinite Maturation. $20,000 Edith M. Sevick, U of Colorado. Dynamic Membranes Formed from End-Grafted Polymers. $20,000 Kenneth R. Shull, Northwestern U. Molecular Aspects of Polymer Adhesion. $20,000 Andreas Stein, U of Minnesota. Using DNA Templates To Create Porous Inorganic Chiral Support Materials for Chiral Separation. $20,000 Alexei A. Stuchebrukhov, U of California, Davis. Theoretical Study of Electron-Transfer Reactions in Proteins and DNA. $20,000 Greg M. Swain, Utah State U. Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Characterization of Electrochemical Interfaces Found at Conductive Diamond Thin Film Surfaces. $20,000 Grzegorz Szamel, Colorado State U. Effective Friction Tensor in Dense Polymer Solutions. $20,000 David L. Van Vranken, U of California, Irvine. Chemical Probes of Oligosaccharide Epitopes. $20,000 Dionisios G. Vlachos, U of Massachusetts. Microscopic Approach to Oxidation Reactions and Reactors. $20,000 Hanno H. Weitering, U of Tennessee. Localization and the Nonmetal-to-Metal Transition in Thin Films. $20,000 Denis Wirtz, Johns Hopkins U. Structural Dynamics of Magnetic Suspensions in External Fields. $20,000 Keith A. Woerpel, U of California, Irvine. Siliranes as Configurationally Stable Carbanions. $20,000 Xumu Zhang, Pennsylvania State U. Enantioselective Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Hydrogenation of Unfunctionalized Ketones and Imines. $20,000

ACS PRF Grants for Fundamental Research in the Petroleum Field (TypeG) Starter Grants Awarded to Faculty in NonPh.D.-Granting Departments Karin S. Akerfeldt, Rutgers, State U of New Jersey. Synthetic Proton Channels. $20,000

Jeffrey A. Bartz, U of Redlands. Energy Disposal in the Photodissociation of Organometallic Nitrosyls. $20,000 Jonathan P. Blitz, Eastern Illinois U. Chemically Modified Silica Surfaces as Model Olefin Polymerization Catalysts. $20,000 Michael R. Brown, Swarthmore C. Investigation of Spheromak Magnetofluid with Separate Guns for Formation and Sustainment. $20,000 Gabriel M. Filippelli, Indiana U-Purdue U, Indianapolis. Effects of Diagenesis on Phosphorus and Carbon Geochemistry in Marine Sediments: Implications for Sedimentary Carbon-to-Phosphorus Ratios. $20,000 James K. Freericks, Georgetown U. Vertex Corrections to the Theory of Superconductivity. $20,000 Andrienne C. Friedli, Middle Tennessee State U. Development of Polyelectrolytes for Biomedical Applications. $20,000 Jane A. Ganske, Pepperdine U. Heterogeneous Oxidation of Sulfur Dioxide on Metal Oxide Surfaces: A Mechanistic and Kinetic Study. $20,000 Janice M. Gillespie, California State U, Bakersfield. Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Architecture of Pliocene Strata, San Joaquin Basin, Calif. $20,000 Liz U. Gron, Hendrix C. Supercritical and Near-Critical Water: Exotic Media for Facilitating the Interaction of Transition Metals and Organic Substrates. $20,000 Susanne M. Lee, Lawrence U. Mechanisms of Formation and Destruction of Strained Metastable Materials. $20,000 Louis J. Liotta, Stonehill C. Asymmetric Synthesis of Hydroxylated Pyrrolidines: Structure-Function Relationship for the Inhibition of Glycosidases. $20,000 Jose A. Mendoza, California State U, San Marcos. Heat Shock Proteins: Assisted Protection and Stabilization of Enzymes against Irreversible Thermal Denaturation. $20,000 Jennifer E. Mihalick, U of Wisconsin, Oshkosh. Investigation of the Complexation Energetics of Heavy-Metal Cations by Soft Basic Hosts. $20,000 Julia H. Miwa, Wellesley C. Synthesis and Conformational Studies of Polyoxamides: New Tools for the Study of Bioactive Peptides. $20,000 Steven P. Neshyba, U of Puget Sound. Rotational Relaxation of Methane: A Master Equation Approach. $20,000 O. Romulo Ochoa, Trenton State C. Raman Microprobe Studies of CdTe Quantum Dots. $20,000 W. Anthony Oertling, Eastern Washington U. Photoinitiated pH Jump Studies of Intramolecular Electron Transfer in Cytochrome ba3 and Xanthine Oxidase. $20,000 Sheila J. Roberts, Bowling Green State U. Episodic Fluid Migration along Faults in Abnormally Pressured Sediments: A Numerical Investigation. $20,000 Elizabeth M. Sanford, Hope C. Synthesis of Structurally Regular Organic and Inorganic Molecular Tubes from Cyclodextrin Dimers. $20,000 JULY 31,1995 C&EN


ACS NEWS Andrew L. Sargent, East Carolina U. Ab Initio Quantum Chemical Studies of Homogeneous Models for the Catalytic Hydrodesulfurization of Thiophene. $20,000 Shawn C. Sendlinger, North Carolina Central U. New Synthetic Routes to Inorganic Oligomers and Polymers. $20,000 Andrew G. Sykes, U of South Dakota. Synthesis and Electrochemical Polymerization of Electroresponsive Crown Ethers. $20,000 Erich S. Uffelman, Washington & Lee U. Novel Ligands for Transition-Metal and Lanthanide Complexes. $20,000 Thomas D. Varberg, Macalester C. Electronic Structure of Transition-Metal Hydrides Studied by Laser Spectroscopy. $20,000 Lorraine W. Wolf, Auburn U. Crustal Structure across the Bering Strait, Alaska: Onshore Recording of a Marine Multichannel Seismic Survey. $20,000 Jose M. Workman, Centre C. Novel Ligands for Transition-Metal-Containing Liquid Crystals. $20,000 Carol B. de Wet, Franklin & Marshall C. Lower Cambrian Algal Reefs and Submarine Cements: Undolomitized Ledger Formation in South-Central Pennsylvania. $20,000

ACS-PRF Grants for Scientific Education (TypeSE) Millard H. Alexander, on behalf of the ACS Division of Physical Chemistry. Bimolecular Interactions of Free Radicals at the 212th ACS national meeting, Orlando, Fla., August 1996. $2,000 Susan L. Brantley, on behalf of the Mineralogical Society of America. Chemical Weathering Rates of Silicate Minerals at the Mineralogical Society of America Symposium, New Orleans, November 1995. $2,000 Christine A. B. Brennan, on behalf of the ACS Education Division. ACS Project SEED. Supplementary Program. $27,000 Richard T. Carlin, on behalf of the Electrochemical Society Inc. 10th International Symposium on Molten Salts at the 189th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, May 1996. $2,000 Dennis P. Curran, on behalf of the U of Pittsburgh. Organic-Free Radical Chemistry at the 1995 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, December 1995. $2,000 Philip E. Eaton, on behalf of the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry. New Organic Compounds: Novel Structures, Novel Properties at the 1995 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, December 1995. $2,000 Magda A. El-Nokaly, on behalf of the ACS Division of Cellulose, Paper & Textile Chemistry. Advances in Polysaccharides: Characterization and Applications at the 209th ACS national meeting, Anaheim, Calif., April 1995. $2,000 34

JULY 31/1995 C&EN

Ernest L. Eliel, on behalf of the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry. Stereochemistry (in memory of Samuel H. Wilen) at the 211th ACS national meeting, New Orleans, March 1996. $2,000 Arthur B. Ellis, on behalf of the ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry. Reactivity at Transition-Metal - S , - N , and -P Bonds at the 211th ACS national meeting, New Orleans, March 1996. $2,000 Alan D. English, on behalf of the ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry Inc. Solid-State NMR: Polymer Spectroscopy and Materials Imaging at the 1995 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, December 1995. $2,000 Pratibha L. Gai, on behalf of the Materials Research Society. In Situ Electron and Tunneling Microscopy of Dynamic Processes, with Applications to Heterogeneous Catalysis at the Materials Research Society fall meeting, Boston, November 1995. $2,000 Richard N. Gedye, Raymond J. Giguere, on behalf of the Canadian Society of Chemistry, Organic Division. Microwaves in Chemical Synthesis at the 1995 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, December 1995. $2,000 Mark S. Gordon, Gregory A. Voth, on behalf of the ACS Division of Physical Chemistry. Transition State from Dilute Gases to Condensed Media at the 211th ACS national meeting, New Orleans, March 1996. $2,000 Scott Han, on behalf of the ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry. Solid Superacids at the 1995 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, December 1995. $2,000 Dennis C. Jacobs, on behalf of the ACS Division of Physical Chemistry. Hyperthermal Energy Molecule-Surface Reactions at the 212th ACS national meeting, Orlando, Fla., August 1996. $2,000 Jeff W. Labadie, on behalf of the ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry Inc. Advances in Step-Growth Polymerization at the 209th ACS national meeting, Anaheim, Calif., April 1995. $2,000 Kazuko Matsumoto, on behalf of ACS and the Japan Chemical Society. Sulfur-Coordinated Transition-Metal Complexes: Biological and Industrial Significance at the 1995 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, December 1995. $2,000 Anthony J. Merer, on behalf of the U of British Columbia. 23rd International Symposium on Free Radicals, Victoria, Canada, August 1995. $2,000 Almeria L. Natansohn, on behalf of the ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry Inc. ChargeTransfer Interactions in Polymers at the 211th ACS national meeting, New Orleans, March 1996. $2,000 S. Ted Oyama, on behalf of Virginia Polytechnic Inst. & State U. Transition-Metal Carbides and Nitrides at the 1995 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, December 1995. $2,000 Robert F. Pasternack, on behalf of the ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry. Supramolecular Systems at the 212th ACS national meeting, Orlando, Fla., August 1996. $2,000

Joseph R. Peterson, on behalf of the ACS Division of Nuclear Chemistry & Technology. Chemical and Nuclear Properties of Actinides at the 1995 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, December 1995. $1,000 Matthew S. Platz, on behalf of the Ohio State U Research Foundation. Reactive and Unusual Molecules at the 1995 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, December 1995. $2,000 Donald S. Rimai, on behalf of the ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry Inc. Fundamentals of Adhesion and Interfaces at the 212th ACS national meeting, Orlando, Fla., August 1996. $2,000 David M. Rohr, on behalf of Sul Ross State U, USGS, ICS-IUGS. 2nd International Guadalupian Symposium, Alpine, Texas, April 1996. $2,000 Kirk S. Schanze, on behalf of the American Society for Photobiology. Transition-Metal Complex Photoprobes for DNA at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Photobiology, Washington, D.C., June 1995. $1,000 Chunshan Song, on behalf of the ACS Divisions of Fuel Chemistry and of Petroleum Chemistry Inc. Catalytic Conversion of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons at the 210th ACS national meeting, Chicago, August 1995. $2,000 John Texter, on behalf of the ACS Division of Colloid & Surface Chemistry. Interfacial Structure at the 210th ACS national meeting, Chicago, August 1995. $2,000 Thomas T. Tidwell, on behalf of the Organic Division, Canadian Society for Chemistry. Ketene Chemistry at the 1995 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, December 1995. $2,000 William B. Tolman, Judith N. Burstyn, on behalf of the ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry. Bioinorganic Chemistry of Nitrogen Oxides at the 211th ACS national meeting, New Orleans, March 1996. $2,000 Barbara K. Warren, S. Ted Oyama, on behalf of ACS Divisions of Colloid & Surface Chemistry and of Petroleum Chemistry. Heterogeneous Hydrocarbon Oxidation at the 211th ACS national meeting, New Orleans, March 1996. $2,000 Robert A. Weiss, on behalf of the ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry Inc. FlowInduced Structure Formation in Polymer Systems at the 1995 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, December 1995. $2,000 C. Grant Willson, on behalf of the ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering Inc. Polymers at the Boundaries at the 210th ACS national meeting, Chicago, August 1995. $1,000 Hsinjin E. Yang, on behalf of the ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry Inc. Polymer Alloys and Blends at the 1995 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, December 1995. $2,000 Richard G. Zepp, on behalf of the ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry. Aqueous Oxidants and Photooxidants in Environmental Systems at the 210th ACS national meeting, Chicago, August 1995. $1,200 •