Sections Sponsor Contests, Awards - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 6, 2010 - A s high schools around the country wind up for the summer, many just-graduated students are looking forward to entering college next fa...
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WINS AWARD. One o f the awards given by local sections to high school students is that of the Kansas City Section. Here, H- M. Steininger of Standard Oil (Ind. ) , chairman o f the section's awards committee, presents the award to winner Gerald Goe of Northeast High School. Watching are H. F . Woodward ( left ) of Spencer Chemical·, section chairman; Payne Heimbrodt, manager of Chicago Apparatus, sponsor o f t h e award; and George Calvert, Goe's chemistry teacher

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Sections Sponsor Contests, A w a r d s Local sections p r o v i d e incentives for high school students to t a k e up careers in science

A s high schools around the country wind urj for the summer, many justgraduated students are looking forward to entering college next fall, ready to pursue scientific careers. One incentive for such a career has come from local ACS sections. Some of these sections have been active in contest and award programs designed to further interest i n science—especially chemistry. In Kansas City, for instance, the Kansas City Section administers one or more awards for some outstanding senior in the high scllools of Greater Kansas City who plans to go on to a career in chemistry o r chemical engineering. This year, Gerald Lee Goe of Northeast High School has w o n the

$150 prize. His teacher, George Calvert, received a $ 5 0 award, given as a teaching stimulus. The section has made these awards for the past six years, and for the past several years they have been sponsored by Chicago Apparatus Co. of Kansas City. Farther east, R. N . Foster and W. T. Bergs' om of Orange High School won first prize of a $100 government bond in the Creative Chemistry Award Contest, sponsored by the Cleveland Section. The contest drew 46 entries from 18 high schools. The winning entry showed the synthesis of H 2 S 0 4 from H 2 S. The contest's purpose: to stimulate interest in chemistry among technically minded high school students and to recognize outstanding achieve-

ments by the students as demonstrated by their projects. Still farther east, the Lackawanna Subsection of the North Jersey Section sponsored its Sixth Annual Chemistry Contest. Winner of the $100 government bond for first prize was Cynthia Kolh, a senior at Madison ( N . J.) High School. Her project was on the determination of ionization constants. And in Baltimore, the Maryland Section presented its first annual chemistry awards to winners in both junior and senior high school divisions at the Baltimore Science Fair. Anthony Knapp of McDonogh School headed the senior division with a study in solubility. James Cullen of Dumbarton Junior High School won first prize in the junior division with an exhibit demonstrating some structural characteristics of pure metals. Each received a $25 bond, a certificate in recognition of his achievement, and the privilege of selecting a scientific book which will be

donated in his name t^ the school library.

CA Index Delayed An unexpectedly large increase ira scientific literature and the inability to secure enough indexers for training have caused the annual indexes t o Chemical Abstracts to fall some 1 5 months behind schedule, according t o the Secretary's Office. It is now expected that the first part: of the Subject Index to Volume 5L ( 1 9 5 7 ) will be mailed in July. T h e second part of the Subject Index and the Formula Index will be mailed ira August. CA has instituted a speed-up pro— gram for the annual indexes and expects to reach a normal schedule fox* production by 1962. Annual indexes jT/ie only constant then will be fully distributed within six temperature cabinets built &o(hy that can offer— months following the close of the volume year. ADVANCED STYLING —tlie first truly modern design in its Bold . . . based on a long tradition of quality ÏELECTRONIC CONTROL —toprovide instantaneous and trouble-free operation . . . no moving parts to stick or fail T E M P E R A T U R E RANGES ΊΓ0 3 2 5 ° C ^-selling a new standard for labora­ tory ovens and anticipating your fulitre needs ΡΚΟΎΕΝ T E M P E R A T U R E UMFORMITY —backed up by published test data showing the temperature through­ out xhe entire working chamber -EXCLUSIVE SAFETY DESIGN —including non-arcing control and completely shielded low watt den­ sity black heat heater banks Λ COMPLETE LINE —all sizes and types . . . a model for evciry need —ovens, incubators, sterilizers or special purpose

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* Section Honors Past Chairmen Twenty-three of the 27 living past chairmen of the South Jersey Section attended a dinner meeting held in their honor at Glassboro State College. At the meeting were H. W. Walker (top row, left) of D u Pont; C. E . Carr of D u Pont; J. W . Brooks of Socony Mobil Research; B. M. Sturgis, A. C. Stevenson, R. A. Brooks, C. B. Biswell, all of Du Pont; H. E. Rasmussen (middle row, left), C. J. Plank:, P. D. Caesar, all of Socony Mobil; D. E. Kvalnes, J. M. Tinker, both of Du Pont; L. C. Drake of Socony Mobil; H. H. Holmes, W. F. Filbert, both of D u Pon*; P. C. Bowers (bottom row, left), A. S. Yount, H. E. Woodward, all retired; F. B . Downing of D u Pont; H. C. Calcott, not active; C. J. Teaham, retired; H. G . Doherty of Socony Mobil; and H. R. Lee, retired. Not able to attend were W. F \ T,vombley, A. A. O'Kelley, R. C. Hansford, and A. W. Francis.


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