SECRETARY'S OFFICE - Chemical & Engineering News Archive

Nov 5, 2010 - Until recently, I have not been a member of any of the national committees, but for long have been active in our local section. There we...
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WAX ORDERS? W h a t will i t b e this time . . . t h e good D r . Jekyll or t h e evil Mr. Hyde? That's w h a t a l o t of w a x f o r m u l a t o r s w o n d e r as t h e micro-wax ship­ m e n t comes r o l l i n g in. W a x formulas a r e often in delicate chemical balance, a n d to insure u l t i m a t e performance of the w a x film, stability must be maintained. Y e t this is diffi­ cult if uniformity is lacking in t h e various components. Years ago, Bareco, the only company engaged exclusively in the manufacture of microcrystalline waxes, recognized uniformity as a "must". As a result this uni­ formity is evident in all 23 grades of Bareco Microcrystalline Waxes . . . 190/195; 180/185; Starwax; Ceraweld; Ceratak; Victory; Petronauba " C " ; Petronauha " D " — reliable products, quality tontrolled in Bareco's modern refin­ ery. Samples and literature setting forth full specifications arc avail­ able upon your request. You don't have to put u p with deviations in your micro-wax specifications. So get rid of the Jekyll and Hyde problem by testing and ordering Bareco Microcrystalline Waxes.




"I think there are many members of the ACS w h o are not fully aware that their particular problems can be dis­ cussed b e f o r e suitable cornrnittees at the o p e n meetings. Until recently, I hav^ not been a member of a n y of the national committees, but for long have been active i n our local section. There were many occasions when I could have saved myself and other members of our local committees considerable trouble by consulting with those i n the national groups w h o had more experience." if you are active in a local section, why not take advantage of this oppor­ tunity? If {/on have^ ideas of ways to improve ACS operations, you owe it to your 7 4 , 0 0 0 associates t o make them known. If you have criticisms, get t h e m off your chest. If you have ques­ tions, g e t an answer. It always has been possible t o do this through headquarters. F o r eight years there has been another mecha­ nism—open meetings of the Council Standing Committees. I t has the real a d v a n t a g e of providing a n opportunity for discussion a n d often it helps the committee concerned. F o r example, the Committee on Membership Affairs reported that at its open meeting in April its only visitor wanted suggestions for t h e local mem­ bership committee and t h a t t h e Stand­ ing Committee w a s "able to give him advice." In the discussion, "the visitor pointed out a number of ideas which are b e i n g utilized by his group." The chairman commented that "I think mu­ tual benefits resulted." T h e o n e attendant at t h e spring pub­ lic session of the Committee o n Consti­ tution a n d Bylaws w a n t e d opinions on the legality of a certain practice and information on the procedure for amendment of division bylaws. T h e Committee on National Meet­ ings and Divisional Activities had only one visitor in Cincinnati—the local chairman for the Minneapolis meeting wanted t o discuss plans. The commit­ tee chairman reported that subse­ quently "several people talked with me personally a b o u t things they think ought t o be changed in our arrange­ ments for meetings." W h y did those who b r o u g h t up four important prob­ lems in this way not take advantage of a c h a n c e to discuss these matters with the whole committee? Maximum attendance in April was at t h e meeting of the C o m m i t t e e on Publications but approximately half of the 12 visitors were editors a n d staff of various ACS journals. T h e chairman


believes t h e l a r g e participation resulted from advance a n n o u n c e m e n t of a t o p i c for discussion—why m e m b e r subscrip­ tions t o our journals are decreasing. T h e C o m m i t t e e o n Chemical E d u c a ­ tion welcomed five visitors to its Cin­ cinnati open m e e t i n g . Discussion r e ­ volved around t h e d r o p in percentage of students electing a science curric­ ulum. Particular attention was given to cause and t o w h a t t h e ACS could d o to rectify the situation. Nine persons representing seven sec­ tions conferred for t w o hours with t h e members of t h e Committee on Local Sectional Activities a t t h e spring m e e t ­ ing in regard to a variety of policy a n d operating matters. F r o m it came t w o suggestions w h i c h h e a d q u a r t e r s is im­ plementing. T h e role of the local sec­ tion in t h e h i g h school chemistry p r o ­ gram received major attention. T h e ACS is t h e most democratic or­ ganization in t h e world. So far as w e can. ascertain, it is t h e only one w h i c h provides opportunities twice a year for members to discuss Society problems with experts, to request information o n subjects that a r e n o t understood, t o file objections in regard to policies a n d programs, a n d t o make suggestions for improvement of services. Provision of these opportunities a n d the willingness to incur t h e necessary expense are a n expression of t h e So­ ciety's interest. If it is to b e effective, members must a c c e p t t h e responsibili­ ties inherent in democratic procedures a n d take advantage of t h e opportunity. T h e details a b o v e show that, except for members of t h e committees, only 29 people out of a registration of 5 4 9 6 in Cincinnati took p a r t in t h e open ses­ sions of six committees ( w e have n o i n ­ formation from t h e seventh ) . Some of the councilors o n these panels m a k e special trips or come early to partici­ pate in this effort to collect m e m b e r opinion. T h e small response is inter­ preted b y m a n y of t h e committeemen as lack of interest a n d makes t h e m question the p r o p r i e t y of their personal contribution of time a n d money. Will a truly democratic procedure fail from m e m b e r s h i p apathy? Is their professed interest in a democratic or­ ganization lip service? T h e answer i s in the hands of t h e m e m b e r s . T h e time and place for proof is Minneapolis, Sept. 11—14. T h e schedule is given in the program which was printed o n Aug. 8, page 3 2 8 6 .


