Secretary's Report, April 1999

Online abstracts are here as of the New Orleans ACS meeting with the ... advantaged Students into Careers in the Chemical Sciences, sponsored by the C...
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Chemical Education Today

Association Report: ACS Division of Chemical Education

Secretary’s Report, April 1999 by Jerry L. Sarquis Several actions were approved by the Executive Committee when it met during the Anaheim ACS meeting on March 20, 1999. One issue discussed was ways to involve more members in activities of the Division. J. J. Lagowski, chair, has appointed a task force to explore ways for the Division to become involved in ACS regional meetings. Glenn Crosby, Washington State University, ([email protected]) will chair the task force; members are: Richard Hermens (Eastern Oregon University), Mort Hoffman (Boston University), John Kenney (Eastern New Mexico University), Joe March (University of Wisconsin–Madison), and Carol White (Athens Area Technical Institute). Since it is difficult for many college teachers and most high school teachers to attend ACS national meetings due to location, expense, and time away from class, the goal is to have a CHED presence at regional meetings. Crosby and the members of the task force seek input to formulate some concrete proposals for consideration at the New Orleans ACS meeting in August, 1999. Both the Division and the Journal will have booths at ChemEd ’99 from August 2–6 at Sacred Heart University (Fairfield, CT). The CHED booth is being organized by Ron Perkins and will provide information about Division activities. To volunteer to help at the booth, contact Ron ([email protected]). The Journal booth (#48–49) will have information about all facets of the Journal. If you would like to help in the Journal booth, contact Elizabeth Moore in the Journal’s editorial office ([email protected]). Lillie Tucker-Akin ([email protected]) is the new chair of the Membership Committee. She is really excited about the opportunity to serve the Division. Lillie, who is also the High School Chair for the New Orleans ACS meeting, would welcome ideas for recruiting new members. Online abstracts are here as of the New Orleans ACS meeting with the OASYS Online Abstract Submittal System.

While traditional paper abstracts were still accepted for the New Orleans meeting, only online submission is possible for subsequent ACS meetings. Go to the ACS meetings page, You will be able to use graphics, view your abstract prior to submission, and get immediate confirmation. You also have the ability to make modifications until the deadline date. At the Council Meeting, Attila E. Pavlath and Alan Schriesheim were selected as candidates for the election for President-Elect of ACS in 2000. The candidates for Regional ACS Directors are: Maureen G. Chan and George F. Palladino (Region III); Glenn A. Crosby and Stephen A. Rodemeyer (Region VI). Recipients of several ACS awards presented their award addresses as part of the CHED program. These are described below and in the photographs at the bottom of the page. Mary Virginia Orna, College of New Rochelle and Chemical Heritage Foundation: “Can Any Good Thing Come Out of Nazareth? (John 1:46)”. 1999 George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical Education, sponsored by Union Carbide Corp. John L. Ihde, Wausau (Wisconsin) High School: “1 + 1 = 2, Or Does It?”. 1999 James Bryant Conant Award in High School Teaching, sponsored by Albemarle Corp. James N. Spencer, Franklin and Marshall College: “Thirty-Something Years of Undergraduate Research: A Retrospective.” 1999 ACS Award for Research at an Undergraduate Institution, sponsored by Research Corp. Ajay K. Bose, Stevens Institute of Technology: “Research Initiation for Science Excellence”. 1999 ACS Award for Encouraging Disadvantaged Students into Careers in the Chemical Sciences, sponsored by the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc. Jeanette Grasselli Brown, Chagrin Falls, OH: “Grandma, Please Wear Your Green Jumpsuit”. 1999 ACS Award for Encouraging Women into Careers in the Chemical Sciences, sponsored by Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.

photo by David Shaw

Recipients of 1999 ACS Awards

James N. Spencer


Left to right: John L. Ihde, Jeanette Grasselli Brown, Ajay K. Bose

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 76 No. 6 June 1999 •

Mary Virginia Orna