Selected bibliography of computer programs in chemical education

Jan 1, 1981 - Selected bibliography of computer programs in chemical education. Warren T. Zemke. J. Chem. Educ. , 1981, 58 (1), p 50. DOI: 10.1021/ ...
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order of data entrv was reversed. If a 1is substituted for the initial 6 in each ofthe numhers of the set of data, the correct value for the standard deviation is obtained. Similar substitution of 0 for 6 gives a set that the Sharp can handle properly. And, even with calculators that display the same number of significant figures, differences in answers may result because of different numbers of figures carried internally, or by differences in roundine off orocedures. Priorto submitting the final draft of this note for publication we wrote to Hewlett-Packard, Texas Instruments, and Sharp Electronics to indicate our findings and request clarification as to the method used by each calculator to calculate standard deviation. The only reply received by the publication deadline was from Sharo. I t stated that formula 3 above is used by the EL-5808. Editor's Note: The fact that the result of such a simple calculation as this can vary depending on the formula used, even though all formulas are identical algebraically, might serve as an introduction to real (as opposed to infinitely precise) calculations. Because of round-off errors, i t does matter which method one chooses for a given calculation.

Selected Bibliography of Computer Programs in Chemical Education Warren T. Zemke Wartburg College Waverly. IA 5 0 6 7 7 This hihliography is an extension to the earlier bibliography found in the CONDUIT 1977 State of the Art Reports and also noted in this Journal (7); all references are to this Journal for the years 1976 through 1979. Besides the author, title, and location of each entry, the computer language and machine are given if available. No article is listed more than once even though there may be mention of more than one type of program in the article. To assist the reader, a brief statement about the Droerams or usaae is often eiven. The articles are cataloged ;n&r four headings: (1) ~ i o g r a m sfor Chemical Calculation, (2) Programs for Simulation or Display Purposes, (3) Programs for Treatment of Experimental Data, and (4) Programs for Grading, Sorting, and Record-keeping. Bibliography entries are limited t o programs for digital

SO / Journal of Chemical Education

Results of Calculating Standard Deviallon Uslng Various Pocket Calculators. How Calc~lated

Common arllhmetic HP-45 HP-45 (reverse order entry) SRdlA SR-51-11 TI-55 TI-58 Sharp EL-5808 Wang-2200

Mean 6.11594 6.11594 6.11594 6.11594 6.11594 6.11594 6.11594 8.11594 6.11594

Standard Dsviation Iof a ramold 1.140175425 X lo-' 0.000000000 1.581138630 X lo-' 1.140175 X lo-' 1.140175 X lo-' 1.118X l O P 1.140175 X l O P 0. 1.11803398 X lo-'

computers. Due to increased usage, microcomputer and programmahle calculator programs are included. With rare exception, programs involved in computer-controlled direct interface experiments are excluded. Although this Journal contains numerous articles on the use of programs in the chemical curriculum, an article was not included in the bibliography unless the author indicated that a program was available upon request. The earlier hihlioeraohv covered the vears 1967-75. Persons interested in obtaining the updated 1976-79 bibliography can send $1to CONDUIT. Box 388. Iowa Citv. IA 52244. Persods wishing the complete 1967-79 bibliography should send $2.


Literature Cited I l l Pmen@d s t i h e 4 i h Narinnsl Workahopon Cnmpullra in Chemical FAueslim.Es*llrn Michlynn llnive~rily.Ypxilanli, Michiyan, I7 Auyust 1979,l'hisw~,rkwar~upporlld by n IiDC 1:rsnl h m the P ~ w u l ~Develcrpmunr y Commirllu n i Mzriimaik College. Submitted liy Mi. ,I. 'i'. Curiie. dr, in partial fulilllmenl lor rho H.S. desrss in Chemblry,.lune 1979. 121 Prrrant acldraxr: Chcmie~lyDeparrment, Viryinia Polyreehnie lnrfitufe and State University, Hlnckabur8, YA 24061. IS) Bell. H. M., I. C H R M RDIJC., 5425 119751. 141 Celkins, K. 0. and M e y , K. P,,.I. CHEM. RI)UC., 56,522 119781. 151 13vans.J.CHL:M EI>UC.,53, 198ll9761. H ~1.: A,,.!. ~CHIIM. Enrrc.. ~ 62, ~ 186 1197~1. ~ ~ ~ IS) I J ~ I , I , . I.I. (71 Pora listiny d o t h e r pn,yramai,ithls~~ntvrepublishedin.l.CHBM RDUC.. t h e r e d e r is reierrrd to W. Zomke. "Selected Hibiigrai,hy ,of Computer 13royramain Chemical Education." Condu,t/Ccntral. Iowa City. IA 52240; J. CHRM. EIXIC.. 52, 59? lIil751. 181 Hem,". J. 1)udl~y.Seiencs T*oehor. 4Illl. 26 lI(n7):Streitherw, E., Seimrr Teacher, &dl"), :I5 (1977); Pmcpedinyx o i an Intornelimnl Cwlerence on lntrduetory Chemistry, McMsrter Llniversity. Hamilton, Ontario. June 1978: Hcnt. H.. el a!., d. C H E M I?I)UC.,55,818119710. 19) Worthy, W., Chum. E n 8 Nrrux. 571:151 Y O 119191. 110) Mmre. d. W. and Mum. I(.A,. "Bnvin,nmenlalCh~mistry."A~adcmiePrsu. New Vwk. lWa; Eduruliun in Chrmislry.

MaeAuliffr,C.A,, 15.21 11978.
