Selected dates in American chemistry: September - Journal of

Selected dates in American chemistry: September. George B. Kauffman. J. Chem. Educ. , 1976, 53 (9), p 543. DOI: 10.1021/ed053p543. Publication Date: ...
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George B. Kauffman California State University Fresno. 93740

Selected Dates in American Chemistry September

Septemher 5,1925

Arthur Holly Compton and R. L. Doan communicate to the National Academy of Sciences their paper "X-Ray Spectra from a Ruled Diffraction Grating," describing the first determination of X-ray wavelengths [Proc. Nat. Aced. Sci., 598 (1925)j. September 7,1916 In US. Patent 1,152,930, Carl Bosch, Alwin Mittasch, George Stern, and Hans Wolf claim "making ammonia synthetically by passing hydrogen and nitrogen over iron, and aluminum oxide or other carrier, under 100 atmospheres pressure or more a t 450n." Discovery of Konel, a cobalt-nickel alloy Septemher 9,1929 used as a substitute for platinum in radio tubes, is announced by Westinghouse Laboratories. September 10,1768 The earliest chemical contribution from the USA, dated Septemher 10, 176&"An Analysis of the Chalyheate Waters of Bristol in Pennsylvania" by Dr. John de Normandie, appears in Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. September 10,1947 First weighing of a pure compound of a synthetic element (PuOz) (2.77 ~ g ) by B. B. Cunningham, L. B. Werner, and M. Cefola on a Salvioni balance, in Room 405 of the Jones Laboratory a t the University of Chicago, now a National Historical Landmark. September 13,1938 US. Patent Office issues 2 patents to Morris S. Kharasch for "Stabilization of Sulfur-ContainingCompounds and Systems" U.S. 2,130,321, and "Stabilization of Hydroxy Benzenoid Compounds and Tetravalent Sulfur Compounds against Metal Catalysts," U.S. 2,130,322.

September 15,1823

Charles Hatchett is elected a corresnondent for the chemical section of the Academie des Sciences.

September 15,1972

September 19,1782 Septemher 23,1878 September 23,1949

September 25,1811

September 25,1813 September 27,1934

September 28,1879

Septemher 29,1904 September 29,1972

Michael B. McElroy and Thomas M. Donahue present a detailed chemical dynamic model for a moist Martian atmosphere. The Harvard Medical School is officially organized. The American chemist Thomas Sterry Hunt lectures to the French Acadbmie des Sciences on celestial chemistry. President Harry S. Truman announces that the U.S.S.R. is exploding atomic bombs, thus breaking the US. atomic monopoly. The first meeting of the Columbian Chemical Society, the third American chemical society to come into existence, is announced in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania newspaper Aurora. Charles Hatchett (1765-1847) publishes a method for separating iron from manganese. The discovery of an abrasive to replace diamond dust (B4C),is announced to the Electrochemical Society in New York. In a letter to H. Endemann, who wrote an article in the Journal of the American Chemical Society entitled "A Review of the Latest Investigations on the Dissociation of the Elements at High Temperature," Victor Meyer states that communications in English journals reporting Meyer's separation of oxygen from chlorine are incorrect. Blandot's N-rays are exposed by the American physicist R. W. Wood in a letter in the journalNature. Physicists Frank von Hippel and Joel Primack, in Science, report that the executive branch of the Federal government draws heavily on the expertise of scientists. hut nolitical considerations often undercut their advice.

Volume 53, Number 9, September 1976 / 543