Selected studies in chemical kinetics: Thirty-fifth annual Priestley

Selected studies in chemical kinetics: Thirty-fifth annual Priestley lectures (Daniels, Farrington). Joseph F. Treon. J. Chem. Educ. , 1962, 39 (4), p...
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BOOK REVIEWS I t is doubtful wherc a course, using this t,ext ns a basis, ran be fitted into an already overcrowded mmirulum. The scope of the book is not m r h that it may he suhstituted in t,he customary stoirhiometric course. Hence, it is recommended as a, supple mentar? text, not as a substitute for the excellent lmoks in the stoichiometric field.

Selected Studies in Chemical Kinetics: Thirty-Fifth Annual Priestley Lectures

Farrington Daniels, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Published by Phi Lambda Upsilon and the Department of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, 1961. vi 123 pp. Figs. 21.5 X 27.5 cm. Paper bound. $2.75.


The Priestley lecturers are more than recognized authorities; they are m m known t o he able to make their subject understood by undergraduates. Professor Daniels has been well chosen on both counts. As can be expected, this is mainly a N-0 story, hut a story n.ell told, excellent as supplemental reading for m y physical chemistry course. W.F.K.

Toxicology: Mechanisms and Analytical Methods. Volume 2

Edited by C. P. Slmoa~t,University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and A. Stolnmn, Connecticut State Department of Health, Hartford. Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1961. rvi 921 pp. Figs. and tablea. 16.5 X 23.5 cm.



T h i s volume is sn extension of the Volume 1 of this series produced by a team who are experts in their field. I n the second volume, the authors have continued the same format as Volume 1. The book contains adequate descriptions of general procedures of analyses, along with pertinent bihliography so that an analyst, somewhat versed in technique, may satisfactorily ohtain the desired results. The section which relates to enzymatic activity is stimulating. Both t,he author and the reviewers encourage pursuit of such studies, since they should be valuahk in understanding the basic mechanism of toxicological activity. However, a r o r d of caution is offered that such chanees

this respect over a proper period of time. The reviewers were impressed wit,h (Continued on page .4318)



Journal o f Chemical Education