SEEING IS SAVING... - Chemical & Engineering News Archive (ACS

Nov 6, 2010 - SEEING IS SAVING... Chem. Eng. News , 1959, 37 (46), p 55. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v037n046.p055. Publication Date: November 16, 1959. Copyrigh...
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SEEING IS S A V I N G . . . O n e i m p o r t a n t advantage of plant models is that manage­ ment can fully exercise their judgment a n d experience i n approving design and layout before construction starts. Here, SunOlin Chemical Company vice-president S. S. J o h n s o n and president James I. H a r p e r are shown review­ ing, with Kellogg project manager R o b e r t Jacks, details of their new 200 ton/day urea plant—now being built by KLellogg, using the Fauser-Montecatini Process. For SunOlin, as for many Kellogg clients, scale models have proved t o be an unequalled communications tool for m a n a g e m e n t . . . a superior design tool for engineers . . . a m o d e r n construction t o o l for field w o r k e r s . . . a sure way, i n every way, t o minimize man-hours and materials. Kellogg-built models have obviated planning stages

and piping key p l a n s .. . eliminated hundreds of complex drawings . . . avoided countless h o u r s for reviewing, changing, and interpreting design and construction de­ tails on p a p e r .. . saved clients real time and money from plant conception to completion. T o learn more about this economic, KLellogg-developed approach to engineering and building new plants, write for the 12-page Model Kelloggram.

THE M . W- KELLOGG COMPANY 711 Third Avenue, New York 17, N.Y. Λ Subsidiary of Pullman Incorporated Offices of Keiiofe^ 5ubsi