Secondary School Section Survey

Are you an ACS member? DIVCHED member? Do you subscribe to the ... in their classrooms, revise and publish results. Brain Tinglers will be edited by R...
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SECONDARY SCHOOL SECTION SURVEY In planning the expansion of the Secondary School Section of the Journal we hope to meet the needs of a broad spectrum of teachers in many diverse teaching situations. In order to do this, we need to have input from the teachers in the field about their problemsand concerns and what they perceiveasuseful for their classrooms. Would you takea few moments to fill out the survey I d o w and send it tu me, along with any comments or suggestions you may have. If you do nut wish to cut up your Journnl, you may send a xerugraphic copy. Thank you all in advance for your assistance. Mickey Sarquis High School Editor Journal of Chemical Education Miami University-Middletown 4200 East University Blvd. Middletown. Ohio 45042

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D I V C H E D member? Do you subscribe to the JOURNAL?



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D o you read t h e Secondary School Chemistry section



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PHONE W h e r e a r e you employed?


Two Year College

High School




Approximately w h a t percent of your t i m e do you devote t o teaching chemistry? Please R A N K t h e following features according to their usefulness to you (current features) o r according to their preceived usefulness (future features); # 1being extremely useful a n d #5 being of little o r n o use. F o r description of proposed new features see s u m m a r y below


CURRENT F E A T U R E S High School Forum Ideas from Everywhere Chemical Principles Revisited Chem I Supplement View from My Classroom

1 1 1

2 2 2

3 3 3

4 4 4

5 5 5

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

The 50 Minute Experiment Brain Tinglers A Place for Chemists~ Chemical of the Month Curriculum News Apparatus Review

Yes No Are you interested in reviewing manuscripts for the JOURNAL? Yes No Are you interested in being a feature editor? If yes, whieh feature (Be sure togive name and address if answer to either of above is yes.) The bfl-minute Experiment: will emphasize "tested" laboratory exercises. Teachers will be urged to create materials, test them in their classrooms, revise and publish results. Rrain Tinglers will be edited by Rod O'Connor of Texas A & M. Mathematical problems and theoretical questions relating to practical applications to tingle the brains of student and teacher will be given along with answers in this monthly minifeature. A Place for Chemists will be a eareer-oriented feature whieh will investigate the numerous and diversified jobs available to chemists.

750 1 Journal of ChemicalEducation

Chemical of the Month will be a monthlv minifeature aimed a t inonr m- -e ~of descriotive chemistrv bv discussine" the crensinr ....structure, properties and uses of a variety of compounds. A Curriulum News Feature,as yet unnamed, willask teachers to take a critical look a t their curriculum and related materials; and teachers will be encouraged to report on new and innovative ideas they have tried. An Apparatus Review, also untitled, wiU present reviews of equipment commonly used in teaching high school chemistry. ~~~




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