Selected dates in American chemistry: February - Journal of Chemical

Selected dates in American chemistry: February. George B. Kauffman. J. Chem. Educ. , 1976, 53 (2), p 73. DOI: 10.1021/ed053p73. Publication Date: Febr...
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Fehruary 4.1936 Fehruaryfi, 1845

Fehruary 9. 1950 Fehruary 11.1914

February 14,1813

Fehruary 14.1873

Fehruaw 14.1961

J. J. L i v i n g d a t the University of California. Berkeley produces the first synthetic radioactive substance. Oliver Wolcott Gihhs suhmits to the College of Physicians of New York "An Inaugural Dissertation on a Natural System of Chemical Clansification." prohahly the first American endeavor in this area. Californium (element 98) is discovered by ion exchange chromatngraphy a t the University of California. Berkeley. Alwin Mittasch and Christian Schneider file an application resulting in U S . Patent dercrihinp the catalytic production of methanol from CO and Hz. James Cuthush, President of the Columhian Chemical Snciety, notifies former President Thomas deffersnn of his election as patron of the snciety. DeporiLs of h r a x and other soluble snlts are discovered in San Remardino Cnuntv. Calif. hv Dennis Searle and I?. M. Skiiings. Lawrencium (element 103) is oroduced a t the University of California, Rerkeley.

Fehruary 15. 1954 First bevatron begins operation a t the University of California, Berkeley. Fehruary 16, 1814 T h e last notice of the Columhian Chemical Scriety, placed in the Philadelphia newspaper "Aurora." by John Craig Hebertnn. Secretary, requests honorary memhern to attend the monthly meeting. February 19.1955 One atom of Mendeleevium (element 101) is produced hy He hnmhardment of 1 hillion atoms of "%s. Fehruary 22.1956 The United States releases $1 million worth of uranium for peaceful atomic power. Fehruary 23.1886 Charles Martin Hall produces the first electrolytic aluminum. Fehruary23. 1941 T h e first successful oxidation of plutonium (element 941, the key step in its discover?., is effected by use of S 2 0 8 and a Ag+ catalyst. Fehruary 28,1854 Josiah Parsons Cooke communicates to the American Academy of Arts and .%iences in Bmton a paper "The Numerical Relatinn between the Atomic Weights, with Some Thoughts on the Classification of the Chemical Mements." a scheme more elahorate and complete than any preceding it.

Volume 53,Number 2,February 1976

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