Secretary Crowell at Cleveland - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

Secretary Crowell at Cleveland. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1918, 10 (9), pp 672–672. DOI: 10.1021/ie50105a001. Publication Date: September 1918. Note: In lie...
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No. 9

EDITORIALS want should be met, and met quickly. T u r n about is fair play! Assistant Secretary of War Benedict Crowell will deSome day when the strenuous demands for war liver t h e opening address a t the opening session of the supplies happily no longer exist, American chemists SOCIETY must seriously face t h e necessity of compiling in a n Annual Meeting of t h e AMERICANCHEMICAL a t Cleveland on September I O , 1918. Secretary authoritative manner great reference works for all Crowell has been a member of the Society since 1909. fields of chemistry, books written in our own language It will be both a pleasure and a privilege for those and adapted t o our own methods of work. This, attending t h e meeting t o hear t h e words of one who however, is no time for t h a t undertaking. Every has played so important and so intimate a part in the chemist is now, or soon will be, engaged upon problems organization of t h e great military machine which is directly bearing upon war supplies. destined t o deliver t h e deciding blow for t h e cause of A translation of Beilstein has been suggested, b u t democracy. this again calls for chemists not a t present available, T h e titles of all t h e addresses a t t h e opening session as t h e work of translation should be carried out indicate clearly t h a t t h e keynote of t h e meeting by those t o whom not only German, but also the will be how American chemists can contribute further language of chemistry, is known. Furthermore, a t o a quick and complete military victory. translation is not needed, for those who are qualiThe days of defensive warfare are behind us. From fied t o use Beilstein are able t o read German. now on greater a n d still greater must grow the powerWe would suggest and urge a reprinting of Beilstein ful offensive program which will crush every obstacle of resistance. The opportunity for personal conferences under conditions which would make it available at t h e Cleveland meeting should prove an efficient quickly t o all organic chemists. T o do this through means for discussion of many important problems t h e ordinary processes of linotyping and proof -reading which must be quickly solved. This feature alone would be impracticable because of the present shortage should draw together for common counsel a host of of labor and the lack of knowledge of German on t h e part of linotypists and proof-readers accustomed t o chemists. chemical literature. Fortunately, photographic methods are available, requiring a minimum of labor NO CHANGE IN EXPOSITION PLANS . The Fourth National Exposition of Chemical Indus- and insuring speed and absolute accuracy of reproductries will be held at t h e Grand Central Palace, New tion. T o make t h e proposition definite we have obtained York City, during t h e weekSeptember 23-28, 1918,as prices for zinc etchings from one of t h e largest enoriginally planned. This definite announcement has graving houses of New York City. For the 11,126 been made public b y the exposition management following conferences with representatives of t h e War pages of Beilstein t h e cost of zinc etchings a t standard prices would be $30,040.20. For t h e paper and press Department. The building will be taken over by t h e Government work (calculating on t h e quality of paper and charges on September 15, 1918,for conversion into a great for press work in publishing THISJ O U R N A L ) , $6,119.30 base hospital. No one connected with t h e exposition would be required for one thousand sets, making a management or with t h e chemical industries would be total of $36,159.50. Allowing for constantly adwilling even t o suggest t h a t any previously made plans vancing prices, and for royalty charges, $40,000 should should interfere with the promptest possible provision safely cover the entire costs, not including binding, of of relief and comfort for our returning wounded course. The legal right could undoubtedly be obtained soldiers. The size of t h e building, however, is so great from t h e Federal Trade Commission, under t h e Trading t h a t t h e work of conversion into a hospital cannot with the Enemy Act, for matters of copyright are inreach the three floors to be utilized for the Exposition before Octoher I, 1918. Government officials have cluded within t h e Act. Do we feel any qualms of patriotic conscience about therefore given full sanction t o the holding of t h e such a reproduction? Well, we should worry! GerExposition. mans are daily profiting in the conduct of the war through t h e utilization of American inventions, t h e TURN ABOUT IS FAIR PLAY For t h e past four years American chemists, particu- submarine, the telegraph, t h e telephone, the machine larly those in t h e organic field, have been working t o gun and what not. Let some one donate $30,000 and supply serious economic needs, notably in dyestuffs let t h e sets be sold a t $IO each (the ordinary cost is and medicinals. Worthily have they met t h e , situa- $100) so t h a t every organic chemist could have one tion! Yet in doing this these chemists have been right a t his hand, then-let the Germans worry. We commend this subject t o t h e Council of t h e laboring under a serious handicap, the shortage, proSOCIETY a t its Cleveland meeting. duced likewise by war conditions, of available sets of AMERICANCHEMICAL Where is t h e $30,000 t h a t will promptly set t h e zinc the greatest of all reference books in organic chemistry, Beilstein’s Halzdbztch der Organischelz Chemie. T h a t t o etching? SECRETARY CROWELL AT CLEVELAND