SECRETARY'S OFFICE - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 12, 2010 - Now Is the Time. Symbolic of any democracy is its vox populi Because the people speak in many voices and with many opinions, conclusion...
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DEC. 3 0.

19 57

Symbolic of any democracy is its vox populL Because the people speak in many voices and with many opinions, conclusions are reached slowly. Where there is no democracy, the people do not speak but action is rapid. In a democracy the people's voice is most loudly heard in the selection of persons to hold office. The Society is a democratic organization. Selection takes time. Time is needed in order to give all the members an opportunity to propose candidates for the many posts filled by election. Time is needed by the Committee on Nominations and Elections to examine the "credentials" of those proposed. Time is needed to present the candidates to the Council and then to the members for voting. A prescribed schedule is followed in order to achieve an orderly progression. It began with a letter to officers of local sections and divisions in October 1957 soliciting suggestions for posts to be filled on Jan. 1, 1959. These will be considered if received before March 3, 1958. From then until July 15, the Committee on Nominations and Elections and the Council Policy Committee tackle the big task of re­ viewing all suggestions, selecting those candidates considered most suited for the positions to be filled and ascertain­ ing their willingness to serve. The Council at its fall meeting elects the new members of the Council Policy Committee and the Committee on Nominations and Elections. It votes on the proposed lists of candidates for President-Elect and regional directors to narrow the number of candidates for each office down to two. These two candidates will b e presented t o the membership on Nov. 1, 1958. Those elected take office on Jan. 1, 1959. This sequence of events is a long process, b u t it is a democratic one. This is your opportunity to demonstrate the latter fact. There can never be a surplus of proposals. T h e larger the list and the more you contribute to it, the better the chance of selecting people you want to represent you. The positions for which you are re­ quested to suggest candidates are the following, for all of which the terms of incumbents expire on Dec. 3 1 , 1958:

President-Elect Director-at-large (incumbent whose term expires, Charles L. Thomas) Regional director, Second District: N e w York, Connecticut, and Rhode Island (incumbent, Louis P. Hammett) Regional director, Fifth District: Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Mis­ souri, and Kentucky (incumbent, Roy L. Whistler) Council Policy Committee (four to be elected; only 1959 councilors eli­ gible) (incumbents whose terms expire —Howard S. Nutting, Lloyd H. Reyerson, Byron Riegel, and William J. Sparks) Committee on Nominations and Elections (three to be elected; only 1959 councilors eligible) (incumbents whose terms expire—Karl A. Folkers, William A . Pardee, and William G. Young), None of the incumbents named above is known to b e ineligible for re-election. Some whose terms on CPC and N&E expire will be ineligible if not re-elected as councilors. Other directors-at-large are M. H. Arveson, Randolph T. Major, and Ralph Connor. The regional directors who continue in office are Arthur C. Cope, W. Conard Fernelius, Wallace R. Brode, and William G. Young. The elected members of the Council Policy Committee whose terms con­ tinue are Herman S. Bloch, Louis P. Hammett, Désirée S. leBeau, William von Fischer, Charles G. Overberger, J. Harold Perrine, Norris W. Rakestraw, and John H. Yoe. The members of the Committee on Nominations and Elections whose terms continue are Robert C. Elderfield, Sidney D. Kirkpatrick, Charles C. Price, R. C. Fuson, William A. Mosher, and John H. Nair. While there is still time, send your list of proposed candidates to: William A. Pardee Gulf Research & Development Co. P.0, Drawer 2038 Pittsburgh 3 0 , Pa. Each suggestion should be accompanied b y a biographical sketch and a statement indicating your reasons for believing that the person you propose is worthy of selection.

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