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SEE HOW SOUTHERN NITROGEN USED ALCOA ALUMINUM TO BAN CORROSION Southern Nitrogen Corporation, the South's newest nitrate fertilizer producer, recently completed a $14million plant near Savannah, Georgia. Nearly everywhere y o u look in this modern processing operation you see ALCOA® Aluminum (over 500,000 lbs) at work t o combat corrosion. The photographs o n these pages show a few of the many ways it is used there. It's easy t o see why Southern Nitrogen used so much ALCOA Aluminum. N o other metal provides so m a n y valuable benefits for such a wide variety of uses. A n d ALCOA, alone, can offer unparalleled technical assistance based o n over 30 years' experience applying all these aluminum advantages in the process industries: • Excellent corrosion resistance extends service life and reduces maintenance to a minimum. • Light weight—high strength make handling easy and economical . . . often permit substantial construction economies.

• High thermal conductivity combined with corrosion resistance often makes aluminum t h e lowest cost material suitable for many demanding heat transfer operations. • Nonsparking! · Nonmagnetic! · High reflectivity! • Excellent electrical conductivity J The plant designers,The Girdler Company, m a d e full use o f all the advantages of working with ALCOA. They were able t o employ t h e unequaled aluminum experience of ALCOA engineers . . . to help them choose t h e right aluminum alloys a n d fabrication methods for dependable, corrosion-free service in every part of .the plant. When you have a metal problem, call o n ALCOA to find a s o u n d , economical aluminum answer. Consult t h e nearby ALCOA sales office listed in t h e Yellow Pages of y o u r telephone directory. O r outline your metal needs i n a letter to A L U M I N U M COMPANY OF

AMERICA, 901-K Alcoa Building, Pittsburgh 19, Pa.

The G i r d l e r Company designed this huge new nitrate fertilizer plant for Southern Nitrogen Corporation. The plant is designed for a n n u a l production o f 1 2 0 , 4 5 0 tons of ammonium nitrate fertilizer, 9 1 , 2 5 0 tons of nitric acid, 1 0 , ? 5 0 tons o f urea a n d 3 2 8 , 5 0 0 tons of fertilizer solutions· 36


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Plant employs thousands of feet of Alcoa Aluminum piping and conduit and is liberally painted with highly reflective aluminum coatings. These 1,650,000 gallon storage tanks of Alcoa Aluminum alloy 5052 successfully fight the corrosive action of 8 5 % ammonium nitrate. The tanks, 9 4 ft in diameter by 32 ft high, were built b y Chicago Bridge & Iron Co.

Corrosion-resistant Alcoa Aluminum (alloy 6 0 6 1 Τό) was used throughout this prilling tower . . . t o prolong service life with­ out frequent, costly main­ tenance shutdowns. Built b y The Steel Products Co., Inc., Savannah,

Alcoa Aluminum in these ammonia absorber coolers prevents corrosion while providing constantly high heat transfer efficiency. Coolers built b y Henry Vogt Machine Co. The superior corrosion resistance o f Alcoa Aluminum in tank cars pro­ longs service life a n d prevents product contamination. Tanks buiir b y Graver Tank & M f g . Co., Inc. for Union Tank Car C o .

Lightweight gratings of Alcoa Alu­ minum a r e used i n t r a f f i c a r e a s throughout the Southern N i t r o g e n plant. They stand u p under heavy traffic and easily withstand the attack o f corrosive industrial atmospheres.

Alcoa Aluminum in electrical bus b a r , conduit, fixtures and enclosures gives Southern Nitrogen effective protection from electrical breakdowns during prolonged exposure to corrosive in­ dustrial atmospheres.

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"ALCOA THEATRE" Exciting Adventure Alternate Monday Evenings


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