See Your New Product Here? - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 5, 2010 - Publication Date: August 16, 1948. Copyright © 1948 American Chemical Society. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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See Your New Product


The upkeep of cars, trucks, and buses creates one of the first markets for organic chemicals. And it will remain on top because the variety of chemicals it uses every day grows every year. The development of this market for automotive specialties is worth your constant attention. Research . . . in solvents, polymers, emulsions, cleaners and other automotive maintenance chemicals... is pointing the way to many new products you can develop. Some are sure to spell real profits to you. Carbide and Carbon Chemicals, a pioneer in aliphatic chemistry and now a supplier of over 200 industrial organic chemicals, continues to lead in research of this type. Our efforts are aimed at giving practical, down-to-earth assistance in the development of new products and the improvement of old ones.

Today, automotive upkeep takes huge quantities of anti-freezcshydrulic fluids; shackle and top-cylinder lubricants; glass, tire and allied products. Tomorrow, it u,ill be hundreds of never things For informanon on chenncals you can use in developing this market call or write our nearest office for a copy of booklet E-82, "Synthetic Organic

CARBIDE and CARBON CHEMICALS CORPORATION Unit of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation

30 East 42nd Street UCC Hew York 17, N. Y.

Offices in Principal Cities In C a n a d a : Carbide a n d Carbon Chemicals, Limited, Torontc